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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Seminar for Parents with Gifted Mathematicians Online Sat. Feb 18, 7pm Mountain $18 Outschool.com [i have no affiliation nor I have used this website.]
  2. http://homepages.math.uic.edu/~bpower6/stat101/probability%20examples.pdf
  3. Does this mean a lack of solution guides, test packets, teacher editions, etc for the australian highschool textbooks? A far number of folks here have used just the american math textbooks with above supplements to create their courses. You could probably find scope and sequence syllabi via "google". Looks like they use different tracks by ability: https://www.haesemathematics.com.au/australian-curriculum
  4. I believe Thinkwell has moved to a streaming format - you may still be able to purchase some used courses on CD-ROM or DVD format from eBay etc. Update some Thinkwell courses still have the CD set available for purchase.
  5. Common core allows either the traditional sequence or a more integrated sequence - either way other topics such as Probability and Statistics need to be integrated through the school years as well as Algebra, Geometry and Trig. A few local school districts here "created" their own integrated material but it is a mess and has no rhyme or reason for the sequencing. Maybe the European countries have solved this problem but for what I have seen so far, I would rather stick with a more traditional sequence. We will never have national standards in the USA so moving from one state to another during the school years will always be an issue.
  6. I think the +/- system was/is an answer to college grade inflation and a return to more bell shaped curves - if you really worked hard and only got a B that would be more disappointing, I would be happy with the A- myself. I have seen: A 4.0 A- 3.75 B+ 3.25 B 3.00 B- 2.75 C+ 2.25 C 2.00 D 1.00 F 0.00 There should be no A+ (we have that in HS) Students coming from our grade-inflated high schools probably expect the same easy grading. I went to one college that had this back in the day: A 4.0 AB 3.5 B 3.0 BC 2.5 C 2.0
  7. probably an instructor versus textbook thing - Larson certainly has plenty of problems to choose from I guess you can't judge a course by its textbook. Maybe you could ask the teacher to give a few more challenging problems per week - I'm not a big believer in doing a lot of busywork problems.
  8. I think they dropped using the "Honors" name this is the 2nd semester line-up Foerster Algebra 2, Part Two High School Level Tuesday, January 10, 2017-Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Meets 12:00 PM-1:00 PM EST on Tue Instructor: Hoeft, Jean Subject: Math Level: High School Level Tuition: $215.00 Status: Available --------------------------------------------------------- Holt-McDougal-Larson Algebra 2, Part Two (formerly called Honors Algebra 2) High School Level Tuesday, January 10, 2017-Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Meets 4:00 PM-5:00 PM EST on Tue Instructor: Frederick, Thomas Subject: Math Level: High School Level Tuition: $215.00 Status: Available Holt-McDougal-Larson Algebra 2 as an honors text versus Foerster - no way in my book!
  9. We used it for after-schooling (mostly summer). I covered a fair amount of the chapters because DS had just completed Alg2 in 9th at his B&M but it was woefully short of good word problems and they missed some topics. We did only odd problems (answers in back) and did not get any solution manual or teacher edition. Some folks use: https://mathwithoutborders.com/algebra-2-trigonometry (For Precalc I got solutions manual).
  10. Be sure to cover some Prob and Stats - I would see what they cover for "7th and 8th grade math" at the school
  11. in my day they just looked at the expressions on the student faces at various points during the lecture :closedeyes:
  12. A real syllabus is a rarity these days - mostly they just describe expected behavior and what notebooks are needed - which should be in the general school catalog/manual - To see actual course content to be covered - especially with chapters is a real coup good luck
  13. device wise you are fine - it is the web browser that really matters - you can always install one that works
  14. Actually you should find out what the PS covered for both 8th grade math and Algebra 1 and compare with your program. More than likely you will need to plug some holes or they may place your student in Algebra 1 again.
  15. DECEMBER 2016 update: Still looking for reviews Some info I found: current course offerings: http://www.ucscout.org/courses I am really only interested in AP level courses at this time. current pricing still good: http://www.ucscout.org/plans Anybody use Basic, Plus or Premium? https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/online-program-gives-all-students-access-college-prep-curriculum One review from Dec 2014 http://blog.sukiwessling.com/2013/06/uc-scout-curriculum-a-new-option-for-homeschoolers/ FAQ http://www.ucscout.org/faq Uses Canvas learning management system some text books being used: https://www.sandiegounified.org/schools/sites/default/files_link/schools/files/schools/ihigh_virtual_academy/APTextbooks_iHighOnePager_082216.pdf Does access to an "electronic" version come with the materials? sample videos: google vimeo uc scout
  16. You could try Ubuntu MATE from a flash drive to see if that resolves your connectivity issues. (Then you would know it was the SW). https://ubuntu-mate.org/about/ This is also very good for "reviving" old Windows machines that now don't perform well anymore or came with Vista. "pave it over". It comes with the Firefox browser but you can also install Chrome or Chromium. All free!
  17. Yes Scope and Sequence for different programs for Algebra 2 and even their overlap with Precalc can be quite different so once you get half-way through it is hard to change. How about slowing up the math pace a little and carry it into early next summer. After AP season ends, you can crank up the math pace again. (obviously discuss with your student). Lay out the lessons on a calendar. For now, spend some time reviewing the material that has been covered already but not yet mastered.
  18. Your making my DS' habits look like he doesn't procrastinate at all :lol:
  19. 2nd Semester http://ccsd.net/resources/math-instructional-tech/algebra2-practice-s2.pdf
  20. 1) academics - see wapiti's post above - I assume In-state means a public school 2) cost of travel - draw a "comfortable drive distance in hours" circle around your town - if you have to fly to the college that could be a show-stopper (my two older siblings went to fly-away colleges but I can't imagine carting all that needed "stuff" on a plane these days)
  21. Of course Science and Math courses need the video to support the lecture
  22. Crash Course appears to be Calculus based since they cover derviatives and integrals in episodes 2 and 3 ?? =================================== this Bozeman is incomplete: http://www.bozemanscience.com/physics/ but their AP Physics 1 & 2 look complete: http://www.bozemanscience.com/ap-physics/ which are Algebra based (same as a regular HS Physics). this school http://www.georgetownisd.org/Page/14889 uses http://www.ergopedia.com/ergoweb/img/home/home/EP_2014.pdf OR http://www.pedersenscience.com/uploads/5/6/3/8/56384743/ap_physics_1_syllabus_2015_2016.pdf =================================== Flipping Physics: http://www.flippingphysics.com/faqs.html NYS Regents is solid HS level!
  23. https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_urban_inside_the_mind_of_a_master_procrastinator Is this it? I saw it before earlier this year
  24. this has some: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/540313-homeschool-high-school-physics/?do=findComment&comment=6153673 ================================================== FYI You could use the NYS Regents course as a guideline - lots of stuff out there: scope and sequence http://schools.nyc.gov/Documents/STEM/Science/HSScienceSSRegents.pdf http://www.secsd.org/curr_maps/HS_Sci_RegPhy.pdf http://www.gnyacademy.org/science/outline_phys.pdf support http://www.esmonline.org/webpages/lward/links.cfm http://newyorkscienceteacher.com/sci/subjects/phy/review/ http://www.physicslab.org/compilations/NYRegents.aspx videos: http://aplusphysics.com/courses/regents/videos/vid_index.html Final exams: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/regentsexams.htm
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