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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Do colleges allow off-campus housing (non-home) for Frosh?
  2. For CLEPsters, it may be worthwhile to get an Associates degree or transfer certificate from the CC which typically should give you credit but not always
  3. need to publish ISBN - Larson has multiple entities with 6th edition is yours 2012? try google or bing: "Larson Precalculus 6th edition syllabus" here is one from a college: http://coastalbend.edu/uploadedFiles/CBC/Content/Programs_of_Study/Academic/Mathematics/Math_Syllabi/College_Math_Syllabi/Final%202015%20Spring%20Math%202412%20Syllabus%20wINTERNET.pdf>
  4. see http://ontariohomeschool.org/highschool/ http://www.ilc.org/index-main.php We have similar organizations here in the states.
  5. nor would it be beneficial for anyone. The opposite of a "Well Trained Mind"!!
  6. also see http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/648433-i-found-free-online-prep-courses-for-apclep/
  7. CLEP is for college credit - do not confuse with dual enrollment of course you can create or outsource a class that was "college level" and use that to fulfill HS grad reqs and then take a CLEP
  8. nothing formal - I may sign up for some EdX in the future brushing up on College Physics E&M (it's been a long time!!) to help DS in the coming school year (thanks to Regentrude for supplying an inexpensive college level text book)
  9. Since for most, the AP exam is the "final" I agree spending the equivalent of a "high school class week" for exam prep should be added. They should add a physical week to the course ( they charge plenty already and this wouldn't kill them). Sometimes the AoPS folks come across a little too "high-brow" IMHO. Maybe if enough current customers (taking earlier courses) complained now they would.
  10. 1) My son took a DE* Embry-Riddle Engineering class at his B&M charter school. I was totally unimpressed with the rigor of the course versus AP classes. Online are through their Worldwide campus so the outcome may be different. https://worldwide.erau.edu/degrees/ *NACEP defines concurrent enrollment as the subset of dual enrollment courses taught by college-approved high school teachers. 2) Be sure it is the proper Chemistry class - Engineering and Physics majors usually have to take a more rigorous class than others. For example here in AZ, it would need be approved as "SUN# CHM1151 General Chemistry I" Texas has a similar scheme.
  11. I Chromecast my ESPN videos from the iPad (it would also work very well for YouTube videos). Apple products are usually more expensive for the same capability.
  12. LibreOffice is excellent - we have that for both Windows and Linux - save in MS format (such as .docx) before sending to the teacher.
  13. DS took 4 AP classes Junior year and probably 4 more in this coming Senior year (a little confusing since some are 1/2 year courses with AP exams so could be technically higher). He was going to take AP World History as a Sophomore but due to scheduling difficulty it never happened, He will pursue a STEM degree we are hoping for some merit aid.
  14. At our local community college they actually keep non-circulating copies of each text book at the library so for the first few days, if you did not have the text yet, you could use your phone to take pictures of the assigned problems (STEM oriented).
  15. DS said AP English Language and Composition exam was hard and he was under the weather that day. Scores agree. oh well probably no college credit for that this time (need 4 or 5 at most of the schools he is looking at) Should we think about CLEP? There may be grade inflation for community college courses but AP avg closer to a C (3) for the top tests.!
  16. yes 1) cost - equivalent of in-state tuition at State U - already expensive 2) degree being sought - his choice in the end, but if it was a "lesser degree" then I would make him do 2 years at the CC I shared all this with DS
  17. if he did Saxon Algebra 1 and it was successful maybe you should continue for Algebra 2 check http://www.virtualhomeschoolgroup.org/ I prefer other text books myself
  18. since I seen it mentioned before here: - dyscalculia; https://www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/child-learning-disabilities/dyscalculia/understanding-dyscalculia sorry I am no help
  19. You will need to do your research and post questions on the hive College Board. I learned that University of California schools offer virtually no merit aid to out of state students so we are not bothering with them. Other states are very different so look around. Private schools are a crap shoot - there may be data out there to help. If you are lower income than go for it.
  20. I believe the income level cut-off is fairly low for New York - many middle class folks probably don't qualify - NYS is a relatively high income, high tax state http://www.lohud.com/story/news/politics/politics-on-the-hudson/2017/04/18/free-suny-tuition-clouded-fine-print/100607312/ Not sure if this is a good deal for the taxpayers.
  21. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/648433-i-found-free-online-courses-for-apclep/
  22. It appears that the Modern States Education Alliance is currently CLEP only. As others have mentioned, they appear to be "review for the exam" courses which is good - many folks need these since you can take the CLEP exams throughout the year. Currently they are providing some vouchers for the CLEP exams so your cost would be $0: https://modernstates.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Modern-States_Freshman-Year-For-Free.pdf thanks for posting
  23. ALGEBRA I SAS Algebra 1 Course (free) https://www.curriculumpathways.com/portal/#info/1713
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