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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. 15 college credits spring of senior year of HS ?? wow what about senioritis (burn-out)?
  2. I said "no" on tour - I went to a very small public HS in upstate NY. I applied to 5 colleges all in NY state. I had played ice hockey at several of the colleges I applied to so I had seen their campus but did no official tours. Looked through college catalog to help make my decision.
  3. "Anecdotally, it appears that fewer colleges may be accepting AP credit. But Warne says there's no central data collection that would let us know for sure. If you can't get college credit, it removes a major economic motivation for taking the courses." Absolutely but maybe just take the course skip the exam - my DS took 4 AP courses this year at his B&M charter, one of them AP Physics 1 Algebra based can't be used for future credit since he will be a STEM major so we skipped the exam - didn't need the extra stress and also pay $93 - but the course was worthwhile because it was more challenging than the regular Physics. It is taught using a college text and Webassign for the problem sets. Would folks still do PAHS if no possible college credit?
  4. there was thread about this a few weeks/month or so back - the forum search never finds anything useful - look through the titles
  5. Why all or none? Sample the beginning parts of chapters 13-15 and do a few problems - having some Trig exposure before PreCalc is a good way to go. You could do this in a week maybe two. (my textbook is out on loan to a friend so I can't give you specific sections).
  6. I am reading a long document about online schooling and I came across this: "Part-time online enrollment combined with part-time homeschool. This is a smaller category, but one that the district expects to grow. Oregon law is unusual in that it allows students to enroll in a public school for between one and three courses; in these cases the school receives part-time funding for the student that is equal to half of the funding for a full-time student. This funding mechanism allows the district to offer online courses to students who are also homeschooled. " Oregon seems like a progressive state when it comes to homeschooling versus other states.
  7. Ah yes they are using the old "seat time“ metric versus "course completion and performance”. So AP English which equals English 101 is credited differently.
  8. You may want to look at other Math resources (for example Fresh Approach) see the pinned Math thread. If she survived AoPS Pre-Algebra then I believe she should be able to take on the next levels using a "normal" text.
  9. I like the Jann in TX suggestion because your 8th grader may change her mind and 12th could be switched to Calculus
  10. There is a three part documentary on PBS called "School Inc" by the late Andrew Coulson. It is interesting. Has anyone else seen it?
  11. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/642760-who-offers-ap-human-geography-online-other-than-pahs/ maybe you can all get together and create a new course offering (such as take turns as the instructor )
  12. Normally you need two HS level language courses for college admission so this class may be fast paced if it counts for that. I would do some prep work in Spanish this summer. I predict that this course will be time consuming, Free could be used for prep: https://allinonehighschool.com/spanish-1/ This SUNY suggests 3 years foreign language: https://www.brockport.edu/admissions/101/freshman/
  13. None of the schools around here do Pre-AP US History followed by AP. I have seen Global Studies in 9th followed by AP World in 10th (some overlap of topics). For most colleges you need 3 years History/Social Studies but each must be unique such as: World History US History Government Economics European History
  14. Wow - Derek Owens is an excellent presenter IMHO! Good luck finding something. Maybe she would like someone more "folksy" like Dana Mosely.
  15. Mr D Math review here as well: http://blessedlybusy.com/outsourcing-homeschool/
  16. Homeschool Giveaways Receive 60% OFF when you purchase a 12 month subscription to CTCMath – normally $197, pay only $78.80! Plus, you'll receive a BONUS 3 months – that's 15 months for the price of 12! https://www.ctcmath.com/purchase/homeschool?tr_id=HSGS1 I have never used this product. Received email.
  17. You may want to look at your "destination" colleges to see if the CC gen Ed would be transferable. Be careful there. For the Fall Sem I think you are pretty good already. English 102 in the spring?
  18. Some what tangent - I received an email from the CB saying that we could pick colleges to send the scores in May (but of course we won't get those until July). So if we wait until we see the scores do we have to pay for each score sent to a college?
  19. Once again our education system loves a paper-chase. If accreditation groups wanted a true assessment they would either interview and/or test the instructor on the course material to be taught. The institution could pay for the test assessment. [in the real world, we may hire someone for their paper credentials but if they can't apply what they know to what's required for the job then that person would not last very long. After a few years we don't care where you went to school etc] [small quote sorry but was needed] This doesn't solve your problem and I am sorry that you have to live through it.
  20. "In order to sign up for an Idaho Digital Learning course, students must be enrolled with their local school and have completed all necessary prerequisites for the class prior to enrollment. Each school has a site coordinator who will help with registration of the online class." Why? - I am pretty sure all Idahoan families pay taxes.
  21. If they purchased/rented videos from Derek Owens type instructors that would be a big plus forward on quality.
  22. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/643381-course-choice-movement/
  23. http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2017/04/05/course-choice-a-different-way-to-expand.html States should make these courses available to all their taxpayers.
  24. FYI http://www.compassprep.com/national-merit-semifinalist-cutoffs/
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