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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. My kids got new school supplies and a special breakfast. We also took 1st day of school pictures on the front porch.
  2. I have to agree about the first two miles being awful. I always feel like everything is off, then at about two miles I feel good. Walking at least half a mile before I start running helps too.
  3. Thanks for the heads up! I just have a paperwhite, but they do work with the Kindle app on my phone.
  4. My 4 year old enjoys playing with the rods and I think she could do a lot of pages in the Orange book, but I don't think she is truly ready for it yet. It worked better with my 5/6 K'er. I do play games from education unboxed with my 4 year old though. She does seem to be math oriented but not gifted in math.
  5. Mine are 6,4, & 2 and we do memory work together but I'm really only wanting the oldest to memorize right now. The 4 year old is really good at it though.
  6. Math blaster Factor samari- probably more like 2nd or 3rd grade Bedtime Math My Incredible Body
  7. My vote is for Trumpet of the Swan because I think a child is more likely to pick up Charlotte's Web on her own. But, I see you came up with a different solution and I like that one better.
  8. My son needs to be outside everyday, 30 minutes minimum for my sanity but a couple hours is better. Although I can handle some amount of rowdiness in the house, I don't have enough tolerance for it. My son does usually have his sister to play with though and he can ride his bike around the block and in the circle by our house. On days when he doesn't really want to go out, I'll set a timer so he knows when it's ok to come in, it helps eliminate that constant asking to come in. My daughter isn't wired that way and doesn't seem to need to climb, jump, run as much as my son does, so I don't worry about it as much with her.
  9. My brother once broke both his arms at the beginning of summer. He was in a cast to his elbow on the right and to his shoulder on the left. He was older but I remember it was a long summer for him.
  10. Can they sedate him? Just kidding. Watch movies, play board games, read, go for a long drive. I'm guessing a kid with 3 broken bones probably doesn't sit still much, sounds like it's going to be a rough couple of weeks. I hope he's feeling better soon.
  11. We are going to use SOTW, I'm not sure how we will incorporate American history yet. My friend who is a few years ahead of me is taking a year off and doing US History this year.
  12. Hugs, I get it. My 4 year old is this way and it's never one accident it's 4 or 5 in a day. She potty trained very easily at 18 months and then regressed. There's a book called, "It's No Accident" that basically says it could be caused by constipation even if it doesn't appear to be. We have followed the recommended treatment in there and as long as we stay on too of it, it's helping.
  13. I chose Latin for my 1st grader. There are different schools of thought but part of why I chose SSL over Spanish is that I don't know any native Spanish speakers for my kids to listen to or speak to. I think SSL will be a gentle approach to Latin and I think my kids will find it fun. Hopefully it will help them learn Spanish later on as well.
  14. I think your schedule looks great. and I don't think you should have any trouble being finished by 12. I have found with my 6 year old son that a recess break makes it really difficult to get back on track, so we power through. But, I will have him do some jumping jacks (he loves them), or run an errand downstairs to get a little movement between subjects. That little bit of activity does help him stay focused. Last year was our first year homeschooling. I had a 5 yo, 3 yo, and newly 1 yo. Our schedule shifted 3 times through our year. We started schooling during morning nap until the youngest gave it up, then we schooled during afternoon nap. Then I realized that I really needed an afternoon break. So then I would do read aloud time first, including the 1 year old and starting with a book geared toward him. That little bit of attention and cuddling ahead of time seemed to curtail him being needy while I taught the oldest. I definitely had days where he just needed attention so school had to be postponed a bit, but he did get used to playing on his own while I did math with his brother. I think being flexible really helps.
  15. I'm late to the party but my 4 year old is enjoying the Rod & Staff pre-K books mentioned above. She also likes the Singapore Math Essential Math A book. I've found several pre-writing sheets on Pinterest that I put in a sheet protector for her to use with dry erase markers too.
  16. You may want to cross post this on the General Ed board since it is a more active board. I only have a 6 year old to compare to, my son did this last summer shortly after he learned to read. Usually it happened when he was reading quickly, I would cover up all but the line he was reading to slow him down and the problem quickly resolved. As she is a relatively new reader I don't think I would be concerned yet. If she doesn't seem to show improvement you may want to investigate further.
  17. I'm sorry. It's tough when things pile on like that. Please tell me they are at least paying for the initial work.
  18. Last summer I read at an inner city school with K & 1st graders. They loved, Pete the Cat & His 4 Groovy Buttons, they would all kind of sing & dance along to the lines, "My buttons, my buttons, my 4 groovy buttons," which is repeated throughout the book. It's a really fun book. A fairy tale or folk tale would be really good too.
  19. I usually have a problem with the pump shutting off 14 times before my tank is full. I hope you didn't end up with gas all over yourself!
  20. Yes Turkey Run is an excellent state park. We camped there quite often when my dad was in grad school.
  21. The Indianapolis Children's Museum is excellent. There is also a train depot hotel, you can sleep in one of the train cars, we haven't done it but our good friends said it's really neat.
  22. Chick Fil A and Panera but they may not be what you want for supper. We have a couple local Cajun and BBQ places that cater reasonably. Maybe check yelp for a low to mid price restaurant, I'm pretty sure you can search for catering on there.
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