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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Not sure what your two year Precalc covers, but typically some "Curve-Fitting / Modeling with data" is covered in Precalc. You can use any spreadsheet software (look for free) for this activity. I like the TI 36X Pro (inexpensive - no graphing but most everything else) - the only down side is that some of the keys are silver colored and it is hard to see the symbol. Hide the booklet so they don't cheat :)
  2. unfortunately that is the sad state of affairs in the public school world - many students in non-honors math classes do NOT achieve the mastery that they should for the topic and it snowballs through the years.
  3. This a general reply. 1) Quality of CC courses versus four year colleges that your student will most likely be attending. (expected future college cost, HS GPA, SAT/ACT scores, etc) 2) How accelerated is your student now (end of 8th grade) versus typical B&M school student in your state. 3) Possible majors in college - some CCs have very limited course selection some others have a large selection (including some online). Maybe start after 9th grade? Why "College Success" as a graded class?
  4. If a student can not handle the easy math required in AP Physics 1 they do NOT belong in the course. That being said probably half of the high school Physics teachers are incompatible of teaching this class correctly. It needs to be hands-on and lab focused.
  5. http://faculty.berea.edu/pearcej/MAT110/ https://www.andrews.edu/~calkins/math/syllall.pdf I believe Kolbe sells a whole home school package for this text. Also Math Without Borders see http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/542418-homeschooling-high-school-math/?do=findComment&comment=6191109
  6. What a travesty. Do they force the students to pay the $92 exam fee? What a waste of everyone's time and money.
  7. this was buried in the AP tweets thread: read first http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/613645-ap-score-distribution-tweets-have-begun/?do=findComment&comment=7057131 If you follow this guy's blog: http://jacobsphysics.blogspot.com/ He certainly advocates the newer AP algebra based Physics courses. I agree that too many students were probably just learning to bang out solutions on their calculators instead of the real concepts. My DS (rising junior) will be taking AP Physics 1 next year but probably not the exam since there is a little upside for a future STEM major. If schools are using this for their Honors Physics then these should be the top students throwing average ninth graders at this class would be suicidal.
  8. My DS goes to a B&M charter which now only offers AP Physics 1 and 2. He took their Conceptual Physics class in 9th but they switched to Problem Based Learning during the year using a textbook that was not given to the students. The teacher did not understand PBL and it was quite a disaster. He will be taking AP Physics 1 his junior year along with AP Calc AB and regular Chemistry. He will probably take AP Physics 2 his senior year. This should give him a strong background for Calc based Physics in college. Next summer I may do some Calc based Physics with him as our "after-school" program.
  9. She will do fine and you will be happy that you encouraged her to take a more challenging path (it isn't MIT).
  10. 1) SUNY Albany http://www.npr.org/2010/11/15/131336270/cuts-to-university-s-humanities-program-draw-outcry low enrollment programs got cut - what's the other choice in today's climate? 2) You should have mentioned that our wonderful well paid UofA president grabbed that vacant DeVry position. What a "crock" her answers have been to the media! 3) I have lived in AZ since 1999, it is incredible how much the state U's tuition has gone up versus wages.
  11. yes for Engineering it is usually a straightforward transfer from CC because of ABET requirements. Other majors can be a crap shoot. For example, our local CC Comp Sci courses do not match well with the state U's. Maybe just look at "saving" a semester or two of credits.
  12. I agree AP Comp Sci just doesn't match a typical university level Comp Sci 1. IMHO If she get's a 5 on the AP Calc AB then skip Calc 1 she would be bored switch ( calc_AB_ grade ) { case 5: take regular Calc 2 case 4: flip coin case 3: take the Honors Calc 1 }
  13. I think skipping Calc 1 is fine but I would highly recommend not skipping both Calc 1 and 2. Calc 3 is where it gets hard even for strong math folks. I thought Diffy Q was easy compared to Calc 3.
  14. I did not read the replies yet but our local CC has 4 and 5 hour classes that transfer to 3 hour classes at the U. Maybe the CC students just need more class time or the college is trying to squeeze out more tuition from the students (still cheaper than the U). (all semester schools)
  15. I don't see any topic gaps in the Algebra 2 book. For comparison here is Johns Hopkins CTY: http://cty.jhu.edu/ctyonline/courses/mathematics/algebra_2.html The KA was for the videos and possibly to see an alternative presentation of a topic which can be useful for self-study folks. There are certainly other Algebra 2 videos available for free as well. IMHO if a video just walks through a problem that is also presented in the text book then they are typically not very useful.
  16. http://cathyduffyreviews.com/homeschool-reviews-core-curricula/math/grades-9-12/a-fresh-approach-high-school-math-series http://www.aplusses.com/zencart/algebra-ii-a-fresh-approach-p-7.html You could attempt to combine with KA https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra-home/algebra2
  17. From a homeschooling perspective, a college course counting towards a "high school diploma" credit would be DE. Does your community college have a specific recognized dual enrollment program for high school students? If not then your son would just be another part-time enrolled student at the CC.
  18. Our local B&M high schools use this definition for concurrent enrollment: "college-credit bearing courses taught by college-approved high school teachers." http://www.nacep.org/about-nacep/what-is-concurrent-enrollment/ It is just another form of "dual enrollment".
  19. look for Jurgensen in: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/542418-homeschooling-high-school-math/?do=findComment&comment=6191107 also Geometry Honors at Lenox Memorial High School. The following text will be used for supplementary reading and problems: Geometry, by Ray C. Jurgensen, Richard G. Brown, and John W. Jurgensen, McDougal Littell. Course materials are on the web at: http://www.onemathematicalcat.org http://www.onemathematicalcat.org/Math/Geometry_obj/lhs_year_syl_honors.htm http://www.onemathematicalcat.org/Math/Geometry_obj/table_of_contents_geom.htm
  20. textbook http://www.gettextbooks.com/isbn/9781605380797/
  21. Asking for a friend who is doing after-school Physics. Has anyone used this supplement? "The Practice Book for Conceptual Physics" 11th Hewitt (It comes with answers which makes it attractive). How does it compare to the "Appendix F" problems in the regular text? Are there inexpensive answers to the "Appendix F" problems? He would like to check his solutions. (He does not necessarily need a "solutions guide") added: Does this have appendix F answers? http://www.amazon.com/MasteringPhysics-Conceptual-Paul-G-Hewitt/dp/0321052048 thanks
  22. Added this link for BYU online Precalc: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/542418-homeschool-high-school-math/page-2?do=findComment&comment=7033820
  23. Another online option: BYU Online Part 1 http://is.byu.edu/site/courses/description.cfm?title=PRECALC-041-200 Part 2 http://is.byu.edu/site/courses/description.cfm?title=PRECALC-043-200 Currently uses an older edition of Demana PRECALCULUS : GRAPHICAL, NUMERICAL, ALGEBRAIC 7E self-paced - up to a year to complete each semester course. No videos - but free tutoring is available Assigned HW, quizzes and a proctored Final for each part is required. I tutored someone taking this course and it seems quite complete and thorough. Price for each course is reasonable.
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