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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I might also consider if this is something I could ask indirectly, such as explaining to someone at the front desk that I need a prescription in order to place an order. Then they would pass the message along to the dr on your behalf and give you the slip? This could probably be done over the phone, too. They might tell you when to come by to pick it up. I did something similar but not with a vet's office. Granted in my situation it was not like the doctor's office would be losing business. Is that your concern? That they will be offended you are buying the fluids elsewhere? I'm sure they also sell cat and dog food there but don't expect clients to all purchase from them. Thinking about it in that way might make me feel less awkward about it.
  2. Am I following correctly? The moms had not agreed but the girl showed up with a duffle bag? Even if the mom didn't pack the duffle bag, how would she not notice it? I think at the point the duffle bag came out, the Mom should have just talked directly to you or told her daughter that it's not polite to invite yourself over like that. I need warning for people to come over. I would like to become the type of person that is more ready for company at the drop of a hat (house clean, snacks, drinks) but I'm not there yet. And certainly not for overnight guests!
  3. Oh I just saw it was already mentioned lol. I think the brand we get is Bird's Eye. I know there's another brand, but I never see it in the store here.
  4. I don't like spicy food. It can be done but yes it can be tricky. I notice that if I buy pre-packaged items that are not sold as spicy they are sometimes spicy (like chicken tenders that aren't labeled as spicy). Can you make a healthy-ish breakfast dish? I'm really into riced cauliflower lately. You can buy it premade in the freezer section (comes plain or seasoned) or do it yourself. I saw a video online recently where they used riced cauliflower as the bottom of some breakfast muffins. I guess kinda like some people would use hashbrowns. It was basically cauiflower, egg, then some cut up veggies or in some cases maybe a meat.
  5. Are you saying that someone working for a tutoring site has to make another step when they file taxes or this is something that will come out of their paycheck automatically? I'm asking because I did sign up with a tutoring site this year (only worked one session) and hadn't thought of any of this. I have a family member that does our taxes. I'm clueless with that stuff.
  6. If you show your availability spanning several of the peak hours, can you be picky about how many classes you accept? (because you only want to teach a few but your window is wider).
  7. I read country, too lol. My dh said something about a meeting at 3pm. I thought he'd come straight home after the meeting, possibly getting here early. Finally got a text back at 5pm saying he's in the meeting. Either I misunderstood or that's one long meeting. I gave up and put dinner away. Honestly was thinking he just didn't charge his phone. The battery life is awful on his and mine has been acting up, too. We tried Google calendar before, but it seemed he never updated his or something. He never really looked at what I put on mine nor does he read the calendar that I physically write on that hangs on the wall. He can literally be a foot away from it and I'll say, "read the calendar" and he'll say, "just tell me." :lol:
  8. Is after schooling a compromise? I honestly don't know how that works because when I tried to add in other material I found ds was too burned out to touch anything. But maybe depending on school workload/time available on weekends or such it could allow you to do some level of homeschooling.
  9. Not unless I got a high enough paying job, which right now is not very realistic :( We've looked at the figures off and on. We live in campus housing which is way cheaper than anywhere else we could move. The jobs I applied to (according to salary.com) would not come close to the amount I'd need to make ends meet to warrant moving. Dh asked if ds would get permission to attend school where I work if I got accepted at one of the school jobs (non-certified roles. I even looked into getting certified but it'd require at least a year of a teaching internship), but even then I don't know. So far in my research the only way schools allow you to attend out of district is to pay a fee. We looked into that when we first moved here. I don't even think I could afford ds to attend the Catholic school even if I got a job and a discount there. They have my resumé on file from the last time I applied. None of these types of jobs would pay much. Sorry for the thread derail.
