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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. I have two lefties. One crosses right to left, and the other from left to right. :001_smile:
  2. I had a really busy day and I'm about to go to bed.
  3. That's exactly what my dh said, "They really gave Jennifer Lopez that line?!" Cameron Diaz looks stunning.
  4. You've gotten lots of good information, so I won't add to that. I just wanted to give you a :grouphug: and agree with the others that it is obvious from your posts that you are a lovely person. You are valuable and loved.
  5. Wrap with foil and toss them in the oven. In 30 years, I have never had one explode. I only poke holes if I'm microwaving.
  6. My oldest had chicken pox (not vaccine), then shingles. I received polio, smallpox, and DPT. I actually had measles, mumps, and rubella as a child - the illnesses, not the vaccine. I'm 48.
  7. Heather, that's what I thought too, because I also had boys first. When your girls get close to the teen years, you'll be in this boat with the rest of us. :001_smile: I let my daughters choose their own clothing, as long as it meets our modesty criteria. If I think something is unflattering, I keep it to myself. They have pretty good taste (IMO), so there have only been a few times that they bought something I really didn't like.
  8. I'm another freaked out by the tail. It gives me chills up my spine, but her face is definitely cuteness. :001_smile:
  9. Where in NC are you? Send me a pm - maybe I'm nearby! Yes, I have. Nakia took my son's wedding pictures for a song. :001_smile: She is a sweetheart. There have been many other acts of kindness shown to me by people on this board. There are so many dear people on here.
  10. Imp, he is just beautiful. I can see how that little face would make your heart smile. :001_smile:
  11. About an hour a day from Pre-Algebra up. Sometimes we can get it done quicker, and sometimes it takes longer, but an hour on average.
  12. So relieved to open this thread and see good news! Yay!
  13. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a fantastic day! :party:
  14. They are beautiful! Your granddaughter reminds me of my oldest daughter at that age.
  15. Thank you, everyone. Charlie seems to be doing fine now, and the bulging fontanel has gone back to normal. He is playing, laughing, and acting normally. He is doing better than my dil, who is a worried mama. My son should be home from overseas in about two weeks and I know that will make things better for her. He has an appointment with a neurologist on Monday, and hopefully we will get some answers. I feel much better now that I've seen him. :001_smile: I appreciate your prayers very much.
  16. She is probably fine, but I would be freaking out too. Please update when she's home safe. :grouphug:
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