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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Yeah I would blame the medicine too if I didn't know something else was different around the same time. Like is this stocking job new? Did anything change at work or elsewhere? I am not sure if he started the job and medicine around the same time or not.
  2. As a temporary solution you can use clove oil dabbed on a cotton ball. I don't know if you need to dilute it first, so I would. Dh has used this to help with tooth pain before.
  3. I don't know who came up with the number 8, but studies show that humans sleep best in intervals of 90 min. Better to get 9 hours of sleep or I guess 7.5. I don't know if this is applicable to his situation, just a thought. I have recently started taking Lexapro. I don't know if it makes me more sleepy or not, but it hasn't helped with my issue of waking up once a night. The dr said that might stop happening. I guess time will tell. Isn't the dr supposed to check on him at about 4-6 weeks of usage anyway? I think that's what my office said. They scheduled an appt. to check on me at like 6 weeks (so I would think it makes sense to check in soon if your ds is around 5 weeks in) and will determine if they should change medicine or dosage.
  4. No beer or soft drinks in ours right now. Occasionally dh has beer in there. I don't know the last time we purchased soda. We buy a 3pk of OJ from Sam's Club so sometimes we have 3 jugs of that. Things currently or often in my fridge... one or two jugs of milk (sometimes one jug of cow milk and one carton of almond), one or two containers of yogurt (been making a lot of parfaits lately), deli meat, veggies, fruit (not all of it but some), leftovers, tub of butter, ketchup, pickles, salad dressing, jello cups, cottage cheese, lettuce and some other stuff. We are not a large family, but our main grocery stores are not close. We also have a deep freeze (small chest freezer) which is often pretty full. We typically go grocery shopping once a week. There are things that stay in the deep freeze for a long time so it's not like it's constantly replenished from scratch.
  5. That pic looks like a normal size to me. I have seen small ones in Europe. Made the boxes of juice make more sense to me. We were offered juice from a box that looked like our shelf stable milk containers or chicken broth containers.
  6. Yes and my parents might freak out if they knew I recently started taking medication out of desperation. I am not sure if it's working as it takes time but to some degree I think it may have started to help. For depression/anxiety/OCD. I know there are other things that can help, but when people say "go outside" as a solution to depression and I would think about drowning myself in the pond it wasn't really helpful. I am feeling better in that regard, but still get more agitated than I'd like. I don't know where my angry streak comes from, but my lack of control over my living/working situation makes me feel very defeated at times.
  7. Is it too late to double check? I don't know how close a look you got. I don't know if this makes you feel any better, but I once accidentally killed a cat. I didn't know who to call. It wasn't near any homes. It was at night and I was alone. I briefly got out of the car and looked to see if it was alive (no traffic). I was sorta relieved in a sense that it was not because I had no idea where I would take it. Didn't own any pets at the time and didn't know any local vets or anyone to call. I felt awful but there really wasn't anything I could do. Another time a bird hit my car while I was driving! I really thought it would move out of the way. These things happen :(
  8. When I lived in CA temporarily without a car it was terrible. I did take a bus to church and the mall but had to borrow my sister's car for a job interview and had to call her when I got the bus schedule wrong one night and was stranded at the bus stop. I wasn't in LA but I was in LA county.