  10. I think local probably means the tax money goes back into the community. In that sense, no where I shop is truly local. I leave town to do all my shopping. There is nothing here. But local-ish? Those grocery stores just don't cut it. Sure, for a few items here and there I might shop, but more often than not we just drive the extra distance to do all our shopping. I literally have not found shelf stable milk (almond milk) any closer than 30 minutes from my home. I don't think they sell Lactaid nearby, either. It's hard to find our orange juice (Simply brand) as well, though I did recently see a coupon for it at a dollar store so it's possible they have it. I suspect it's only certain locations, though. I have settled for other brands of orange juice locally, but my family was not happy. Dh would rather pick it up in a 3pk at Sam's Club which is 45 min. away. I also need to drive quite far to find things like dairy-free cream cheese and most organic options (not that we only eat dairy-free or organic). I have not been impressed with the local produce in general. This kind of reminds me of a thought I had about the toy collection in December. Well, the town does a toy drive and they take a certain amount of money and go shopping at a Walmart. I thought to myself, "you could probably stretch that money further if you shopped on Amazon, at least for some of the products" but after thinking about this thread some more, I guess they're helping that Walmart (which again, is out of town but helping some community on some level?).
  11. Is it bad my brain goes to, "maybe the friend gets a cut?" lol. Who knows.
  12. Could you consider it a "season" and just resume homeschooling if/when money allows? I can't really answer your question but I am weighing the pros/cons of working again myself. I have applied to a few jobs recently. If I get a job it would help us out financially (we only have one car and just spent $1000 on repairs eek), but then ds would basically be forced to attend the F rated public school because we're dissatisfied with the private and it's breaking the bank.
  13. I had a coworker that used it years ago. I had to figure it out from context. She was the only one I ever heard use it til much time had passed. I thought it was just her unique word lol. "Do you think the ocean is salty because the sand never waves back?"
  14. I have a lot of issues with our Echo. She's always giving me the weather for the wrong area because she misunderstands. It's not even close to what I say. I think I need to start using the remote to interrupt her because I think she has brain damage from the toddler throwing her a few times.
  15. And driving far for shopping is a chore. I've been wearing sports bras because I'm done nursing and none of my regular bras fit. Ugh.
  16. I don't know what stores you have around you. I'd probably consider stores like New York & Company. Even Sears if they're around. I bought slacks and jacket separately (same brand, but not sold as a set). That was many moons ago, though. I no longer fit in my jacket. If I couldn't find a dress jacket and it was chilly I'd wear my black cardigan or black peacoat, but I know that would probably not look as good as a jacket. I'd do my best but assume I wouldn't see most of those people again so try not to overthink it lol
  17. Awesome! Around Halloween I tried to get a photo of dd as BMO, ds as Finn and me as Marceline (Adventure Time) but it didn't work out too well. Ds wasn't around when we took the pics. We were lucky we got any photo of BMO. Dh didn't get my boots in the photo or the whole guitar :closedeyes: Yes, my hair desperately needs a haircut there!
  18. That definitely sounds like it could be an element. Even if money was no factor, I'd hate to repeat a class and have the first grade average in with the second. Depending on what school it is and their policy, it may not matter. It still irks me the way they calculate my GPA between my transcripts. I don't think the community college grades get averaged in (had better grades there).
  19. Do you guys ever use speech to text? Ugh so much gibberish.
  20. That's cool. Maybe they need the external pressure that you did not.
  21. Was education highly valued in your home? Were expectations higher in your household than others? I know it was for me. Like, my parents expected As and Bs but I might have a neighbor where Cs were considered good/fine. I really think it starts at home with expectations. ETA: I did get some Cs in college and I was disappointed in myself. I don't remember having discussions about those with my parents. I was talking about earlier years above.
  22. You could say I'm defending their attitude, but more so I just feel like I'm trying to explain it. I don't like their attitude at all. It just makes it less harsh to hear if I explain it away lol. Even if my explanations are wrong! lol. For all I know they are in school on a scholarship in a completely unrelated field or have a major that is seemingly unrelated so it gives them all the more reason to not take it seriously.
  23. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and saying the attitude is learned. Their role models don't care about math so they don't. Or something along those lines. I think, "how sad" more so than, "what losers." How sad they grew up without appreciation for this or that. But then again, I don't appreciate all things. I liked math, but how often do I use trig in real life? So I can see how they might develop a dismissive attitude.
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