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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. Do you have a speciality children's shoe store in your area? They maybe able to recommend a brand or some sort of insert that would help. I know New Balance carries wider widths for children but I don't know about narrow widths.
  2. I don't have a ton of experience buying used curriculum yet, but I have had good luck finding things through VarageSale-Best Homeschool Swap.
  3. I have mostly seen taco trucks here but I've heard rumors there is a crepe truck and a hand crank ice cream truck that shows up at festivals. Mostly the taco trucks open at night in various parking lots. The tacos are delicious! But it's rare that I'm out after 9 and also hungry.
  4. Little things help. I spend about 30 minutes every night finishing up dishes, sweeping the 1st floor (lots of hardwood), and picking up. It's been a hard habit to get into especially when my husband is out of town and I'd really like to collapse after the kids are in bed. However, when I don't do this it throws off the next day. I try to have the kids pick up throughout the day, whatever gets missed is done at bedtime. I am attempting to teach them not to get out too many things and once, my 6 year old is pretty good at this. I run the dishwasher every night, my kids unload it every morning right after breakfast. I do other chores during that time or while they are napping. I kind of alternate between doing one big chore a day (bathrooms, mopping, vacuuming) and trying to do them all the same day. I prefer having the whole house clean at the same time but it's easier for me to find time to do one major cleaning job a day. After I dismiss the kids from school for the day, I spend about 10 minutes putting away the school stuff and getting set for the next day. My kids are young so this may change as they get older but for now it works. I hope that helps.
  5. I don't have a clip but I found a bug band that I've been using on my 2 year old. It works very well.
  6. Otis Cinderella version by Marcia Brown Harry Mouse & Tucker Kitten Harold & the Purple Crayon The Snowy Day Make Way for Ducklings
  7. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm planning to use selections from our read alouds. I'm going to try to scan the WWE lessons for the week ahead and then as we read flag sections with post it notes.
  8. I wonder if he memorized the readers. Can he recognize the words if you write the same sentence on a sheet I paper?
  9. I had the same thing happen to me. The avatar I have on here is the only place I have ever uploaded that picture. I commented on a blog last week and that picture popped up. I am not registered with that blog or that blogs provider. No one else's picture was on that blog, it kind of creeped me out.
  10. I don't have any questions but thank you for your willingness to share.
  11. We keep the majority to toys in our playroom/ school room but I allow the kids to take them to other parts of the house. On the first floor is a Little People barn with animals, a tractor with trailer, and occasionally another vehicle. It's easy to put away if I don't want visible toys in the living room but it also doesn't take up a ton of space so I don't feel overwhelmed by toys. That seems to be plenty to occupy my 2 year old when the rest of us are doing other things. He will go up to the playroom too if he wants to play trains or something else instead.
  12. Yes. It will probably help her with the class Have you seen the "My Incredible Body" app? I got it for free when they did a special awhile back, it's really good and an app worth paying for if it isn't currently free.
  13. Our church (450ish members) just went to an online directory. Some people didn't want their kids pictures online so they have made it optional. There is every combination of being listed, we chose to include our kids pictures but not their names since anyone who needs to know their names already does. We attend a church near campus with a high turnover of students though.
  14. My 6 year old still like games like Ring Around the Rosey, Simon Says, and Musical Chairs. You could divide them into two teams and have them do a relay type race while balancing a balloon on a spoon, maybe have them start over if they drop the balloon. Tape two plastic cups on one end of the table as a goal. Sit competing kids at the opposite end, give them a straw, and have them race to see who can blow the most cotton balls into the cup in one minute.
  15. All of that sounds exactly like my son except the math thing. He will also read for fairly long stretches. He is capable of focusing if I'm right there but he won't compete an assignment without me constantly prompting him to continue. The ticking bothers me but not him. He dawdles all the time and frequently gets distracted mid-job. He is very loud. I thought he was a bit active until spent an afternoon watching his friend. After 2 hours I was exhausted. I told my husband it may not seem like it, but we have a calm 6 year old.
  16. I thought about sending my 4 yo to preschool this year but around here it's really expensive. I personally wouldn't choose a 5 day program because I wouldn't want to be tied to the schedule, but if you think it would be good for your family go for it. If it doesn't work out you can always pull your daughter out. An alternative would be to see if your parents would be interested in special time with your 3 yo a couple times a week.
  17. My 6 yo son does that with 6,7,& occasionally 3. I correct him. I do also try to make sure he has a number line where he can look himself, it helps.
  18. My 6 yo son does that with 6,7,& occasionally 3. I correct him. I do also try to make sure he has a number line where he can look himself, it helps.
  19. Feel better! And way to go raising some great kids. I'm glad they are stepping to the plate for you.
  20. The nephews of my best friend have peanut allergies that showed up in a skin prick, it was not a severe reaction. They are fine to be around peanut butter but can't consume it. I would suggest talking to your friend to find the severity of the allergy.
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