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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. http://www.nationsreportcard.gov/reading_math_g12_2013/#/preparedness
  2. teacher Marlem Diaz-Brown http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/04/29/466326635/reporting-live-from-miami-a-bunch-of-fourth-graders-tell-their-teachers-story?utm_source=npr_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20160501&utm_campaign=bestofnpr&utm_term=nprnews
  3. WOW this area of the country could really use some school reform - I know there are some lazy teachers out there but this seems to have all in one district
  4. IMHO many of the students are not willing to put the effort in and their parents back them. The schools are somewhat forced to pass them on. I am not saying this is correct or justifiable.
  5. Ditto here at our local CC so this product must be locally installed versus scored by ACT folks. at least one company trying to profit from this: http://www.maplesoft.com/products/placement/compass.aspx
  6. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/605694-op-ed-piece-on-new-sat/ reply to that post since some folks don't normally hang out on the chat (including me)
  7. Aren't the Khan Academy folks capable of writing questions?
  8. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-0501-rosner-sat-transparency-20160501-story.html This story had such a weak justification IMHO that it fit better on "chat".
  9. Some other videos for Algebra 2: http://www.onlinemathlearning.com/grade-11.html I can not attest to their quality.
  10. I assume you mean http://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/algebra-ii.html We watched Algebra 1 with Prof Sellers a while back. He is a good lecturer. We borrowed it from the library. I would not have purchased it.
  11. Does an errata exist? Or could point out the ones that are incorrect. thank you
  12. In fact she would working towards her degree so convince her it's just paperwork.
  13. please post links - I don't normally "chat" thanks
  14. Those are all mostly high school books or earlier.
  15. FYI https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2012/02/29/too-many-community-college-students-are-placing-remedial-classes-studies-find
  16. There are some free online classes please look at the threads. Foerster is great keep with it. Also http://mathwithoutborders.com/?post_type=product $79 per course but some folks do not like it.
  17. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/05/my-secret-shame/476415/ "My wife continued to work, and we managed to scrape by, though child care and then private schools crimped our finances. No, we didn’t have to send our girls to private schools. We could have sent them to the public school in our neighborhood, except that it wasn’t very good, and we resolved to sacrifice our own comforts to give our daughters theirs. " They should have considered home-schooling.
  18. Be aware that "Intermediate Algebra" is a remedial course. If your student has interest in a STEM field I do NOT recommend this route. For math, you are better off with the many online HS options in the pinned HS Math thread.
  19. I looked at AZ it holds up because the description is somewhat legalese (especially the finance part) as opposed to the simple posts here. Curious if they got other states correct.
  20. Yes but they should not be traditional lecture courses. For remedial math, a combination of online and one-to-one tutoring would probably better serve the students. No grade given - just need to get to a certain proficiency level to move on to College Algebra.
  21. Community College is usually open admission no SAT/ACT needed.
  22. related: http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/04/23/401216144/to-get-more-students-through-college-give-them-fewer-choices IMHO we push way too many folks into the standard college path where they would be much better off in a vocational path.
  23. lesson learned - create an alternate email account and use that when you register - DS got a lot of junk email
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