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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. A lot of people are posting, "what makes you scream 'no'?" and I'm over here like, "is it just me or is it odd to talk about adoption when someone is already a fully grown adult?" I don't mean that in a rude way. Just that when I hear adoption my mind goes to children or maybe young adults. If it's been 15 years I would have thought it would have been discussed earlier on, too. If someone were to go along with it I wouldn't think anything negative about it. I just mean I can see why you wouldn't necessarily feel the same as them. I would talk to my mom about it first I would imagine. Maybe that is cowardly. I don't have a step parent so I guess I can't really put myself in your shoes, either. It would just be easier to me to ask the whys indirectly.
  2. That's so strange you mention this movie. I was just talking about John Wick last night. I didn't know they made a second. My 8 yr old can see certain things that other parents wouldn't allow. He handles violence better than me in a lot of ways. I wouldn't take him to see a John Wick movie personally. He did once access a Walking Dead episode I would never have permitted him to see once. It was an episode where I had to leave the room, but he apparently didn't have any nightmares or act fazed. I think most of the violent stuff he's seen in theaters was rated PG-13, though. Like one of the X-Men movies. I didn't realize it was going to be that violent. I was really upset we had taken him. He was fine. I was uncomfortable.
  3. You have to follow directions to a T. It has to be a fine mist or else the bugs or fleas will walk around it. And as far as fleas, you're supposed to put some DE inside the vacuum so if you vacuum up eggs and they hatch then the hatched fleas will bounce up and down on the DE inside the vacuum. DE does NOT kill eggs.
  4. We didn't use it on the pet. I think you're not supposed to apply it to them. But using it around the home or outside the home is fine. You would want the food-grade version. We used it when I was pregnant and our cat got fleas. I absolutely did not want to bomb the inside of my home. Dh got a duster pistol thing and wore a mask. He left a fine mist all over right before we left town. I wasn't sure how fast/effective it was since we were gone for a bit and we treated the cat separately. But I think it must work because I don't remember flea issues when we returned. The cat got on some pill briefly... Comfortis I believe. I know your link says you can apply it directly to coat, but I thought I read somewhere else not to do that. Is your dog outdoors a lot? I guess the alternative would be to feed it some, but I'm not familiar with that method. I mean, I think farmers feed some to their livestock so it's probably a legit thing but I don't know too much about it. It's dusty and I don't know if it would scratch the inside of their throat but maybe not if mixed with food since it's called food-grade.
  5. To some degree. There have been times he's done things where he acted the exact same regardless of gender. Like the time a female worker started a job in his dept. and didn't know anyone/anything in the area besides him. He took her shopping and I was irate about it. I told him give her an address and let her use a GPS lol. But then a male worker in his dept. started and he went as far as to buy him an air mattress because he was very broke and didn't even have a bed yet. He thought he'd get paid back for the air mattress but since there was a miscommunication we didn't feel right about asking for the money back. I was a bit upset about the money loss but oh well. It goes to show he does sometimes bend over backwards for both men and women.
  6. We don't sit together in theaters because he needs the leg space and he's in real discomfort sitting in most rows. The row he likes is too close for me. It has a bar instead of seats in front of it and more room to stretch. I have sucked it up and sat there but it's not eye level and while it's not the front row, it's just way too close for me. And he has sucked it up and sat with me before but was in great pain not able to stretch his legs. He usually goes to movies with ds now though he would like us to go together. On a rare occasion I will go to the theater alone since no one in my family wants to sit where I do, anyway. And I don't sit in a weird place! I sit above middle but not in nosebleed. Yes I think the main pacing issue was exercise. When I brought up the topic this weekend he said that he didn't walk with her at her pace the entire time, just part of it. But still. Anyway, she's not one of the moms with a kid and he said he doesn't have to do the baby walking thing this summer. He said he didn't set anything in stone (which was not the impression I was under before). I really don't think there's anything going on there but he's always suggesting things that make me go, "??" like today saying he should invite the moms to ds' party this summer to be polite. They both have kids near dd's age. I was like so??? The party is for ds, you are under no obligation to invite them.
