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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. Me! We did start SSL but other than that we are waiting until after Labor Day. I do admit feeling a but guilty, the neighboring county started 8/6. Our county started back last week. My son is constantly being asked why he isn't at school while we are out and about, fortunately it doesn't bother him.
  2. I'm not familiar with that book but anything you do with a 4 year should be plenty. If you want to do something, you can. My 4 year old is going through her brothers old SM essentials book because she was begging. I chose not to do anything formal with my son when he was 4.
  3. I LOVE Titus. If we have another son that's the name I've chosen for him.
  4. I love bible names. My vote is Ezra, Isaiah, and Isaac. Tiny, Shiny, and Don is hilarious. That's what you should tell people when they ask.
  5. I've been following this thread but didn't have any advice. I am happy to see that you were able to approach him and have a positive outcome. I'm looking forward to hearing how the house project goes and about your new car.
  6. Lately I've been taking sliders to families with new babies. I think anything you take will be appreciated though. If they are getting meals from a lot of people I would suggest calling a couple days ahead of time and asking if there is anything they are tired of or if they have restrictions. My kids really enjoyed the food people brought after my 3rd was born because they got dessert twice a week for a few weeks. We never have dessert except on birthdays. Having grown up in a large family, pizza definitely would have been appreciated, it was a treat for us, but if you enjoy cooking, by all means cook.
  7. There use to be a place where sellers could note if they took custom orders. The sellers who do not accept custom orders usually state it plainly in the item description or in their policies. Almost everything I have ordered from Etsy I have customized in some way.
  8. I found mine at Hobby Lobby and used my 40% off coupon.
  9. What about just reading a book of the bible and discussing it? Pick a book and depending on the length of chapters discuss 1-4 at the following meeting. That's what my husband's bible study does. I think they started with Hebrews and worked through most of the New Testament.
  10. They will have more give if the butt is fuller but you can trace directly from existing pants. If the existing pants have two side seams, the front and back may be cut differently, just trace carefully as it can be tricky. The MADE by Dana blog has good tips.
  11. I remember being read aloud to in elementary and in high school English. Stuart Little, Charlotte's Web, Where the Red Fern Grows, and The Hobbit are books I remember from various grades. I don't remember what we read in high school but I do know 3 different teachers read aloud to us, although I think in my senior English class it was excepts not entire novels. As far as students reading aloud, I only remember going around the room taking turns by paragraphs.
  12. We have a dog who is nearly 15, his personality has changed a lot as he has aged, I don't think you will be able to train the dog to behave better around your son.
  13. I have the Deuter referenced above. It works great with my 2 year old and is really easy taking on/off. I don't get too hot wearing like I did with the Moby when he was younger. My son loves that he can see, he usually sings the whole time he's in it.
  14. I'm not sure if you are at home yet, but praying for you as you return home to your other children. May you know how to comfort them as you deal with your own grief.
  15. I'm not sure when you are planning to go but kid tickets are free through the end of the year. I'm not sure if the 13 year old would qualify but it would save quite a bit on the other 3 tickets. Not site seeing but in Hebron which is near the Creation Museum exit there is a Gap Clearance Center. It's hit or miss but on a good day you can find tons of clothes cheap. They have overstock, returns, and seconds from all their brands. Zappos has a similar center in Shepherdsville, Ky which is near Louisville.
  16. I don't know. My hair grows really fast and gets really thick when I'm pregnant. It is normally really straight and on the thin side. I've wondered how it could change so much too. My stylist once knew I was pregnant before I was telling people because of the change in my hair.
  17. I'm extremely sensitive to poison ivy and need to go to the doctor almost everytime I'm exposed. I wash my clothes in hot water with regular detergent.
  18. Rachel


    I haven't used Early Bird but I have used Essentials with a 4 yo and a 5 yo, it is pretty self explanatory.
  19. I'm sorry, saying a prayer for you and your family.
  20. I'm sorry so much is going on. I agree that it sounds like you are doing what is best for your family at this time.
  21. I would go and have fun! You may come back and find your 2 year old is now sleeping through the night. When my 2 older kids were 2.5 years and 9 months my husband and I went to a job interview in Alaska, not across the world, but still more than 12 hours of flight time from home. It was a last minute trip and at that point I had only been away from my son overnight when his sister was born. My in-laws took care of the kids and 2 families from church were lined up for back-up just in case. I was a nervous wreck as I only had about a week to prepare myself mentally. My kids had a lot of fun. My in-laws enjoyed getting to know and spoil their grandkids. No, they didn't do everything the way I would have, but my kids had all their needs met and more. It was also really nice for my husband me to just be couple, I wasn't expecting to enjoy being away so much. We also learned that our son knew his way around town. He asked for donuts for breakfast but grandma didn't know where she could buy them. He told her where to find Krispy Kreme, my in-laws have never forgotten that.
  22. Dramamine, staying hydrated, not getting too warm, and staying away from diesel vehicles helps. Some driving, especially city driving makes my motion sickness worse. Be sure you are gentle on the gas pedal when taking off. When you are braking, gentlely release the pedal just before the vehicle completely stops, it makes stopping less jerky. Use cruise control to maintain constant speed. Minimize lane changing and if you drift, don't over correct. Constant back and forth or jerky movements really bother me. Some people don't even realize they drive that way. I do better if I'm driving but mountain roads bother me even if I'm driving. I agree that getting older helps.
  23. Is your son learning English at the same time he is learning to read? I think learning both skills at the same time would be very tiring. If he is frustrated every time you try to read with him maybe take a break for a couple weeks. I did that when my son was learning to read, it helped a lot. Sometimes a break is needed to regroup.
  24. I would suggest having him tell you orally while you type the answers to get him to the next level.
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