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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Your title implies you have the information. It should be "Feedback Wanted" to get answers.
  2. That requirement is just plain discrimination against "outsiders" - nothing like that in AZ. If you are resident you're in.
  3. for Geo see this for options http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/542418-homeschooling-high-school-math/?do=findComment&comment=6191107 The Holt book that this course uses is very straightforward but complete: Jann in TX http://myhomeschoolmathclass.com/course-descriptions.html It gets good reviews. AoPS Geometry would be tough.
  4. I assume "financial aid" means loans. If so then let them know it is their financial burden not yours. (Send them articles on folks stuck with lots of loans)
  5. My DS is interested in STEM fields so I am happy there. I will advise him on major as needed. His choice of college will be limited. No plane rides to get there and cost has to be less than or equal to state U (after merit aid etc).
  6. Breaking into the cliques etc in 11th grade PS will be tough. Does he do sports, band, chess or theater? Outside stuff is where you usually make friends in HS. If they don't give you the credits don't bother it won't be worth it! Maybe just find a non school club of some kind such as Robotics or maybe a singing group.
  7. My nephew who is a Senior at a PS back in NY state took four APs his Junior year and is taking three his Senior year including Physics C. He plays varsity sports all three seasons and does outside project work. He is very busy but does not seem to be a total burn-out. He applied to highly competitive colleges so this should help prepare him. He did quite well on his Junior year APs. My DS will start APs next year (Junior) because his charter couldn't squeeze AP World into his schedule this year.
  8. maybe replace these with an easier class: WTM Academy - History of the Ancient World WTM Academy - Ancient Literature Schedule looks tough - if you double up Science you should cut somewhere else. Typical college only requires 3 years of social studies/history
  9. http://www.youscience.com/ $29 - seems to be a reasonable price for this kind of testing. (my STEM kid won't take this because he has plans already)
  10. Is "Photoshop" a home grown course? Recommend new title like "Digital Graphic Arts" and beef it up somewhat. Application specific classes (trade classes) don't look good for regular college admission. I would not take these at CC either. I assume English 101 and 102 are CC classes.
  11. http://www.classicalhistorian.com/online-high-school-american-class.html Anyone use these guys? Reviews? On sale in March.
  12. http://www.clovercreekscience.com/physics/ Spots going fast run by a person who also posts here. It has very good reviews.
  13. Not sure how AoPS Introduction to Algebra B gets full Algebra II credit? It would be easier if AoPS re-did their books to better map to a traditional HS sequence somewhat Common Coreish. AoPS Algebra First Course - Honors CC Algebra 1 add some Probability to Introduction to Algebra book. AoPS Algebra Second Course - Honors CC Algebra 2 by adding in some Trig and Probability/Stats to the Intermediate Algebra book. (my names) This would mostly be an exercise in editing for them - combining stuff. They would not have to redo the problem sets etc. They could still sell the other titles as well.
  14. Would AP Biology be taken the following year? The WTM Biology description looks like a Pre-AP (honors) Biology. How about a Conceptual Physics course (Clover Creek or your own) to go with it instead of Environmental Science. Take AP Environmental Science later on (it's not that hard). I am a proponent of early Physics for STEM folks.
  15. OT correction Thinkwell has Math through Calculus. http://www.thinkwell.com/homeschool/placementtests/
  16. My DS is using this at his charter for 10th grade Pre-AP English along with other books: http://www.amazon.com/Prestwick-House-Pre-AP-Readings-Exercises/dp/193546857X He said that it is good and fairly challenging.
  17. Has anyone put out PreAlgebra comparisons like we have for High School Math?
  18. For Math you should be looking for a solid Pre-Algebra class! Probably not AoPS. If he will learn from math videos should have lots of curricula to pick from without total outsourcing. try these for specific references http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/forum/19-logic-stage-middle-grade-challenges/ and http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/forum/3-k-8-curriculum-board/
  19. You may be able order a copy from your local library and take notes on the missing chapter to cover it or maybe someone with that edition just summarize each lesson from that chapter and PM it to you. What edition (year) has this new chapter?
  20. seems ridiculous - I don't remember any schools that I attended or siblings (lots) attended that had this requirement. Almost all required Freshman to live on campus or commute from home. If it's nice then stay on campus all four but it should be a choice.
  21. Sorry - Engineers have to think and solve problems all the time - if he can't handle Forester's Algebra 2 then not a good direction. Forester's is an excellent math series for future scientists and engineers!
  22. These folks have too much time on their hands (i.e. they provide no added value and should be fired). It is sad what higher education has devolved into and serious reform is needed. The only thing that is important is whether you followed the syllabus, if multiple sections are taught by different instructors, which could be easily obtained with an end of class survey.
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