  7. That's awful!! And we only have one car too so that would be really bad for me lol. I think I need to look at phones this week.
  8. Mine is acting up. I don't like upgrading phones. It's a pain. I usually wait til I've had it long enough to qualify for something relatively cheap/free. I will probably have no choice but to upgrade soon. My screen will freeze sometimes. One time recently my texting wasn't working, but I didn't know it at least for the incoming ones. Then everything disappeared from my screen and I could receive a call but not access contacts/make a call. It was scary. It was in an area where my phone normally works fine so I didn't know how to explain it.
  9. Maybe it's not so much the name as the association that makes it special. Might want to think of favorite characters or family members. I know you've looked at lists, but have you checked out any baby name books? Maybe the lists are different in a book than online. We have a baby name book here. I think it's this one: https://www.amazon.com/000-Baby-Names-Bruce-Lansky/dp/0684034506/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1492902120&sr=8-1&keywords=25%2C000%2B+Baby+Names Sorry, not sure I can quite answer your actual question.
  10. Do you have a "Once Upon a Child" store? They will give you cash on spot, but it's not much. I took some of ds' old clothes there once. A lot of consignment stores I have looked into have way too much red tape for me. "Bring only XYZ brands. Must be on a hanger. We sell at 50% retail and you keep even less than that." etc etc. My hangers are worth more to me than some of the items :laugh:
  11. Yeah, don't think we have uber around here. Liking posts but not the circumstances behind some of them. I like the "spend more fun times together" advice. That makes total sense. With feedback from this thread I did talk to him more about my feelings. I basically told him even if it doesn't seem like a big deal to him, he should ask himself, "would this bother my wife?" and we had a chat about cell phone usage. He reads and responds to work related emails at night and on weekends and I said that they should get the hint if you don't reply during your off hours. He's in walking distance from home so the fact that he's not coming home for meals sometimes and eating with other people is extra offensive when it's happening so often. We do care about the students but sometimes those boundaries get blurry, too. Just now he asked if he should invite a female college student we know (she's tutored ds before) over for dinner because they lost power in their dorm room. I can see valid response to that on either end, but he needs to stop making everyone else's problems ours to fix. I don't think he's a bad guy, but I do think sometimes his priorities are way different than mine. We did agree we need to try a date night soon and hopefully make it a recurring thing. Also asked him to please find a counselor in his ins. network so we can figure out the sitter stuff for that, too.
  12. Sometimes you can see what was purchased with a gift card. Not sure if you can view gift card history that far back. One possibility is you used it online for something that either was $5 even or you did a split payment and paid the remainder with your walmart gift card. Maybe the split payment was between two gift cards.
  13. My toddler would probably do the same thing! Run from me, anyway. That's why I use a stroller or baby carrier. Maybe that would help?? Sorry you had such a rough time!
  14. I wonder if colloidal silver would be good in aftercare. Praying he's okay. I had some weird junk happen to my eyes before and didn't have vision issues. Not the same thing but I am optimistic for him. One was a day after trying a face mask and all the dr could conclude was that I must have gotten a chemical burn from it, but he couldn't see or do anything for me (supposedly). I think it took a couple of days but then everything felt fine.
