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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Really tall heels I've never worn scrapbooking supplies I keep saying I'll use dh's copy of P90X a pair of wide leg jeans with tags (supposedly coming back in style lol) We are pack rats that are trying to mend our ways. We stopped ourselves from buying Easter baskets for the kids this year. Didn't know if dd could carry hers in the egg hunt but we had one with a short enough handle. We reuse those and the bunny just fills them.
  2. Good question. I checked a local deadline and it was last week so this may or may not be an option. OP, I wouldn't assume the parents will know soon unless they are asking to see the grades. If they are just having verbal conversations with him then I don't know it will come up.
  3. :grouphug: I only shared about my dd. I wasn't able to nurse ds. I tried for a few days but he refused to latch and I was not able to get the help and support I needed. I think I ended up clogging my ducts in the process. I didn't even know how to operate the handheld pump WIC gave me. He is tied, too (at least lip tie, but I think tongue as well) so that may have had something to do with it. With dd I tried various things to up my supply but never got the results to the level I had hoped (ate a bunch of oatmeal and never knew if it made a lick of difference. Tried fenugreek but it had side effects. Of course I pumped and did skin to skin as well. We supplemented).
  4. I would think yes to be on the safe side. I had a bit of a horror story when I toured one private school. The headmaster grinned like a villain when he bragged that he dry shaved a boy making him bleed after not keeping his face clean shaven for school. They keep disposable razors at the school and normally send the kids to do their own face. I'm guessing this kid kept coming to school w/o it shaven but that was just wrong. I don't know how most school handle it (if they send the kid home or what).
  5. Apparently dh and I still aren't on the same page on the eating out with coworkers of the opposite sex one on one as he and a coworker did just that the other day. Yeah, I don't have to have lingering mental images to just prefer not to see a lot of that.
  6. The author seems a bit out of touch with the nursing community. Has she ever talked to a La Leche League leader? Or an IBCLC? I met with three IBCLCs, talked to another on the phone. Two were MDs. Two were nurses. And one was a LLL leader. The milk changes with the age of the child to give the child what it needs. I don't know if you can measure how beneficial it is, but the fact that it changes with your child seems relevant to me. I would say maybe more beneficial if you're giving your 2 yr old the fresh or current milk vs. freezer stock from infancy. But I don't know. Regardless, there are benefits for mom. That being said, I wouldn't pressure any mom to start or stop if that's not what she wants. My daughter had two laser tongue/lip tie surgeries and is still tied. I had to pump more than nurse directly at the breast. We quit at 21 months. She would have gone longer but I was ready. I wanted to wean closer to 18 months, but it was really hard to wean her. I think if nursing had gone smoother and less painfully, I might have been open to a more flexible time frame. Do what's best for your family, OP. Don't worry about if it's the norm or not.
  7. Our go-to is homemade buttercream frosting. You don't have to add dyes to it, but you could. I much prefer it to most store bought frostings, too. You could do one batch of yellow and one batch of chocolate. Or really any common mixes. You could also do a mix like carrot cake but I don't know how popular those are. And sometimes with things like that people expect another kind of frosting like cream cheese. So if you're looking for simple then I'd do common flavors and just one batch of buttercream for them all. I should have it memorized but I know we have a buttercream frosting recipe saved on the computer. I can PM it to you if you want.
  8. If you don't think he needs anything or you don't want more toys then I wouldn't worry. He won't know. But if you just want something for his age then maybe some type of toy he can ride (not sure the older brothers still have those in the house). When my son turned 1 we got him this thing: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41gFgydOo0L._SY355_.jpg. He was a bit young to use it immediately but you could help them. We left it at grandma's and now my dd is interested in it when we visit. Magnadoodle? Color Wonder markers/coloring books?
  9. I don't always avoid tv shows with sex scenes and such, but I also find it more difficult to watch certain types of shows (like HBO stuff) because I just don't want all that imagery (whether it be extremely violent, lots of nudity, etc. I tried to watch Game of Thrones but it seemed a bit much for me). I don't necessarily fantasize about being with anyone on screen, but I'm a visual person and suffer from OCD so I have to be more conscious of what I let get in my brain if that makes sense.
