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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Thanks for the reminder. DS will be one of the guinea pigs for AB next year. I am concerned that our students may be getting the shaft if the overall test is harder and colleges only give credit for a 4 or 5 when a 3 is the new 4. How are AP tests graded? Any curve?
  2. try posting on the high school thread "Project Lead the Way" is fairly new and not cheap so not many home-schoolers have not done it. see http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/545229-principles-of-engineeringproject-lead-the-way-text-homeschool-friendly/ On the other topics - you typically only need two years of foreign language for most STEM colleges - that's all my DS is doing. Spanish is easier then French. All the rest are very typical PS school requirements. http://www.iahe.net/blog/we-are-not-trading-physics-for-project-lead-the-way-201506
  3. CALCULUS and STATISTICS free videos for certain textbooks see http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/602313-videos-specific-for-textbooks-clutchprep/
  4. In my state for math, the State U still gives a placement test to validate the next course placement for all Freshman and Transfers. Not sure if this impacts the course transfer if you bomb the placement test. Since many BA students take College Algebra as their only math this would not pertain to them (and I am not particularly bothered). Maybe you should petition for this as well.
  5. After seeing the discussion on the Community College thread, I think the only plausible forward path is for the state board of regents to encourage involvement between their community colleges and the state U(s). We have this already in AZ. Not perfect but I have seen several success stories. End of thread!
  6. Work in progress for this summer (end of May) His charter school is using EngageNY materials this year. They seem ok but the teacher's pace is too slow and once again they won't cover all the typical topics for Precalc. So far every math class that my son has taken at any B&M school has been throttled back because a third of the students do not belong there.
  7. A nephew of mine went to Syracuse - he got lots of AP credits towards graduation
  8. that looks like a good price - be aware HP uses RPN entry try an online RPN calculator before you buy
  9. Actually I would try to contact all possible sites now to see if you would have a test location for your APs in the future. This is the biggest issue for most home-school AP classes. Some poor folks here actually completed classes but were unable to take the exam. Be nice when you ask them!
  10. Your student may have some ideas now but probably will change when exposed to coursework. I don't really recommend the general engineering degree. If pursuing do make sure you have plenty of computer programming skills so you have a "marketable" skill-set to work in areas such as simulation.
  11. That's very interesting but alas the time and money to do that here in the states is just not there.
  12. 1) How does that work?? Every college I know, you can only get graduation credit for just one Calculus 1 class. In a more ideal academic world, state flagship would help the CC create a Calculus 1 weed-out class such as "Calculus 1 for STEM majors". 2) They shouldn't be for equivalent classes - that's the big problem and why folks are afraid of attending these schools.
  13. We are not at the Calculus level yet but we use Foerster for after-schooling math (primarily in the summer). We are doing Precalculus this year. I really like Foerster for the problem sets and probably will purchase his Calculus text for summer 2017. We use multiple texts and online resources for understanding of the material. The more exposure to different authors the better.
  14. https://colleges.niche.com/queens-university-of-charlotte/
  15. Then the CC needs to provide both transferable and "lite" courses. No excuse. Most of the 2 year "terminal" degrees at our local CC don't require Calculus 1 for example.
  16. Why don't the state U's push the CCs to do better? Here in AZ they work together - of course you could get stuck with a bad instructor but that can happen anywhere.
  17. I only meant voluntary minimum standards for certain popular Freshman and Sophomore level courses such as Calculus 1. This would be a good fit for most college and universities, especially community colleges. I doubt that "Calculus 1"* at Georgia Tech has to be that much different from KSU. The standard would be maintained by a respected third party organization not a government organization. * Calculus 1 for STEM degrees.
  18. Do VA CCs offer any online classes you could take now?
  19. For this purpose, IMHO colleges would expect AP where possible.
  20. We have the same setup in AZ, so once again the state where you live matters a lot when it comes to educational opportunities.
  21. If you only use them to CLEP out of CC gen-ed or Frosh classes - I doubt the future grad school will care
  22. That textbook is for Calculus 1 and 2 only but should be fine for BC. Here is one for the 8th edition http://www.bisd.net/Page/893 http://www.unionps.org/index.cfm?id=447&theparentid=257&sid=1375
  23. ASUx 117 College Algebra and Problem Solving https://www.edx.org/course/college-algebra-problem-solving-asux-mat117 starts April 18 - self-paced so you could go slow until your current classes finished up. This is an online variant of the standard College Algebra course at ASU: https://math.asu.edu/resources/math-courses/mat117 You can get college credits but it is probably not real cheap. For college credit you have to setup a proctor (as expected). This would be a good choice if you just want to show subject knowledge taken at a university. This would be good for a future STEM major who could not use the credits anyway. Maybe you could just take screen shots of the exam scores and give your student a home-school grade.
  24. http://cathyduffyreviews.com/math/advanced-algebra-ucsmp.htm "This Advanced Algebra text would follow algebra and geometry (in their sequence), serving as an Algebra II course. However, the scope and sequence is advanced beyond some other second-year algebra courses, including Saxon's." looks like a reasonable choice for a second go-around
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