  15. I'm going to reply here again since I got so many responses lol. I am trying to take more time for me. I have started taking a medication to deal with depression and some other things. I decided to follow up on one job that I thought I missed out on. Last time I checked they just knew that interviews were being conducted. I felt that I must not be a candidate since I never got an email alert. But today I called to check and they asked me on the spot to come in Monday to speak with them. So I'd say that's an interview! The other pending job they never replied to me when I asked if it was filled. I did spoil myself a bit when I went Easter shopping. I left the kids at home with dh and spent my time hunting for church clothes but also let myself buy a few other items I wanted. Then today while out with the family I told dh about this store that had something in the window I wanted to check out. It was mostly curiosity, I didn't think it would be in the budget. It was actually on sale but didn't fit. While I was there the sales lady talked me into trying on some other outfits. I knew now wasn't the best time to blow money on a dress because dh is losing some money in his job soon and I don't know if I'll even land a job, but he told me it looked nice and encouraged me to get it. I did. I do have a part time job for a few shifts coming up but those shifts are few and far between at the campus bookstore making min. wage (they only need extra help when students are buying or reselling textbooks). If nothing else it will probably cover my dress Lol. I also got a haircut last week :) I don't feel that down about myself per se, but just frustrated at my flexibility with so much of my life revolving around dh's work schedule. Nothing is close to where I live so it's hard to join anything. Before dd was born I tried Bible study but dh worked those nights so I had to drag ds and it was awful. I quit going. For a while I would drive to another church to work with foreign students learning English. I enjoyed it, but it was too much gas money and sometimes I was too exhausted to drive. It's 30 min. from here. The other night I left the family at home to see my Natural Family Planning teacher and I used that as an excuse to go out on my own. I bought that cart at Target that I posted in another thread lol. I had to talk dh out of coming along with the kids because it would rush my evening with their bedtimes. We only have one car and live in a rural area so I have to think twice about wear and tear and gas but if I get a job I think we'll get the second vehicle then.
  16. I have the app but I seldom post with it anymore because it says "can we access your photos?" to post a photo whereas the site just has an attachment icon appear without asking that. Maybe I already did "allow" another time? For text only posts the site doesn't let me see what I'm typing as I'm typing it, though. Very frustrating on a cell phone since I'm not that great at typing on those. I trust my fingers on a keyboard, though.
  17. I just meant that I'm tired of feeling like a broken record and trying to hand this over to God I guess? My priest (who I didn't go into detail about it) said to just pray about it.
  18. I know we have problems. Trying to get to a counseling is one of our problems. I'd have to find a couples therapist that has good availability and find a sitter to watch dd and/or ds so we can go. I've already tried individual counseling at an office that had "extended hours" and their hours weren't very flexible for us.
  19. He just said it was no big deal and that I was welcome to join them. I am not really shoving my feelings down, because I've already voiced them. But I am thinking that I'm talking to a wall at this point so maybe it's best to concentrate on what I can control, which is clearly not him or his actions. I just sound like a broken record and to him an over the top jealous person.
  20. He is not clueless. He knows these things bother me. It first started when he'd meet with a former coworker during our family vacations. One time I was sitting at my MIL's house with the kids while he was out eating with 1-3 former colleagues. At least one of those times it was just the one. His own mother thought nothing of it. I feel like he doesn't see a problem because his own parents didn't frown upon it. I resented it and he'd say it was important to discuss work stuff (over beer at a Mexican restaurant?). She crossed a line in the future and he finally had to make boundaries. But I felt like I saw an issue all along and it wasn't an issue til things got clearly inappropriate (nothing physical happened). Since then he had the female workout buddy that I complained about and he gradually stopped working out because he got injured so he never had to be blunt with her. He just let it fizzle and complained that I ruined his only friendship at work (my reaction :nopity: ). So then when he comes to me a couple weeks ago all amped up to workout this summer again, he says he's proposed this stroller walking group with his coworkers and I'm over here like, "Here we go again. Why didn't you just invite your family and not involve coworkers?!" Ugh. It's the same stuff different look each time. And I really don't think he's cheating on me. I just think he gets more quality time with all the females he works with than his own wife. I guess that's it. That's my real complaint. If anyone wants to talk further you can PM me. I've hogged the thread enough lol
  21. I've tried before. He won't walk at my speed, so we end up walking basically separately. It was no fun for me. But another coworker that was injured would go walking with him and he'd walk at her pace. He's a foot taller than me so he has a much bigger stride. I can't keep up with him. Just like when we go to the movies we don't even sit together because of similar things. They are going to walk on a walking track. It's more likely I'll end up talking to another mom than actually socializing with my spouse.
  22. I know that layout changed on the app but I think that has to do with phone updates? Like dh and I have the same iphone but I didn't update mine. His facebook comments look like speaking bubbles now. Mine don't. I don't like the layout on his phone.
  23. I can go with him and may do that, but currently I usually take dd out earlier in the day and just doing that is so hard because of the humidity and lack of ability to shower with no one else to watch her. So when he starts walking I could delay my morning walk with her and just go when he does.
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