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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I cannot speak for others, but this is how I am taking this thread: - What is the purpose of getting a college degree? - To get a job - Not to get an education?! - Well, yeah, that, too... but why did I just spend $$$$$? Not so I could read books on art and take that blasted statistics class. When college is free for everyone, maybe everyone will be quicker to say, "to get an education."
  2. I would think that the truly old people wouldn't have too many people to do things with. Their friends might have died or games might be too hard for them to participate in. But maybe I am mistaken as someone mentioned a card group above. Lots of people, young and old, do not interact with their neighbors. They might not even see their neighbors. So do people need to make a concentrated effort to live in the right neighborhood? My grandma regularly participated in her bowling league until she no longer could. She also was in a group of knitters that met regularly. I don't know exactly when these activities stopped but I think it was a combination of her physical condition and transportation. She was driving up until the past few years and now relies on a caregiver (they come a few times a week) to go anywhere. A younger neighbor occasionally drives her to church. I consider myself mostly an introvert. I like some games now, but have no one to play with. And by the time I'm elderly I don't know if I'll want anything to do with them lol. I hardly see or interact with my neighbors right now. I mean I might talk to the man walking his dog, but there's definitely no regular event happening. I'm also younger than most of my neighbors.
  3. The problem with buying too early is no gift receipt will amount to anything this far in advance. If you don't plan to include a gift receipt I guess the store might not ask, but the purchaser would know it was well past 30 days or whatever the return policy is.
  4. I think for many people it means to make your resumé meet or exceed job requirements. This may or may not reflect education, or at least maybe not in the specific job. My dad used to say to me, "what's the point of a resumé?" and I'd say, "to get a job" and he'd say, "no, to get an interview." I think that's kind of how this thread is going. Yes, in the end education and job are both desired probably, but maybe the one goal is the focus.
  5. What does a vegetarian zombie eat? Grains. That's all I can think of right now.
  6. I know this thread is a little old. Did you ever get any answers? I believe I have it, but I don't fit every check box on the list of possible symptoms. A friend of mine said it's very complicated and expensive to get tested, I think. Things I struggle with which may be a sign of dyscalculia being on time/time management directions (I rely on a GPS a lot) mental math remembering phone numbers, especially if given orally remembering any set of digits like a car tag, street address, etc. without writing it down immediately (I may remember parts of it, but not the order) My son and I are working our way through Two Plus Two Is Not Five and I have found some of the tricks useful for myself. Things I wish I had learned a long time ago.
  7. My grandma was married to a man from Ireland. And we always eat potatoes on my side of the family. Most of us add little to nothing to them (maybe some butter or gravy, maybe salt/paper). I found that part about potatoes funny given that info. Grandma eats a very bland diet. Like little to no condiments.
  8. My grandma is 100. I can't tell you the last time I saw her drink anything besides water. She has a routine. She tries to be social (she talks to people at church, exchanges cards, talks on the phone). She keeps her mind active. I don't know if she has done these things in more recent years, but she used to always do crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. She also used to keep score on paper while she watched baseball lol.
  9. We have Minecraft pocket edition on the kindle fire. It eats up space like crazy if you don't periodically delete worlds. If no time limit is enforced ds can easily play on the device til the battery dies (he and his cousin were playing on the same server with each other in the same house over the holiday). He went through a huge Minecraft obsession about a year ago and most of the YouTube videos he watched were Minecraft tutorials. He still spends time watching YouTube video game tutorials and reviews, but they are not centered around Minecraft now. He is 7. He does not do well at all with self regulating. This is a problem that extends beyond the Kindle Fire. If the reason for the internet connection is audible, you don't need a Fire for that. http://audible.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4679/~/does-audible-work-on-all-the-kindle-devices%3F There is no way to truly censor/filter YouTube. I've tried. It's a crap shoot. So really, unless you want to stand over their shoulder then either don't get devices that allow YouTube or ask them to log into the kids' channel and cross your fingers that's all they access. Ds watches YouTube on our Roku on the TV and sometimes on the PC. I've been pretty lenient about it, but have deleted the channel from the Roku before and taken YT away/"banned" certain YouTube channels (verbally told him no). There is no way to really ban them. There are offline Minecraft products. Paper crafts and a set that resembles Lego as well as foam swords and plushies. But if you really want to get them out of that obsession, yeah, I can understand not wanting to put the game on the devices. ETA: The Fire does not belong to ds. He just gets to use it.
