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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. This is going to vary I guess between family members. I was NOT close to my sisters growing up. We are all 4 years apart, with the oldest being 8 years older than me. We are closer now as adults, but it took some time to get there. I mean, she was off at college part of the time I was living at home with my parents. I don't think we ever attended the same school. By the time I started elem. she would have been in middle school/jr. high.
  2. If you were talking about the IVF now, I would be scared to have multiples. But that doesn't sound like it would be an issue since this isn't IVF? I don't know if they just use one? Definitely a very individual answer. My parents had me later in life (mom was 41) and sometimes I do wish they were younger. Dad is in pretty good health (better than many men younger than him) but Mom is not (her Parkinson's has taken a toll on her). She can't even hold my daughter let alone do the things my MIL does with her grandchildren (babysit, take them out, even read books). If she didn't have Parkinson's I still feel like she'd have a harder time with some things at her age. Also, I don't know if they had trouble relating to other parents at school functions, etc. I do remember Mom being self conscious about her hair when my oldest sibling graduated and that's when she dyed it. I'm 34 and I can't even keep up with my toddler so I can't imagine how some people that are older or in worse health do it (but age is just a number to some extent, so ultimately it's probably more about your health, finances, etc.). My grandmother died this week and she lived to 101. You never really know how long people will be around.
  3. My uncle has written my son's name wrong a number of times. I know I have spelled ds' name in emails. I was called the completely wrong name at one of my jobs by an elderly couple that worked there. I probably tried to correct it at some point but then let it go. They were super sweet so it was easier to let slide
  4. I just started Lexapro, too. I began the end of March. I am not sure what to think. I am really bad about taking it the same time each night. I was told to take it before bed because it can make you sleepy. Well, I do take it in the evening but sometimes closer to 8:30, others closer to 9 or later. I'm trying to be more consistent. I don't know how much a little bit of time affects it. I was told by both the dr and the pharmacist it was best to take in the evening. Honestly, I don't know if I'm any more tired. I tend to be tired on a regular basis because my kids are a pain to get to bed at night and we have early mornings. I do think it has probably helped with depression and anxiety (I'm taking it for both). I said probably because some situational stuff overlapped with my beginning it (I was anxious when dh was out of town, but he's back). I don't know if they told you, but the pharmacist pulled me aside and told me if you decide to stop, you have to wean off it. Don't stop cold turkey or I could get really sad or something.
  5. I don't even know. Like I never sat down and counted. I just know my water broke with dd and I went to the hospital shortly after that. I think I went to the hospital in the afternoon and gave birth that night. I probably mentally block out the hour countdown :laugh: We stared at the hospital booklet with ds and didn't know when to count me in active labor since I didn't fit the textbook definition. Came to find out later I was in fact in active labor (felt like it but just didn't match with intervals in book).
  6. I heard about these on the radio today. I thought, "ha the Hive always knows what's up!"
  7. Dh bought a giant bag of riced cauliflower at Sam's recently. Inside were individual bags. I think it's a new item. We had previously bought it at Walmart. I don't know how much he paid, though.
  8. Wow, like going to the bathroom outdoors isn't bad enough... but to have to show a bag of contents at the end of the trip? Does the altitude make a lot of women menstruate? I think I might be more afraid of all this than the wild life lol
  9. I don't know what you can do but maybe we can brainstorm some ideas scheduled for the down time. Like audio books or independent work to take up a bit of the time you're working. Also sites like TeachYourMonstertoRead, ReadingBear, etc.?? I have always only taught one. Ds did a combination of seat work with me and time4learning.com when we did PreK-2nd. We'll be returning to homeschool for 4th and I might be able to find a few things to work on with dd but she's really too young for real school.
  10. When you do go car seat shopping, check the man. date immediately. Ugh I got burned by buying stuff that had sat on the shelf a long time. Didn't realize it til years later and did the math.
  11. Oops I'm late to the thread. No pun intended lol
  12. Well depending on when you ovulated it may not be a "long" cycle. You could still have the same length luteal phase but ovulation that occurred later in the month than usual. It's been 7 years so what did the doctors recommend you do after X number of "guaranteed" years of no pregnancies? Were you supposed to go back after so many? It's up to you. If you really think you are, I'd get a test. If you don't think you are, I might wait a day or so just because I'm cheap and I hate buying pregnancy tests. I know people say they sell them at the dollar stores, but I would assume they still cost more than $1?? Unless they mean Dollar Tree where everything is actually $1.
  13. :grouphug: Could you change the punishment? Maybe the lack of friend time is exacerbating the behavior. Your son can't go somewhere but what about the other kids? Could they take a bus or something to school so you didn't have to drive? I am guessing maybe they would also be assigned to the school you lost faith in, though. I'm sorry times are so difficult right now.
  14. Yes, it's been going on a long time. One of the first times I noticed it was with Kudos bars lol. Pretty sure last time we bought Pringles (which we don't do very often) I thought, "what?! Isn't it supposed to be full to the top?"
  15. was that passive aggressive? I don't know how I'd take that. But maybe they just didn't want to talk about it so just wrote that to acknowledge you had messaged them.
  16. Let me put this in perspective for you. Dd is approx 30 lbs now. She's 2. She hasn't been in her infant car seat in a while. She uses a convertible seat right now (rear facing). Your child will outgrow height long before weight more often than not. Our infant seat goes up to 35 lbs. but that is meaningless now. Also, the heavier they are, the less likely you will carry the seat into buildings. Maybe invest in a baby carrier/sling. Also better for head development I think (mine had torticollis and plagiocephaly. She appears fine now). Before reusing an old seat don't just look at the man. date. Ask yourself did you ever wash the straps? If so, you would want to replace those. They should not be submerged in water, it removes the fire retardant stuff. A friend of mine is a car seat tech. If you want I can probably get her to recommend some seats. Is your goal longevity? Because even the Graco 4 Ever and some others can backfire (I can't remember if it's that one or another where by the time the child is old enough for the no back booster the seat will look babyish).
  17. Yeah it's like they're thinking, "well as long as you notice after you buy it.." lol You go to unwrap that breakfast bar and it's like a quarter is missing.
  18. I fed dd a yogurt the other day. It was not very full! I wondered if they downsized or if it was a new brand. Dh bought them and I don't remember for sure what brand it was. Most of the yogurts we buy are (or were?) filled higher.
  19. I think that's so special that you provided the music. :) Thanks for the update.
  20. Sometimes people will see sequels without seeing the original. I wonder if in the case of the kid in the John Wick 2 showing the parent had never seen the first film.
  21. I assumed deadpooling was a reference to parents that take kids to movies like Deadpool despite actors saying, "don't' take your kid to see this film." Wow this thread took a turn I was not expecting lol
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