  9. I'm on a site where people are tracking the Nintendo mini NES. Some stores have them show up but when people go in the store the employees say they aren't there. Then there's speculation that it's a lie, the inventory they looked at was wrong, the employees are holding them for themselves/friends to buy, or it's in the back. Basically a total hit and miss game. As another poster said, Nintendo won't be making more. I think Nintendo is being jerky about all this. Like employees are saying their stores never got a lot to begin with (I think that's what a Best Buy employee said). I remember at one point a GameStop employee told me they were not doing preorders and it was first come first serve. They had a limited number of them. My family wasn't interested enough or else I would have driven to GS during the original release when the store opened. I don't know anything about the status of the Switch. I didn't realize that one would be so hard to get. Maybe you can just get an emulator and download the specific games you want. There are ways to do this. Someone mentioned I think an itunes store?? where you can buy individual classic games (longer list than the ones loaded on the device and better selection). Depending on how many games you want this might even be more worth your money. But as far as getting the emulator, I'm not sure if it's legal or not. I had a version of one many years ago in my college dorm. I played classic Mario on my keyboard but the game would get stuck in certain parts and Mario wouldn't stop running and would fall to his death lol
  10. Yes!! lol I have decided it's a personality thing as mentioned upthread. Well, that and circumstances (how often people are eating at home, etc.). For our family it is not functional having just one bathroom but we're stuck. We aren't doing well without the dishwasher, either lol. We actually have a rolling cart with a wooden drying rack and a sanitizer on something like a baker's rack. When dishes are wet I put them on the rack or in the sanitizer (that's what dh has always called it but I'm not sure it sanitizes. It is a drying device, though. It came in real handy for baby bottles and pump parts). Now we have very little counter space so I had to shove these other things around the house. We have utility shelving units serving as a pantry and storage in our dining room, but we want to downsize the amount of stuff to make them more streamlined. When it's time to do food prep I would rather not have the drying rack on my rolling cart and use the top surface for that. I can't rely on family members to wash the dishes. Dh has a tendency to not notice food particles. Ds is sorta young and has executive function issues which I think contribute to him having difficulty with tasks and dd is a toddler. She could maybe help me load or unload a dishwasher. One time I measured our sink height and confirmed it is slightly lower than average. I'm not sure that makes a huge difference, but it's one more reason I think standing over the sink too long hurts. Our dish sprayer broke and we haven't gotten around to replacing it so that's one more annoyance about hand washing. This is definitely going to be a YMMV type of situation. Let us know how it goes without the dishwasher.
  11. I would focus on what you need now. What you need now is something reliable for commuting. You might change your mind about the camper all together. I don't know how easy it is to find a car that car tow a camper and handle 4 carseats. That might be tricky.
  12. I've been living without a dishwasher for 4 years? I hate it. We are considering giving in and getting a portable one later this year. I personally hate handwashing utensils. Sometimes I'll put a tub in the sink to do a batch or just grab a large serving dish filled with soapy water to dunk them in after I scrub them. But this just feels like more work than putting them in a dishwasher. We do use paper plates a lot but that doesn't do much good when we're using bowls a lot. I haven't started buying disposable bowls. I'm trying to stop myself from going down that path.
  13. Don't beat yourself up over not taking it in high school. All I remember from high school is pretty much "close the door" and "where is the bathroom?" lol. I had a vocabulary test weekly and those didn't stick with me. I think one week the vocab. was stuff about the circus. How often am I going to ask about the lion? So I have very mixed feelings about pushing lots of vocab. I did 3 levels of Spanish in high school 3 levels of Spanish in college 14 audio lessons of Pimsleur 12 levels of Duolingo tried a lesson of Michel thomas I am NOT an audio learner. I need visuals and examples. I do own Getting Started with Spanish, but I have been doing it at a snail pace with ds. I should just do it myself at my own pace. I do think it is a good resource. I think I have a problem retaining info. I always second guess myself on tenses. I am scared to practice with real people. I once told a Spanish speaking woman at a church function that she speaks a little Spanish. I realized it after the fact. In college I had to learn every form including Castilian Spanish (vosotros). Maybe it was information overload for me. We sometimes have bilingual services at a church near me. I have even gone to the nights where Spanish speakers are learning English. I liked the idea of working on my Spanish and helping them with English, but that wasn't the reality. The reality was I was supposed to sit there and help them with their Rosetta Stone lesson. I tried to translate things with my phone app but that didn't always help. The people I met knew very little English. I just felt helpless. The whole thing is really embarrassing for me because I'm half Mexican.
  14. This was a concern of mine. I put some reese's mini peanut cups in the deep freeze and took them out the morning of ds' egg hunt. In a town egg hunt we went to they used those tiny toosie rolls. Dh said they just get soft, not really melty. I don't know, but they seemed to do fine despite the heat.
  15. We don't know our traditions LOL. We've hidden eggs a couple times. It's hit and miss with us. Like one year it rained outside maybe we hid some in the house? Plastic. This year I got rid of the plastic as soon as I could. I didn't want to deal with them and I repackaged them for ds' school egg hunt (put chocolate in them. It's not Easter without chocolate lol) Ds came home with a pile of real eggs from his school egg hunt. I thought what in the world... why did the school even say you could send real ones LOL. I know they might not have been outside long, but I imagine they were left at room temp. in the classroom all day.
