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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. I just can't imagine parents using an online charter for Elementary school unless that child was too sickly to attend a classroom. At that point, home-school would be a better choice.
  2. It would be nice if they looked at Florida High School students taking online classes versus traditional classroom. The high school students would come across the academic spectrum and they could survey using vocational, college prep and AP courses. DeVry University does not represent that wide a spectrum. IMHO most would be better off at a CC.
  3. Did I read that correctly $1785 per course!! Folks in CA must be rich.
  4. We do not outsource our IT either. I can't imagine someone trying to fix our complicated network issues from India. Maybe they are more open to that on the "coasts". I agree , make sure the degree is from a reasonably "name-brand" college (avoid University of Phoenix etc) and make sure you have a 3.xx GPA. Typically if the CS dept has a good rep then the Information Science type degree from that same college would also have a good reputation.
  5. that's ridiculous - we have computers to track that stuff!! but at 34 why would you bother
  6. The previous coursework must of been quite bad to have to go back to Calc 1 after Calc 3.
  7. I think that is a probably true statement but you need to be happy with what you do for work and also motivated in college to do well. A low GPA will not get you many job offers.
  8. I sampled a video - it is not DO that's for sure
  9. Free https://allinonehighschool.com/trigonometryprecalculus/ uses CK12
  10. of possible interest 2017 Best Colleges for Computer Science in North Carolina https://www.niche.com/colleges/rankings/best-colleges-for-computer-science/s/north-carolina/
  11. We did not do Math without Borders but I looked at his problem assignments for ideas - we used the Foerster Precalc for a summer supplement after DS' insufficient B&M Precalc. I can tell you that it is a chaellenging HW set. If a future STEM major go for it ! OR maybe use Thinkwell see: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/542418-homeschooling-high-school-math/?do=findComment&comment=6191110 Philfour https://philfour.com/static/misc/precalculus_syllabus.pdf OR see http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/638806-master-list-of-on-line-classes/
  12. if you can't get at least a C you have no reason to be in the program IMHO - not a high hurdle
  13. My son is a rising HS Senior he will decide (let them have responsibility) - so far haven't seen any strong arguments why to take it but I will run it by him
  14. https://www.manning.com/ 50% off Get half off the MEAP eBook or MEAP pBook. Enter dotd061017lt in the Promotional Code box when you check out at manning.com. ================= Hello Raspberry Pi! Python programming for kids and other beginners ================= Hello Swift! iOS app programming for kids and other beginners book is in development but you can download chapter 1 now for free
  15. Have him try some discrete math stuff this summer to see if that floats his boat for example Mathematical induction and some Set stuff find something online ===================================== NC State course "CSC 226: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists Units: 3 Propositional logic and the predicate calculus. Logic gates and circuits. Methods of proof. Elementary set theory. Mathematical induction. Recursive definitions and algorithms. Solving recurrences. The analysis of algorithms and asymptotic growth of functions. Elementary combinatorics. Introduction to graph theory. Ordered sets, including posets and equivalence relations. Introduction to formal languages and automata. Prerequisite: MA 101 Intermediate Algebra or equivalent completed in high school ; CSC,CSU Majors and minors;CPE,CPU Majors " I am curious what textbook they use. ===================================== I also noticed NC State has a Minor in Computer Science: https://www.csc.ncsu.edu/academics/undergrad/minor.php along with a science, or business degree would probably land him a job in the NC triangle area don't strike it yet!
  16. Actually I disagree with this statement ^ I have not looked at the actual NC state program but in general C.S. majors have to have very good logical reasoning skills - usually they take a little different math than the Engineering majors such as Discrete Math the big assumption is will your student be able to take the courses he needs the in his first year to pursue CS - otherwise it may take longer here it is: https://www.csc.ncsu.edu/academics/undergrad/semester.php typical CS degree except they require Calc based Physics and Chemistry that many other CS programs do not require ==================================== My background undergrad - BS Math (mostly applied) with minor in CS (and an unofficial minor in EE) MS in Computer Eng
  17. I agree this is the best plan^ - don't prep for the PSAT in 10th grade because it will serve as a baseline for improvement
  18. our local U just hired a new president at a whopping compensation package especially for this area: https://uanews.arizona.edu/story/regents-approve-robbins-new-ua-president hopefully he is big time fund raiser - otherwise the tuition will continue to climb our big time sports (basketball, football) coaches make more but they are paid for by donors
  19. I have no idea what you mean here that college accepts the SAT but seems to "advertise" the ACT so would that some how impact possible merit aid - he definitely is in the upper quarter with his current SAT score and grades for that school IMHO
  20. no I discussed it with him a while back - we did not sign up
  21. by the way I am not endorsing their product in any way I think their prices are quite high for the services delivered
  22. I took a quick look - rigor seems pretty good but it would be nice to move to the topics covered in Common-Core (not the teaching methodology) Algebra 1, Geo and Alg 2. Flipped seems to be based on the older 2009 DoDEA standards which are now migrating to Common-Core.
  23. It has a summary of stuff that's been discussed here before They use the term "unbundled" http://go.getunbound.org/cash-flow-college-ebook-download/
  24. DS (rising Senior) did very well for a first try SAT. His B&M charter ran a test prep class for the Juniors and they took one practice SAT and one practice ACT. DS scored a 29 on the ACT practice - his real SAT equivalent would be 31 Because of that score he doesn't want to take the ACT at all. (original plan was the June ACT) For almost all the colleges he is going to apply to he should easily get in with his current SAT score. One of the colleges seems to prefer the ACT (since that's what they publish for averages etc). We are looking for merit scholarships. Do you think that skipping the ACT would impact merit aid for the above college? He is planning on re-taking the SAT. thanks Mark
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