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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. If just need some extra drill (versus the Foerster excellent word problems) then you could supplement with worksheets. Lot's of free stuff out there. https://www.kutasoftware.com/free.html
  2. http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/02/09/465557430/what-kids-need-from-grown-ups-but-arent-getting?utm_source=npr_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20160214&utm_campaign=bestofnpr&utm_term=nprnews
  3. wow 2,5 billion for one campus/college !!
  4. sent I didn't see the first links either - thank you for sharing
  5. If you are using that charter then they will buy them for you. If not then don't use recent (over-priced) editions.
  6. Common Core Algebra 1 is what follows next. You don't have to use a Common Core text - just locate the topic list for CA. See Eureka Math for sample CC programs. http://greatminds.net/maps/math/home You can use NYS Regents exams as example finals. ============================= updated for example you can use this great classic text: Algebra I: Expressions, Equations, and Applications byPaul A. Foerster 1 Expressions and Equations 2 Operations with Negative Numbers 3 Distributing: Axioms and Other Properties 4 Harder Equations 5 Some Operations with Polynomials and Radicals 6 Quadratic Equations 7 Expressions and Equations Containing Two Variables 8 Linear Function, Scattered Data, and Probability 9 Properties of Exponents 10 More Operations with Polynomials 11 Rational Algebraic Expressions 12 Radical Algebraic Expressions 13 Inequalities 14 Functions and Advanced Topics
  7. If you want to "roll your own" there are videos and such in the pinned thread for College level Algebra based Physics.
  8. That does not disqualify them from having a valid point. I see grade inflation at my son's B&M school.
  9. related article why standardized tests should not go away: https://www.applerouth.com/blog/2013/10/23/when-a-is-for-average-the-high-cost-of-grade-inflation/
  10. Clovis CC online is popular with the DE crowd http://www.clovis.edu/ It would be a disservice not to mention public CCs that encourage DE with reasonable costs. BYU Idaho also has DE. http://www.byui.edu/online
  11. That is sad. My nephew goes to a tiny HS in upstate NY and they offer plenty of AP classes.
  12. PSAT max is 1520 - demand proof :glare: the more important score for scholarships is Your NMSC Selection Index
  13. for AZ late August is a good date - kiddos all back to school by early-mid-August and the weather is hot anyways so one could spend a few weeks prepping.
  14. also using Foerster text for Algebra I and II: http://homeschoolconnectionsonline.com/
  15. Eureka is fully Common Core - all free downloads (including teacher items) if you register. look at the 7th and 8th grade modules for PreAlgebra. http://greatminds.net/maps/math/module-pdfs
  16. I think only CA has this very flexible charter program. Nothing like it in AZ. At least FL allows all resident students to take the Florida Virtual School online courses.
  17. My son's B&M charter school uses the CK12 Biology text. No complaints.
  18. Is there a way online to figure out what schools have a "scholarship matrix" ? In this day and age, the bottom line cost is a critical factor.
  19. If your co-op will use parents to teach core high school subjects (hiring paid teachers seems very expensive), I would suggest you make them take a "surprise" placement test for that subject if they can not show subject matter knowledge credentials otherwise. good luck
  20. AP Statistics - my nephew took this his Junior year along with Precalc, he did very well (he did 4 APs that year) courses typically taken Senior year but your student is advanced in Social Studies: AP Macroeconomics AP U.S. Government and Politics
  21. Derek posted a link a while back to a free version to the edition I used back in the day.
  22. Since you are doing US History this year maybe consider AP US History for next (school or home). Not sure if that looks "bad" to colleges or not.
  23. I have no idea what ACE Math is but you may want to look at: http://cathyduffyreviews.com/math/Fresh-Approach-Algebra-and-Geometry.htm Since your student is only in 7th grade, he is not behind. Sounds like he needs a tutorial approach to learning Algebra with some first principles. Just memorizing rules is quite limited anyways.
  24. My son's school told him he could take AP English Language and Composition or AP English Literature and Composition as a Junior. I am trying to convince him that he should take AP English Language and Composition first. He is STEM kid who is a good "technical" writer but does not particularly like creative writing. He has not taken any AP classes yet.
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