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Everything posted by Cottonwood

  1. Hmm my friend gave me the discs...I don't even know which MB version...I installed it on our laptops....all running 8.1.. And away we went, no issues. She got the discs at a yard sale some time ago, so before 8.1 was out. I'm guessing any versions are compatible. I know you don't want to purchase on a guess, so I know I don't get the dollar lol ...but that's our experience, anyway.
  2. I started out using this whipped body butter recipe as it is written, then started experimenting with other oils and scents (essential oils). http://holisticsquid.com/whipped-body-butter-homemade-lotion/ But in the end, I only make this now for gifts. I love avocado oil in the winter for body. I use it for face only before bed. coconut oil during the day. Summertime, I use coconut oil only.
  3. We took last week off to sort the house and sell things we aren't taking in our move across the country in July. I was going to handle it myself but realized I really needed the kids' help. They did do math every day, but other than that, it was our first impromptu week off. The confession part is that I should count that as spring break, but I'm not. Spring break is in April. lol
  4. Mine love Dr. Who, Brain Games, Agent of Shield.
  5. Are you talking about the Teacher DVDs? We are into Alg 1 and use them and they have been tremendously helpful for DD. Haven't used them before now though.
  6. We are using Modern Level 2 and enjoy it. Because DDs LA curr is very meaty, we skip any essays or heavy LA type work as well. Even so, I anticipate it would take us more than a school year to complete for sure. There's a ton of work.
  7. Sounds like you need to come to Montana. lol No sales tax, very lax homeschool laws (no reports, no counted days, no testing required, etc), no beach of course, but plenty of open space to do what you want, in some cities a very strong medical community ;) with a strong 'natural' medicine community ....or not. Where i live there is a good homeschool community. And the beauty.........oh emm geee. Lots for the kids to do and..oh yeah, great gun laws. lol ETA: citi-data.com has always been a good source of info when I've been checking out new locations.
  8. Andy Griffiths books: The Day My Butt Went Psycho Zombie Butts from Uranus. Butt Wars, The Final Conflict. -------------Yep, funny stuff. David Lubar books: Invasion of the Road Weenies The Curse of the Campfire Weenies Beware of the Ninja Weenies ...and so on lol We aren't all about body parts or anything, but my DS found these particularly funny :laugh:
  9. a quick search at skindeep.org will give ratings on cleaning and laundry supplies ...for next time.
  10. Maybe look into the middle school levels with Moving Beyond the Page? It's a literature based curriculum so she'll get tons of great reads in . It's a bit light on the grammar but you have that handled already. THere is a lot of writing in the middle school levels. Of al the MBTP subjects, I'm most impressed with the LA ones for this age. My non-writing, resistant-to-LA DS12 is tearing it up. lol There's variety every day and options for the kids to choose to get the same skill. You can buy it by unit (estimated 3-4 weeks per unit) or the whole subject. Every unit includes the literature some of the lessons are taken from. You can buy just the MBTP unit book and source the lit yourself (if you have a good library system). It's a la carte, almost any way you want to try it. If you don't like it, you're not out much. :)
  11. Maybe look into the middle school levels with Moving Beyond the Page? It's a literature based curriculum so she'll get tons of great reads in . It's a bit light on the grammar but you have that handled already. THere is a lot of writing in the middle school levels. Of al the MBTP subjects, I'm most impressed with the LA ones for this age. My non-writing, resistant-to-LA DS12 is tearing it up. lol There's variety every day and options for the kids to choose to get the same skill. You can buy it by unit (estimated 3-4 weeks per unit) or the whole subject. Every unit includes the literature some of the lessons are taken from. You can buy just the MBTP unit book and source the lit yourself (if you have a good library system). It's a la carte, almost any way you want to try it. If you don't like it, you're not out much.
