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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. 1) What state are you in? Arizona 2) Do dual enrollment students pay tuition in your area? certain programs are free but ONLY for some public schools - each county is different very limited course selection for the free stuff - pretty weak overall stuff like "College Algebra" otherwise tuition will now be $78.50 per credit hour for the 2016-17 school year plus fees at the local CC 3) Can dual enrollment students count their courses towards their HS diploma? yes (otherwise it is not DE) 4) How many credits can a dual enrollment student take? not sure 5) Are there limits on the DE classes a student can take? not when you pay but at that point you are a part-time college student as well
  2. My B&M charter school son hates group projects/work for the very reasons cited above. The schools like them because the smart kids "carry" the slackers. It is a huge trend in education with no end in site. Colleges jumping on the band-wagon.
  3. that's a fair statement - to take the Regents exam you would have to cover the topics on the exam but "teaching to the test" is a fairly new thing - back in my day we spent maybe a week before reviewing material using Regents type questions from previous exams to become familiar with the expected format now they drill it all year long I had good math teachers they expected us to do very well
  4. Personally I think the NYS Regents Exam program is good. From what I understand it would not be much different from taking a self-study AP exam for home-schoolers. All the old tests are out there and especially for Regents math there are a lot of help sites. Of course you have to start this option early. When I went to NYS public schools (a few decades back) the Regents program was one of the tops in the country. I was well prepared for college.
  5. of interest https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document-based_question
  6. I did Physics first before Chem and Bio (many decades ago). DS did Physics first. It's the right approach IMHO.
  7. No Trig - the topics covered would be part of a high school Precalc course - a little more depth than Algebra 2 ======================================= MAT 117 College Algebra Linear and quadratic functions, systems of linear equations, logarithmic and exponential functions, sequences, series, and combinatorics. ======================================= Typical College Algebra class. My DS will actually start later in the week. I signed in to look at the overview today.
  8. update 4/18/16 looked at overview COURSE TIME COMMITMENT You have up to one year to complete this course. The course shell will become inactive after April 11, 2017 and you will no longer have access to your course progress. Please plan your goals accordingly. During this year, you are encouraged to work through the course at a pace that suits your needs. The work of this course is equivalent to a university-level 15-week course (one semester), although there is no requirement that the course be completed in one semester. It uses some form of ALEKS but we haven't started that part yet.
  9. Versus a home-school diploma - I don't think it would matter much What about: http://www.hvcc.edu/catalog/admissions/24hrprogram.html
  10. If a county borders NYC then sometimes they include them as down-state. Yes most of NYS is "upstate" geographically.
  11. Two questions? Answering the first: Foerster text books have lots of pseudo real-life word problems - the best I have seen so far All high school word problems are pseudo IMHO.
  12. If you live in the NYS capital district for example: Hudson Valley Community College (large CC) Engineering Science program http://www.hvcc.edu/catalog/programs/las/ens.html transfers to these schools http://www.hvcc.edu/las/ens/transfer.html RPI isn't "chopped liver". ============================ DE appears to offer MATH 180 http://www.hvcc.edu/highschool/offerings-fall.html MATH 180 CALCULUS I which is what the Engineer transfer students take where MATH 165 BASIC CALCULUS WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY could be for the "other majors"
  13. I have a friend whose daughter started taking APs in 8th grade at a public school. Many start in 9th or 10th. Some courses are easier.
  14. So who is the target audience of the DE Calculus course which used the Larson text? Or is this just two different colleges?
  15. first time I have seen this Larson versus Stewart textbook comparison - are there other Calc texts considered to be for "Business majors" versus "Engineering/Physics majors" (my terminology but makes it easier) Are the AP HS Calc text books considered weaker?
  16. Too many blanket statements about CCs. Most have multiple goals. Our local CC has some University level Math for the Engineering Transfer program (starts at Calc 1). Why do folks here think that remedial level CC courses such as "Intermediate Algebra" would be very challenging? The students in these classes just aren't "Mathy". The instructor has to deal with that.
  17. What online courses did he like? Did you use that CK12 book? Opinions?
  18. there is a PDF available http://www.ck12.org/book/CK-12-Biology/ Can your student deal with that? The younger generation is more used to "soft" versions of books. Much easier to search. I, of course, prefer hard copy but I am "older" - be sure it is just not your bias My son uses this text at his B&M charter school - he likes it ok Hey it's Biology which isn't that exciting anyways IMHO
  19. ASU - "A maximum of 64 semester hours of credit will be accepted as lower-division credit when transferred from a regionally accredited community, junior or two-year college, with the exception of some special programs." Be sure to find out how many upper division credits you need to graduate - this could make it a moot point.
  20. I will judge it on the percentage distribution for each number. Someone puts out a blog with this info. If the percentage distribution is significantly different than the last few years of the old exam then it may show that the scale actually shifted. A large number of students take the AB exam.
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