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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Personally I would not risk it if you really need the "outside" grade - how about DE via an online provider? It sounds like small school districts are less accommodating. You could easily be shut-out of taking any exams. In this respect (AP exams) the CB needs to improve.
  2. I feel that some kind of support system needs to be in place for English and Math even if it is just recruiting retired folks to volunteer. The community college could at least give out the name of public library groups etc. The CC placement tests need to show basic capability ( English and Math) and the student given extreme caution if they fall below the bar or take the placement test until they pass. The "retake English 101 until they pass" is just plain unrealistic. Of course an acceptable ACT or SAT score should waive taking the CC placement test(s).
  3. if there is more than one possible national level (leagues etc) then "a" otherwise "the" He plays competitive poker at a national level.
  4. Be careful you may get shut out from taking the actual AP exam. Some home schooling folks have experienced that. You may consider dual enrollment online at an in-state CC if you are really that far from any urban area (assuming you have decent internet access). I prefer the AP route for many courses such as English and History but you don't have many places to take the actual exam.
  5. http://www.svhs.co/TeachingMethods.aspx How does this work for English? [They only offer English for 9th grade.]
  6. For young online college students (probably at home if CC) maybe the college suggest they get a "mentor" who could be a relative.
  7. The interesting contrast is many folks here at WTM have been very successful and happy with online providers at the high school level including AP (see HS threads). It would be nice if folks could identify why this is the case. Maybe it is just a better student or parental support.
  8. If you use this option please give feedback to the forum. SVHS is very new. Their courses do not appear to be honors level. BYU has been providing distance learning for decades. But I have only seen their math courses.
  9. You want to sign up for online because for the PSAT you can see every answer your student gave versus the correct answer. They do treat it as a practice test. I give the CB credit there.
  10. Just curious were most classes the normal semester/quarter pace or were they accelerated?
  11. 1) That is my point, the student learns the college level material at their expected HS pace. Education is about learning. 2) My son is a Junior in high school - he does not need to learn at the same pace as a college freshman. He is taking four AP classes along with two non AP classes and a SAT/ACT prep class instead of study hall. He is busy enough. I repeat Education is about learning. The elite colleges not giving AP credit are the same institutions also not giving CC transfer credit (where most DE occurs). [if the college level material covered in the AP syllabus does not academically equal the corresponding typical State U course then that needs to be fixed by the College Board.]
  12. I borrowed "Just in Time Algebra and Trigonometry for Calculus" from our library. It looks good overall. It maps the Calculus topic to the corresponding needed Algebra and Trig. The examples are reasonable but some are just Algebra 1 (if you need Algebra 1 help maybe you shouldn't be taking Calculus). It has a lot of white space for 216 pages and is over-priced at $32 new because it was priced for college bookstores by Pearson. Buy used or borrow. This type of booklet would better if the authors just direct published via Lulu or similar and priced it around $15 (it's value).
  13. I am not a big fan of accelerated 8-week session courses. I think many of the students who signed up expected 1/2 the overall work of a full semester course. Drinking from a fire hose is hard work. That is why for the most part I think AP ( one semester course over 30 weeks) is a better deal for most high school students versus DE.
  14. We (collective) also ran up huge personal credit card bills and bought over priced houses to keep with the Jones. That is slowly starting to change and hopefully so will this way of looking at colleges. If the bolded statement above is true the we (collective) are very spoiled and hopefully can evolve. We should look for real value. It was certainly different when I went to college decades ago. The campus grounds were well maintained but nothing fancy and the food was just edible in the dorms but you got lots of it. If you lived off campus you pinched on the food to pay the rent. PB&J again! Fiscal conservatism needs a comeback in this country.
  15. older edition online https://ia801606.us.archive.org/22/items/Calculus_643/Spivak-Calculus.pdf
  16. http://www.city-journal.org/html/how-uc-berkeley-can-dig-out-14754.html related to some discussions on this forum "In 2015, for example, after the system received an increase in state funding, it promptly gave its highest-earning administrators a raise over student objections."
  17. I believe the courses are very similar from state to state. Plum Crazy seems to have the most experience with using Connections Academy. My DS' friend is using K12-AZ for high school and his B&M teacher parents like it. I have heard that they might have too much busy work.
  18. There are lots of free PDF books for example: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/166592-best-book-for-beginners http://bookboon.com/en/an-introduction-to-matlab-ebook https://www.tutorialspoint.com/matlab/matlab_tutorial.pdf
  19. FYI - GNU Octave is open source software (free) which executes matlab .m files.
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