  16. To be honest, when I'm looking at merchandise some of the colors all look the same. I got dd some Easter shoes and didn't realize they were sightly off white til I held them up to a more vibrant white shoe. It's very subtle on her shoes. I was fortunate the dress I got was considered ivory. I couldn't really tell until I saw a really white dress. I was pregnant and my mom didn't want me to wear white. It was a very sore topic for me and it's not like the dress color would've convinced people I wasn't pregnant. It was pretty obvious. I was just glad I found a dress I liked (we knew the shop owner and as a gift she discounted it for me). As for the bride mentioned up thread, well, I'd figure she just wanted that dress and so many women wear white that she probably figures "why not me?" Maybe she never wore white in the past and wanted to this time.
  17. I don't think they are always super public to start, but I have seen some on TV that were filmed, hence, became public. I remember this when I used to watch the TV show Laguna Beach lol. I think they are over the top and unnecessary. I went to prom with a friend (platonic). He refused to dance. :glare:
  18. I couldn't find it on the site but might try again later. Thanks As long as they are ergonomic those sound fantastic. A bit heavy though if you're adding weight with the child LOL
  19. One thing that might happen if you dye the whole head is that the brown will have a colored look in the sunlight. I think how it fades depends a lot on the original product and your hair color. For example, in the past when I've bleached my hair sometimes it came out coppery instead of blond. Or maybe it just looked coppery after the red faded when I dyed chunks red. When I dyed mine purple it lasted a few months but only because I used a higher quality dye (and reds are notorious for fading anyway). You can get some of the higher quality dye online these days. I was able to do it at home because a friend had a tube leftover from her stylist. Eventually it just got stuck on this really faded purple or light brown and I couldn't.get.rid.of.it. I resorted to getting it all dyed black (my natural color is almost jet black). In short, it's hard to say how it will fade but don't count on it fading beautifully. And don't count on the length of time it will hold its vibrancy. That will depend on type of shampoo you use, how often you wash it, etc. You may want to start looking for sulfate-free color friendly shampoos & conditioners. As far as good color stylists... I might ask other customers (outside of the shop doors) before broaching it with my stylist if I'm afraid they won't give me the nitty gritty answer. They might hate to send you to another location even if another location has a more experienced colorist. And I'd want someone that had experience with the types of dyes you like, specifically the peacock colors or whatever. "I have tons of experience with hair coloring" might translate to, "I've never dyed anyone's hair unnatural colors."
  20. :grouphug: I hope you were able to trim down the shopping trip list. Maybe spread it out over the rest of the visit.
  21. Hope she has a great time. My neighbors went to Yosemite every year when I was a kid. I tagged along once. Curious what is this baby carrier? I own two carriers. My newest is a toddler one. I'm happy with ours, but interested in hearing about this one.
  22. Yes, I knew. Sometimes I will cross in the "wrong" place because it doesn't make sense to walk to the crosswalk, but I just make sure I'm not in someone's way. I'm talking about crossing a shopping center parking lot or such. People here are nervy!! They will walk across a hwy like it's nothing. And I doubt they are really addressed by law enforcement. There are lot of random people walking at all hours of the day on the streets in some areas.
  23. I don't know what you should do but I hope you get to a good stopping place, not stop with say, a pile of stuff you pulled out of the closet staring at you. Because that's something I'd do and have to shove it all back lol During spring break (ours was weeks ago) I stayed home while the kids and dh went to see family. My plan was to clean and organize the house. I had a week and I still didn't get as much done as I would have liked. We still haven't dealt with this pile of children's toys. It's easier for me to stop toys (or other items I guess) from coming in than to get rid of stuff we have. We must own too many clothes because I feel like the laundry is never under control. We are holding onto all these old dvds but almost exclusively watch digital. I can't even organize the dvds because they are too overwhelming. I did shove most in sleeves. Maybe find out what is holding you back. Is it because you might use it? Because you have a sentimental attachment? Think it's worth money and if you chuck it that you are throwing money away? Or you just need a break from this process?
  24. Some people may butt heads with their HOA with definitions like "single family use" or such. I never lived anywhere with an HOA personally.
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