  10. I was not suggesting go for a BS vs a BA. I was just suggesting be careful which major you choose, in general.
  11. We've thought about it before, but they link to your bank account and we do not like that. Plus, Target's security breaches in the past couple years that were made mainstream in the news freaked me out.
  12. I think I need to lie to myself and my dh lol.
  13. I've thought about buying Elf on the Shelf clothing for next year. Most of it does not appear to be on sale. I have a $5 off coupon good at Hallmark and I know they sell some there. I see one item is a $5 add-on item on Amazon. Edited: Target has some more stuff on sale but I don't want to pay shipping lol.
  14. Maybe I am using the word career more loosely. I guess there are lots of jobs one can do for a living without calling it their career, but I was thinking that if you went to cosmetology school and cut hair for a living, you may refer to it as your career. /shrug I have a couple of friends that cut hair for a living and they do not own a salon. I think they have some control, but not sure how much. It is true that you would definitely have more control as the owner. You'd also probably take on more burdens like owning a house vs. renting.
  15. She wants to be a cosmetologist in her own establishment? Because if she's not running the business, I don't know why she needs the business degree to cut hair or do nails in someone else's shop.
  16. LOL I usually close the door (we have french doors by our litter box) and make the cat wait outside the doors, but last time she just sat there patiently waiting and sitting a couple of feet away on top of an old cardboard box with a nice view (ha). She often uses it after I clean it. I figure to a cat it's like, "finally! Someone flushed the toilet!!" They might like some of their scent around, but I don't know if that's the reason they go right after it's clean. One time my cat interrupted my cleaning to use the litter box. That was quite annoying lol. I was at my in-laws so I left her in the room with me while I cleaned.
  17. Assuming it didn't interfere with your ability to happily make your student loan payments, then it doesn't really matter. But for many, they will struggle to make those payments, continue to defer or pay on them many more years than necessary. We make decent money on paper, but we continue to struggle with student loan debt. We usually end up filling out some application to get a reduced rate on loan payments. If you can't make ends meet, that's when you may not value the education you got and start having regrets. If you don't have regrets or problems making ends meet, then what you got a degree in (imo) is not an issue at all. There have been times when I felt like my degree was useless. When I was working part-time retail and couldn't get a job in my field I was definitely feeling that way. We were living in income-based housing and paying for groceries partly with our EBT card. I don't know if anyone in this thread that is responding "do what you love" has actually been in that situation. That's where you start wondering, "did I make a mistake? What else should I have majored in?" regardless of whether the thing you picked was your biggest passion in life.
  18. I keep forgetting you are not in the US. I didn't catch it in the sig earlier, either.
  19. Hmm I think what some of us were saying may have been taken out of context. My parents passed on a car to me (pretty much a clunker but got me from the house to the local community college and my local job). They would tell me to check the oil and avoid using it on the interstate. Just like a parent might say, "my house, my rules." A freshman in college could easily be a 17yr old and living under their parents' roof. I don't think it's so crazy that parents of a teen or young adult might have strong opinions on the way their money is used. If I got a job in another field, but one that required a degree or skills I had acquired and allowed me to support myself, that's probably ultimately what they wanted for me. I've often been ashamed of the fact that I haven't done much with my degree because I didn't learn until late in the game that most jobs in my field are sales and I don't care for sales. And the program I was in failed to teach much/use newer computer programs relevant to the field. I actually went back to school after I graduated just to make up for holes in my background. That class is what got my foot in the door at my only real career job. And later I found another class I wanted to take at another campus but after the first day of class dh got a job here and I had to withdraw.
  20. Ok so you have tried wipes. If I was going to apply something it would probably be one of those monitor cleaning sprays and a cloth wipe made for glasses. But I don't know if that would help you more than what you have already tried.
  21. I bought a box of wipes for glasses. They were in the clearance bin at Wal-Mart. I gave a pack to my in-laws and FIL saw it as a tech cleaning tool lol. They aren't the best quality or brand I guess, but I got them for under $2 and the box has like 60. I've used another brand before as well.
  22. I actually think we'd get a lot more done without the screens. Cooking from scratch 3x a day? I'd have a loooong way to go to get there lol.
  23. I think there are reasonable expectations, though. And yeah, I'd be pretty upset if my child joined the circus after finishing law school LOL. There is probably a compromise in many cases if parents and children do not see eye-to-eye on majors. Like major in one field and minor in the other.
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