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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Yes my smart nephew (from upstate NY) received a decent merit scholarship from UMass Amherst and that is the primary reason he is going there next year. Hey I paid taxes in MA for 19 years when I lived there so I don't feel bad about that.
  2. The Foerster math books are very good for STEM oriented students.
  3. It least one commentator pointed out this gem: David B " I agree with the surprise that eliminating the visibility of FAFSA position drew such protestations from the author. Really, from my own research (as both a professor and the parent of a child applying for college this coming fall), it appears that it was simply yet another part of the application process that disadvantaged applicants who were not coached in how to game the system. Really, it sounds like those objecting to that change are simply taking their own increase in uncertainty over yield and projecting it onto the applicants without actually finding out whether it's problem, which is never a good rationale for objecting to a policy change. "
  4. We may be crossing this one off our list but I will let DS decide. That seems high for room & board.
  5. Going back the original question - the PSAT10 is easier because it covers less math topics not sure about verbal. If your student will be a 10th grader take the real PSAT for practice.
  6. I would not rush the AP thing for 9th grade - EdX has several Python courses that look good and/or your student might want to look into robotics.
  7. of possible interest: http://senate.universityofcalifornia.edu/committees/boars/BOARSStatementonOnlineLearningMay2012.pdf
  8. Does Harvey Mudd offer merit scholarships? Do the campuses border each other? I believe that the varsity sports teams are for the combined colleges (not very important to us).
  9. Public colleges (typically online) in other states also offer some DE options. For example ASU (Arizona State) is currently offering an EdX College Algebra course which my DS is taking. It is pretty high quality for free/ or inexpensive certificate. The 3 college credits which would cost you over $600 but you can defer that decision to near the end of the course.
  10. Which courses? why? I peeked at a math course once it looked OK content wise - it had a day by day schedule. You could tweak it as needed. The math course I looked at only seemed to use videos for instruction and should also use a textbook such as CK12 or other freely available text. Of course you would never use that name on your students transcript.
  11. Please include your state because that makes a big difference with DE options.
  12. study guide http://www.jmap.org/JMAPArchives/JMAP6988/JMAPAIStudyGuide.pdf other stuff http://www.jmap.org/ google "Educator Guide to the Regents Examination in Algebra I - EngageNY"
  13. This may be a good course for your student. My DS is total STEM so pretty easy so far. He has finals this week and then after a short break he will return to the ASU course. It is free to join and you have until April 2017 to complete.
  14. Use Thinkwell videos with Foerster text / word problems and you should be fine
  15. College Algebra typically covers similar topics to Pre-Calc without the Trig - The ASU course is quite standard. My DS is taking it now (slow rolling until his B&M school ends) I posted about this a few weeks back: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/601779-de-math-opportunity-edx-starts-soon-418/ According to ASU they will offer a College Precalc MOOC in the future. Depending on future college major it may not be worth paying for the credits. also https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/04/23/arizona-state-edx-team-offer-freshman-year-online-through-moocs " After completing the courses, students can receive a transcript from ASU showing that they have earned enough credits at the university to transfer to a different program or institution as sophomores. Since the university stresses the MOOCs are just a new form of delivering courses it already offers, the transcripts won’t specify which type of course -- in-person, online or massive online -- students enrolled in to earn the credit. "
  16. no that term is much older than K12,com - discussions of Amazon made the term popular in the early 2000s with respect to physical bookstores such as Borders and B&N 1988 http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/brick%E2%80%93and%E2%80%93mortar
  17. She probably envisioned something like the DirectTV settlers commercial :huh:
  18. https://www.openstaxcollege.org/ap_textbooks for those planning for next year already
  19. see http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/542418-homeschooling-high-school-math/?do=findComment&comment=6191111
  20. looks like "customer service" is how lucky you are in getting the right person - so maybe just hang up and try the next day if things not going well :lol:
  21. http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/1149020-latin-1-on-flvs.html http://www.flvsglobal.net/course/high-school/french-i/1173/ https://www.consumeraffairs.com/education/florida-virtual-school.html
  22. My grad school alma mater (MS Computer Engineering) - a good practical school - improving all the time! Make sure she takes some EE hardware classes along the way - send me a resume in 4 years :coolgleamA:
  23. related http://www.thefacultylounge.org/2015/12/gordon-and-hedlund-on-financial-aid-and-rising-college-tuition.html
  24. https://generationopportunity.org/articles/2016/04/27/this-is-the-real-reason-college-tuition-keeps-rising/
  25. http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/DigitalEducation/2016/04/virtual_blended_schools_NEPC.html?cmp=eml-enl-dd-news1-RM http://nepc.colorado.edu/publication/virtual-schools-annual-2016
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