  10. I don't quite understand it, but dh says there are YouTube people that make a living off of their videos. One girl ds watches sometimes films herself playing video games. Her husband does it, too! She also bakes. The thing that gets me is the professional eating ones. I'm like what?? People make money off that? I can barely watch them. It makes me feel sick. There's this guy that is super tiny and dh and ds will just watch him eat like 5 boxes of cereal or a trifle the size of a giant flower vase, etc.
  11. I didn't think of life coach as related to products. I do see a lot of people on my facebook feed selling makeup and essential oils and "health" drinks (I put in quotes because I got questionable results about one of the lines). When I see stuff like that sometimes I think, "phew, glad I'm not stuck with that pile of lip gloss to sell."
  12. This is similar to the one ds got (different color). Price isn't bad. I don't know how much the white one is and some of the others which said add to cart to view price. http://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/austin-trading-co-mens-uniform-piqu2-polo-shirt#repChildCatid=1134581
  13. No laundry during the week will definitely require more clothing, so yes, possibly 5 pairs of pants if he's going to get them really sweaty or dirty. Less if he can rewear them between washes. Ds has a uniform and started the year with two pairs of khakis. Over washing them and I guess growing?? they became short! It was a huge ordeal for me to find some mid year, but I managed. I have shopped at Academy Sports (those are the ones that shrunk but they do wash and wear well), Target (Cat & Jack is the brand we got but not sure if they go up to high school sizes), and another pair but it was from a children's store. To get the most bang for my buck I bought the 4 polo bundle pack of shirts from walmart.com. I paid someone to monogram the school logo on them. Polos would be an easy item and probably don't need ironed. I rarely iron ours. I also got a polo from Academy Sports sold individually for $3.99 on sale so if you find them at that price, stock up. In the end you see I got 5 shirts for 5 days of the week. The shirts are slightly different in thickness, but they're all fine. You can of course get other collared shirts, but I think a few polos might be handy. And maybe a pack of white undershirts. For winter maybe just long sleeve solid shirts to layer.
  14. Oh it's totally understandable and I can see why it's best for you rather than another sub to go. I just meant that someone might see the solutions to your situation not to end in "hubby must go over there" and choose to do something else like swing by to check on the horse after filling in for the sub. Or swapping texts or doing facetime when they get the chance. Again, nothing wrong with your solution assuming your friend wasn't uncomfortable with getting your dh instead of you. I actually recently asked my neighbors for help with something when dh was out of town (because at the time it seemed urgent for safety reasons - a security light when I was home alone. I had the light but needed help installing it). I requested both of them, but she was going to send her hubby over alone. In the end the timing didn't work out and I said don't worry, I'll have dh handle it later. I normally wouldn't have asked but I was really paranoid that week and my house alarm had gone off for no reason twice already. I was a nervous wreck.
  15. For someone with strict guidelines about avoiding the type of situation you described, I would think they would say no to the teacher that is not feeling well. I don't know if you are their only option (substitute??). If you said, "sorry, I can't" would they find their own plan B for the class? I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, but just that I don't know if you outlined every possible outcome of how to handle the situation. Wouldn't most people just rely on orders from their vet? I wouldn't assume to always have a friend handy to help with aftercare of a pet.
  16. The kids weren't close. I wouldn't expect them to be close now. I'm not even sure why your dd was invited to the shower (assume the mom helped make the guest list for that then??) but since she was it seems like she should be invited to the wedding. That happened to me once and I was a bit put off (invited by a former coworker to a shower but not the wedding. Come to find out the wedding was super small so only very close family/friends). Unless your dd was invited to the wedding and didn't mention receiving an invitation at her address?
  17. To me going to lunch with a male coworker when it's not mandatory (not a business meeting) is kind of seeking out one-on-one time. Innocently, probably. But still not necessary time spent alone.
