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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. Scooter, baseball and glove, remote control cars. Or get the 4 year old a remote control car and the 6 year old a remote control helicopter. It does take some skill to fly so they are getting something similar but not exactly the same. I don't think it matters whether you get them the same thing or different. If they are going to fight, they will fight either way.
  2. First of all hugs, that sounds tough to deal with. What are some of the things that happen that he finds scary? Is it conflict, failure, getting in trouble? Are there any tv shows or movies he likes? Knowing types of things that trigger the anxiety may help us help you find good books. Have you tried James Herriots Treasury for Children? I don't think it's boring but maybe it wouldn't be too scary. My 6 year old suggests books my Dick King-Smith. But he said in Pigs Might Fly at first the pig can't swim which your son may find scary.
  3. I would be happy to send a postcard, I tried to message you but wasn't able.
  4. I'm only in my second year so not really a veteran yet. I love all the advice given so far! Remember that you don't have to finish a lesson if your child grasps the concept. It's also ok to spend extra time on a concept if your child is having trouble figuring it out.
  5. My son is just a bit younger than your child. He is aware of colors but he doesn't know any of them. I'm not even sure if he knows what a shape is. I'm not worried, it will click with him one day. I think your child will natuarly learn them in the next few months whether you practice or not. I suggest pointing colors out in natural conversation, "See that ball? It is blue." "Your favorite blanket is white." "Would you like to wear your red shirt or green shirt?" Etc.
  6. That's how I'm reading it. If the future flight is more expensive they will have to pay the difference. I'm sorry about your dad, I hope he's OK.
  7. What a fun idea! I'm going to have to remember that.
  8. Family of 5, the kids' rooms are upstairs. Laundry room and our room is on the first floor. I have 2 baskets that fit in the bottom of the linen closet upstairs, one for lights and one for darks. The kids "sort" as they undress for the day. When it gets full, they bring the basket down and I wash it. My 6 year old is learning to do laundry, he will start his own sheets or a load if I ask him. In our bedroom we have 4 tall, narrow baskets in the bottom of our linen closet. One of whites, lights, darks, and jeans/heavily soiled clothes. When a bin gets full, I wash a load. For towels and sheets, I just collect enough for a load, carry them downstairs and wash the load right away. We have the world's smallest laundry room that is actually still a room and not a closet. We do sometimes end up with laundry in the hall right outside the laundry room, but it's in a basket. If someone stops by, I can move it into my room and close the door. Growing up in a family of 8 we had a similar bin system, we had 6 bins, I can't remember what they all were now but as they got full we carried them down to the laundry room. In one house they were in the bathroom, in another they were in the hall (which was less than ideal), at another point they were in the office. I seem to remember the laundry constantly running back then. I go back and forth between doing a load of laundry a day and doing it all at once.
  9. I am very sorry for your loss. I don't have advice but I wanted to let you know that hospice in my area offers free grief counseling and has many grief support groups. If your son is not already in counseling you may want to check with your local hospice.
  10. Following. I would like to get a skateboard for my 6 year old for Christmas.
  11. How about a pretty short sleeve or sleeveless blouse? If it's cold or rainy you can add a cardigan or jacket. Is the wedding outdoors or in a barn? Some of the barns are much nicer than my house.
  12. We were having issues with our kids getting the sillies whenever we went to lunch with a particular family. Tired of it, we pulled into the parking lot before lunch, talked about proper behavior, then set a timer for 2 minutes and had the kids act as silly as possibly until the timer went off. They had a lot of fun, but couldn't make it a full 2 minutes. They got it out of their system and it was the best lunch ever. I have no idea if it would work in your particular situation, but it is something different.
  13. It depends on who is cooking in my house. I say it's the main dish my husband says it's a side.
  14. Thanks! We just got a Costco in the area but it's 30-45 minutes from my house. With this deal I could justify the membership even if I only make it over there a few times.
  15. If you kiss your elbow you will turn into a boy (or girl if you are a boy). I stopped believing this in elementary school but I tease my kids that this will happen and they fully believe it.
  16. Measure the back seat (armrest to armrest) have your daughter (or son) measure the car seats to see if you can make it work. The hard part is getting the door closed. We have had three across in our Jeep Grand Cherokee(primary vehicle for first 18 months after having a 3rd child), an Avalon, a Pruis, and a Silverado. My friend drives 3 across in a Camry and a Highlander. It really depends in the specific car seats.
  17. My oldest was 5. My 4 year old is showing interest but not ready yet.
  18. I had my first 12,000 step day! A couple days ago I wasn't sure I'd make 9,000 in a day.
  19. My 6 year old lost a shoe in a creek while we were hiking. He ended up having to walk 2 miles barefoot! A friend runs a summer camp, he says at some point every week they find a single shoe, it always belongs to a boy.
  20. I have a question about the "Very Active Minutes" on the leaderboard. After using my Zip for 2 days I have 82 very active minutes, then under that it says 7 avg. What does the 7 avg mean? Also, is there a way to see groups from the app?
  21. Song School Latin CD is a mix of English and Latin. You can find some short videos on their website: headventureland.com. There are videos on the website for other Latin programs put out by the same publisher as well. It isn't really immersion but at least a place to begin.
  22. I bought a zip today and I'm joining the group. I hope this helps me stay motivated to move more.
  23. I'm sorry you are stressed. I have no advice, but hopefully someone does.
  24. What about the state fish and games department?
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