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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. very much a teenage boy response - I get that all the time after the dust settles and the semester is complete and before all the grades - I would have a frank discussion with him about this matter and the reality of "stepping it up" for college level courses. In the end, he is responsible for his grades, etc.
  2. scenario 2 seems diceyfor the school ( I believe the instructor got his/her desired result) - back in my dinosaur days this could have happened if one student had to take a test early and then shared it with other students which definitely would have been cheating
  3. one silver lining - digital version is delayed so hopefully DS will be done with all this testing before they go "digital" His AzMerit Common Core tests were digital which are quite awkward for the Math input. [For essays I think keyboard input would be a big improvement such as for AP exams.]
  4. discuss the test and actual scores - celebrate or lament
  5. I created a new thread because that one became "how to get your PSAT scores 2016" which is also a good topic
  6. Proud Papa - DS Selectivity Index score 215 - he could be in contention for NMSQT in AZ
  7. Yes the GC Physics course I linked is akin to a college algebra-based physics course - in a few years time your student would enjoy it but by then there may be better MOOCs. I also did this MOOC a few years ago as a quick review: https://www.open2study.com/courses/basic-physics The lectures were also good and some of the problems I had to work at. It has a fixed start and end. I have not tried this out on my DS 16.
  8. Has anyone used CourseTalk to help find courses? https://www.coursetalk.com/ reply here if possible: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/631270-speaking-of-moocs/
  9. Has anyone used CourseTalk to help find courses? https://www.coursetalk.com/ also https://www.class-central.com/ https://www.mooc-list.com/
  10. 1) Read the GC reviews and try to find a sample lecture on Youtube before purchasing any GC. Always buy on sale. 2) This professor gives great lectures: http://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/physics-and-our-universe-how-it-all-works.html I really enjoyed them. I will look at the Udacity site. Is this it? https://www.udacity.com/course/intro-to-physics--ph100 It only has 7 lessons.
  11. The Great Courses lectures were originally designed for the "Adult Learner". They usually get very good presenters/lecturers from across academia. If purchased on sale, for what you are getting I think they are quite good value. Many of them do not exactly translate to a course you would actually take in college so be aware but some of the MOOCs fall into this category as well. We have also borrowed some Great Courses DVDs from the library. To use the Great Courses lectures for a credit course you would need to add assessments and sometimes assignments. The MOOC course availability sometimes does not fit your school schedule. I would consider using both on an individual basis. Compared to a full online course such as Wilson Hill or PAH they are both inexpensive but you may have to do the extra legwork such as grading and assessments.
  12. FYI - most of the inexpensive online college options (such as Clovis CC) do not offer any real STEM courses.
  13. google: "Cutting College Costs: 209 Community Colleges with Dorms" Kiddo can still get away from the parents but you pay less tuition. Some states do not have any.
  14. http://www.onlinecollegecourses.com/calculus/ https://learn.saylor.org/course/index.php?categoryid=13> If you use a free MOOC then the CLEP or AP exam may be the way to get college credit (if desired). http://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/change-and-motion-calculus-made-clear-2nd-edition.html ======================================== change your Violin lesson time for one semester :closedeyes:
  15. ? please explain? - I am assuming your child is at least 18 - Are you not an "adult" at that age?
  16. For those like me who had no idea what the term "richsplaining" meant: http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/27190-you-just-got-richsplained
  17. Why couldn't the University of Denver just offer scholarships based on the data submitted in the application? Or is the primary mission of Raise.me to get students to apply to their member colleges? I guess I am jaded and want to know what the 'catch' is.
  18. http://fortune.com/2016/11/30/student-loans-debt/ There certainly is a lot of student debt these days. http://www.gao.gov/assets/690/681064.pdf
  19. read the article quite the pampered child - good luck in life live in VA - college in CA yes there will be plane fare - don't fly home for Thanksgiving or you will go broke
  20. depending on the subject and the college a "3" could give you credits
  21. UC Scout APUSH? http://www.ucscout.org/courses/apushistory Typically Juniors take APUSH. Junior year is usually the hardest load-wise. My DS is taking four AP classes.
  22. Sometimes you can borrow AP study guides from the local library. Better to know early before you commit the time to find the exam location and the expense.
  23. What study guide or websites did you use? Were you happy with them?
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