  12. I visited 3 places and got estimates before deciding. We ended up with the most expensive one ($6100) only because of the way they billed our insurance..it was more helpful for us in the long run b/c dh is military. If we moved it would get all complicated but not with this ortho. We also chose him b/c he didn't do the permanent retainer. Just good old fashioned metal braces with bands and a retainer at the end. We are almost at the 3 yr mark..ug! This is never going to end! lol
  13. In our Level 2 material it says this: ADVANCED LEVEL: ASSIGNING GRADES AND HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT High school credit can be assigned for this course if a detailed grade record is kept for each student. For those wishing to assign grades to assignments, projects, quizzes, tests listed in this course, please carefully read and follow the “Grade Rubrics†sec on of this guide. If grades are assigned and appropriate grade levels are achieved, high school credit for this course may be assigned as follows: Geography - 1/2 credit World History - 1 credit Language Arts - 1/2 credit There are various degrees of student work listed with each lesson. It will tell you how to proceed with an intermediate student or an advanced student. To be able to assign a high school credit, the student would have had to complete the 'advanced' work and, as this says, the rubrics will guide as to grades. It doesn't look like anything needs to be added to count this as a full history credit. Here is an example of how a lesson is laid out for each type of student: ADVANCED LEARNERS Complete Paragraph summaries on own. “If†Poem: Transcribe, memorize and recite INTERMEDIATE LEARNERS Teachers may need to help organize summary information into chart form so that students can see the order of events. “If†Poem: Transcribe and recite. There is everything provided to grade and keep records via rubrics and other paperwork. I really like how it's all there. We used it this year with our 14 yr old for 8th grade. I wasn't counting high school credit so I didn't have her do all the advanced stuff in that way, but just chose as I went. Some skills were out of her grasp yet, but those are easy enough to identify as they came up. What is the age of the younger child you are thinking of combining with? The content in some of the literature may not be appropriate for some younger ones (for us, brutality of war, language, etc). Plus the material is pretty rigorous and deep in spots, with tons of work. We worked pretty slowly. I would think the only thing I'd combine with a younger child would be the mapping/geography work, maybe the timeline work.. Any of the summaries, essays, etc. have to do with the reading and some digging around on the internet and I'm thinking if the child were working on a level below, say..8th grade...it would add too much work to you to support them through this material. There's lots of compare/contrast and analyzing that takes some pretty sophisticated, mature thinking that even my 8th grader struggled with at times.
  14. Neat! Primal Pit Paste works for me, but only in the winter :lol: Best thing for me...........lime juice swiped on straight from the lime. It breaks out my friend, but then she swipes baking soda right on top to neutralize it but it doesn't block the odor blocking portion. lol
  15. For my skin care, I actually pay close to attention to my diet. Lots of water, healthy fats (avocado, walnuts, olive oil, coconut oil, butter (no hormones/antibiotics), etc. I have pretty great skin, I'm 43. I'm just now seeing some lines under my eyes but overall I"m VERY happy at this point. My skin tone actually becomes more...radiant...pinky?... when I am having a glass of green juice daily. My friends say its a noticeable difference. Usually a couple stalks of kale or handful of spinach, and either an apple or banana in it, ginger, maybe berries, maybe not. Teh green is the most important. A 24 yr old friend of the family recently told me when she thinks of her 40's, she thinks of my skin and wanted to know what I've done to keep it. lol I grew up in FLorida and loved tanning beds, so I didn't feel I had much hope, but diet has been everything in this regard. After that, I moisturize with coconut oil, if I need something heavier I use avocado oil. I use a baking soda/water paste to exfoliate once a week. Sometimes I use Yes to Blueberries eye creams or moisturizers if I"m putting on makeup afterwards b/c the pure oils are too heavy under makeup. The Bare Minerals Eye Rever Upper makes a noticeable difference in lines under my eyes when used consistently. I am also testing out the new skin care line at EyesLipsFace.com and liking it a ton. My mom bought it for me ...otherwise, because things are going so well now, I might have not pulled that trigger on my own. I use the skindeep.org site to make sure what I put on my skin is low to non-toxic. Good skincare doesn't need to be expensive!
  16. Dr. Sircus' research shows that transdermal mag therapy is the most effect way to absorb mag without stomach issues. His book, Transdermal Magnesium Therapy is a real good read for this. YMMV with everyone. We soak with epsom and mag citrate flakes ..sometimes adding baking soda... and it makes a huge difference. The mag spray is just hard for me to remember daily so I am looking into which oral supplement will not give me stomach issues as much, while continuing the soaks. I make my own spray ..maybe if I made my own lotion..hmmmm... Natural Calm is on it's way here, ...all great options. I am also leery of oral mag supplements b/c of the fillers in them.