  18. For me it would feel more out of the norm to approach a male coworker and invite him to lunch. But that's just me. Dh and I share a car. If I had to hitch a ride with someone that happened to be male I could, but I would rather not. I asked a couple for a ride to church recently when dh was out of town. They pointed out to me that so and so lived closer (recently widowed man). I brushed it off. I just didn't feel super comfortable (I know them better, anyway). I made a mental note to find someone else to ask if there's a next time. Now if there was an emergency and I had to get a ride with one of my male neighbors then so be it. For some of us the dining out or doing things outside of work-related business meetings is artificial.
  19. Five pages and you still didn't notice that it doesn't mean they don't trust their spouse. There are several reasons listed as to why some people choose not to seek out one-on-one time with others. It doesn't always reflect a lack of self control or a lack of trust. Please read the points listed upthread.
  20. Who's going camping? 2 married people and Susie and all the kids? I don't think that's a one-on-one trip then. And if it's not that, then it's no longer a family camping trip, really? Like I said before, many people that aren't going out one-on-one aren't changing anything. I don't go on vacations with other families. We hardly go out as it is, making time to do things with other couples isn't bothersome, it's just not that convenient because we have kids in tow or have to get sitters. Most scenarios just don't apply to me right now and maybe never really did. Emotional maturity? Who said we never talk to people of the opposite sex or differen't marital status? I didn't know emotional maturity was measured by putting yourself in situations that you normally don't just so other people can stop treating you like you're sheltered or deprived.
  21. Looking at someone with lust is considered committing adultery with your heart in some religions. Also brings to mind, "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell." I don't think people can always control thoughts (lustful or otherwise) but some people in this thread think they are immune I guess. I'm OCD so I might just be an odd duck. If I get a bad thought (unwanted or otherwise) it might get stuck on repeat. I used to struggle a lot with spiritual OCD and let me tell you, it sure made going to Communion difficult. I don't expect everyone to safeguard themselves from bad thoughts or bad situations the same. But I don't want people to think just because people want to avoid things or struggle with unwanted thoughts that they are weak.
  22. I had similar thoughts as well. I feel like I could suggest a jogger to wear light reflective clothing and I'd be called a victim blamer.
  23. We are not talking about the same thing. I'm talking about avoiding getting to the point where someone feels comfortable enough to make a move, air a crush or giving them more opportunities to do this outside of the eyes of fellow employees. Besides, we were talking about eating out lunch with male coworkers off site I thought. If the move was made, it might happen off site. I guess you could still report that to HR but I don't know if it would be a work-related complaint if it wasn't a work assigned meal. Your word against theirs, too if they denied it. People are not always straight forward. It could be very subtle. Like you're gonna tell HR that John Doe gazed into your eyes too long at the Chinese lunch buffet and you got really uncomfortable. You can complain or address it with him, but if you have to work with that person it can still be awkward even if you stood up to them, complain about them, addressed it etc. As I said, the people that choose to avoid these situations are probably not changing their behavior. So please don't think we are all letting everyone "dictate our lives." Odds are we are doing this for the comfort of ourselves as well as others. Yes, I feel more comfortable NOT eating out alone with a married man. I said that is how I felt when I was single, too.
  24. As I said it's not a change in behavior if you wouldn't do it, anyway. Many women would not choose to carpool with a married man. Their choice to do that is their choice and you can call it victim blaming if you want but maybe others would call it pragmatic. It doesn't mean they actually think they will be hit on but rather they are doing it for the comfort level of everyone involved. Going out to eat without any regards to third parties (spouses of dining pals) could also be called "shameful."
  25. YOU don't have to do anything. I just said what some people do is based on the knowledge that their actions don't only affect them. It's not really adjusting behavior if that's not the way you intended to behave in the first place. If I was still single I wouldn't go to lunch with a married man alone (I'm sure there's some exception even for me, but this is just as a rule of thumb for me). This didn't change because I got married. But that's just me. As I said in another post (not sure which thread, getting them all mixed up) sometimes someone gets shot down and then things are incredibly awkward in the workplace from that point forward. Maybe for some it's about avoiding drama by never setting up a scenario where people grow close together one on one and someone makes a move or airs their true feelings. If you think avoiding lunch pals is the drama, then that's your prerogative. To each their own.
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