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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Make sure you get materials that support the revised exam (2017 will be the 3rd year) http://edsitement.neh.gov/advanced-placement-us-history-lessons https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-united-states-history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AP_United_States_History http://www.course-notes.org/us_history http://study.com/academy/course/ap-us-history.html https://gradeslam.org/blog/top-apush-textbooks http://www.raleighcharterhs.org/faculty/bnewmark/1apushquizzes.html use this as a guideline: http://cty.jhu.edu/ctyonline/courses/advanced_placement/ap_us_history.html http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/389361-ap-us-history-self-study/ http://blog.prepscholar.com/easiest-aps-to-self-study http://www.myguruedge.com/our-thinking/actsat-and-applying-to-college/bid/398454/How-to-Self-Study-for-an-AP-Exam
  2. SUNY Oswego traditionally has had a good CS program SUNY Buffalo was the main stay for Engineering back in my day but I believe Binghamton has caught up rating of individual majors and depts at a particular college is pretty hard to find
  3. My DS' B&M Charter school uses the CK12 Biology book. I have seen other folks post here that have used other CK12 text books.
  4. There is some overlap in the Trig part of the Foerster Precalc book versus Alg 2 but for the most part it is more advanced. We used it as our after-school text this past summer (school started in AZ already). I would do something like the Kolbe course if you want Honors level Algebra with Trig ( 1 HS credit). The Foerster's Alg2/Trig book will provide that challenge. (We used it summer 2015). Algebra & Trigonometry: Functions and Applications TOC Chapter 1: Preliminary Information Chapter 2: Functions and Relations Chapter 3: Linear Functions Chapter 4: Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities Chapter 5: Quadratic Functions and Complex Numbers Chapter 6: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Chapter 7: Rational Algebraic Functions Chapter 8: Irrational Algebraic Functions Chapter 9: Quadratic Relations and Systems Chapter 10: Higher-Degree Functions and Complex Numbers Chapter 11: Sequences and Series Chapter 12: Probability, Data Analysis, and Functions of a Random Variable Chapter 13: Trigonometric and Circular Functions Chapter 14: Properties of Trigonometric and Circular Functions Chapter 15: Triangle Problems ============= very few high schools offer Trig as a separate course
  5. no - if you already did the ACT but most students have not by 10th
  6. Contact a local school - it is still early. I certainly recommend taking it for practice in 10th grade since it has a new format and it is pretty inexpensive. No burnout, for 10th just have them review the practice test just before the real one.
  7. They have gone up in price the last few years: https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/1565771400/ref=dp_olp_all_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=all You may want to check the for sale groups here.
  8. thank you - always good to have an instructor's perspective my DS is currently using Webassign in his HS AP Calc AB course (just started) - I am quite afraid he will spend less time working the problem with pencil and paper and just "hack" answers until he gets it correct - he said he has four tries I mentioned that without some paper to review later the work he is doing know may be forgotten by AP exam time, at least he agreed with me on that. Bolded above - So we are using technology to overcome immaturity. I can sympathize with your perspective but what happens when they get a job. Oh well. IMHO Webassign is still overpriced. At the HS level the B&M school pays for it.
  9. like this ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grid_method_multiplication
  10. Will he have enough HS credits at the end of four years per your state? Why not just get the AS or transfer program done at the CC? Since you don't save with DE. So after 6+ years he has HS and 2 years of college.
  11. Yup - a complete racket fulfilled by lazy instructors A friend of mine's son is taking Calc 2 at the local CC: Tuition - ~ $ 300 Digital Copy of text $125 Webassign $125 Webassign is way over-priced for what they end up using it for - HW problems and maybe videos that one could find for free on Youtube.
  12. He has the chapters with problems etc online. https://mathwithoutborders.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Precalc-Problem-Selections.pdf Ask here: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/MathWithoutBorders/conversations/messages I believe he is on vacation now. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I used the Foerster along with several other texts to supplement my DS Precalc this past summer. It is a good text with challenging problems.
  13. I would not do a formal AP Stats course. You could certainly use an existing AP syllabus to help create a course. see these for some ideas: http://www.thehomescholar.com/blog/homeschool-statistics-class/ http://www.home-school.com/Articles/Statistics.php http://www.ck12.org/statistics/ http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/564939-statistics-and-data-analysis/?hl=statistics&do=findComment&comment=6741591 http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/564939-statistics-and-data-analysis/?hl=statistics&do=findComment&comment=6741591 http://www.actuarialfoundation.org/programs/youth/hs-stats.shtml http://www.homeschoolcollegeusa.com/statistics.html http://cty.jhu.edu/ctyonline/courses/advanced_placement/ap_statistics.html You may want to create a new thread on "Statistics Course choices"
  14. http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/07/25/481402473/why-summer-jobs-dont-pay-off-anymore?utm_source=npr_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20160731&utm_campaign=bestofnpr&utm_term=nprnews
  15. I recently did a review of the Thinkwell Precalc text book. I believe that text book matches the video course quite well. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/542418-homeschool-high-school-math/page-2?do=findComment&comment=7119710 JH CTY has a good list (choose List of Topics): http://cty.jhu.edu/ctyonline/courses/mathematics/precalculus.html The progression exists for a reason with each course building upon the next (IMO the Algebra part of the Thinkwell Precalc is a little weak). You need a Geometry course as well before you do many of the Precalculus topics.
  16. Why Precalculus? I would suggest that you would get more out of a Statistics course. Another possibility would be to do some College Algebra* one semester and do Stats in another semester your HS Senior year. Have you narrowed down the colleges and/or majors you are interested in? That would be a strong factor in selecting a course. *My assumption here is that you would formally take College Algebra your first year in college.
  17. Why does he even try? For a traditional approach Trig is usually covered in Algebra 2 and Precalc (with a smattering in Geo). Integrated Math spreads Trig through multiple years.
  18. Added Mini-review of hardcopy Thinkwell Precalc text book http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/542418-homeschool-high-school-math/page-2?do=findComment&comment=7119710
  19. absolutely report the damage and get an acknowledgement
  20. just purchased at B&M Walmart in store for $88!
  21. CamelCamelCamel did not seem to have this deal in their price history
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