  17. Have her look into Cinder by Marissa Meyers. That one hooked dd hard and she has loved all of the rest of Marissa's books. I am very careful about her recreational reading material, too.
  18. OMG...THIS THIS THIS... I clicked here b/c we are having SUCH A HUGE problem with this too between my two. And it's not conversation, it's know it all, competition, arguements that are there for the sake of pushing each other around. Yes, I know it's pretty normal to some extent, but my two completely ruin any peace around here. This is my house and I want peace, so when it goes too far , I am going to squirt away!! LOL I understand exactly where you're coming from, OP!
  19. crockpot vanilla/fruit oatmeal in one of the small crockpots. put it all in at night on low and it's ready when I wake up. I add honey and coconut oil...yummmm http://www.healthhomeandhappiness.com/overnight-crockpot-oatmeal-with-fruit-and-vanilla.html
  20. This is my second yr teaching middle school..first year, MBTP science.. way way way too much work and expectations for it to be middle school science. VERY rigorous and way more than what our science philosophy was leading to burn out at every turn. Very good material, just too much of it. This year my 2nd middle school child came home now I'm HSing 2 and they are going through Elemental Science, Logic Stage Chemistry. We really like it. It's offered in manageable pcs, is done in a very classical way, has 2 recommended schedules, has labs, etc etc. It's getting science DONE here weekly with enthusiasm. Even with the science kit purchase, for 2 kids plus teacher's guide, I found it very affordable. I keep reading how poorly most homeschool science material is written, and I read all types of reviews on ES, but all in all, we are completely satisfied with it. It is also written for a partial year, meaning if we do it every single week, we will finish it way before the end of the year, but we are using that leeway to go slower and examine the elements more, watch element videos, play element games, etc. It's been pretty enjoyable for us and they are learning a ton. So that's my rec. lol
  21. Evening Primrose oil has been HUGE for both myself and my daughter for our moods. It is very helpful for balancing hormones so if your mood fluctuations have anything to do with hormones, this would be a good recommendation. http://www.amazon.com/American-Health-Brittany-Primrose-Softgels/dp/B00028ODVM/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1426445781&sr=8-7&keywords=evening+primrose+oil Bachs Rescue Remedy is great for the racing feeling. I got in bed the other night and the heart racing, mind racing, panic feeling started. I took this and felt better: http://www.amazon.com/Bach-LA-AM-FU-Rescue-Remedy-20ml/dp/B00016QT7Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1426445899&sr=8-1&keywords=rescue+remedy Valerian Root capsules is also VERY good for calming. I get mind from Frontier or Mountain Rose herbs. Drug store and Walmart ones are crap b/c the dose is so low, in the end it costs a lot more for the miligrams you'd get in just one capsules of a high quality brand. Blue Pastures Cod Liver oil is also extremely good for stabilizing all sorts of body systems. SO many great food-source nutrients in there to bring levels up. With ANY supplements, if possible, pay the extra money to get the best quality you can afford. Otherwise you may end up ingesting fillers and other unnecessary things cheap companies put in their products, which in turn could cause a bunch of other problems.
  22. I'd think it was a cool idea for a theme for a party. I mean, why not? It's an easier theme to meet than a couple that we've gone to lately: a glow in the dark party and a super hero themed party. Just follow the color scheme?? sure!
  23. I always imagined I'd have two kids. Never did I want anymore. I married a man who only wanted 2 kids. I had super easy, happy pregnancies (best times of my life), fairly easy births (6 hours first, 3 hours second, no drugs for either) but I knew I was finished as I was holding our 2nd. And I was super happy about it. When our second was 6 weeks old (I was 30) he went in for a V. The doctor kept asking us questions like, "Now...if something happens to one or both of your children, are you sure you are done?" And we were emphatically answering ...yes. I have never wanted another and neither has DH. I think sometimes you can just know...one way or the other. I think babies are the most precious thing ever and if they all stayed babies, I'd keep having them. But I know my limits, I guess and two is definitely it. Now that they are 12 and 14, I love how much help they are and I love how they are becoming independent from me. My goal was to have two close together and sort of go through the stages close together, and once we're done w/ a stage, I don't want to go back. Not even the baby stage. I love that NEXT stage. Not that I'm not soaking it in at the present, but..no regrets here. Not even a twinge. I'm more sad that I don't have the twinges my girlfriends seem to have. lol
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