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Everything posted by Cottonwood

  1. Yes..badly. I just saw a kitchen hack suggesting that if u put them in the freezer 15 minutes before cutting, u won't tear up. I needed to try this...
  2. Babe Ruth! oh the mix of goodness in that candy bar! i havent had one in...maybe a decade. Oh and did anyone else eat those hard candy teddy bears on a stick? in the 80s when there was a 'bear' phase? my fav was cinnamon. i dropped some serious coinage down on those babies in the 5Th grade!
  3. gonna do a long set of stretches in a bit to prepare for the race this afternoon. cant believe the weather..possible light snow showers, cloudy all day, high in the high 40s. i know it could be much worse but i didnt want to contemplate layers.....winds are 5 to 10 so im not quite sure what ill need by 2 pm. hmmmm....
  4. First yard clean up since all the snow melted..huge job but we all did it and i took it easy. Actively resting since tomorrow is the race! I'm nervous!
  5. I have an area like that with a mole I"d like to try to remove. I read that the same idea of a the cotton ball held by the band aide could still work if done overnight ..it might take longer but it would still work. I think I'm going to try it.
  6. I"ve used Frankincense and ACV successfully in removing moles but I"ve read it works for skin tags the same. For each, I soaked a small piece of cotton ball and held it in place by a band aide. ONce a day after a shower i replaced it with a fresh piece of cotton ball. For the Frankincense, it needs to be diluted (I mixed in warmed/liquid coconut oil..very weak mixture) before applying to the skin or it will burn..it's very strong. I kept it on the skin for 2 wks then got tired of doing it so I stopped. I noticed the mole shrinking (dissolving?) but forgot about it. ABout 2 months later I noticed it was totally and completely gone and the skin underneath showed no signs that it had ever been there. lol don't know what happened, exactly, or when, but it is gone. ACV, I only lasted about 4 wks with this but the mole came off within that time and I knew when it happened. Given the vast price difference, and the fact that the AVC is much more comfortable on the skin with no dilution, I'd go that route, personally.
  7. I don't get the channel that is aired on. What is his decision?
  8. Backing off the mileage today to save a little for Sunday's race. Did 2.5 today and didn't feel like stopping...so much energy. Went to chiropractor, learned some new hip stretches and strengthening exercises. Spent 40 minutes doing that and feel so good and loose. Ready to race!..or ....erm.... jog at my own pace. lol
  9. When you say it didn't work, do you mean they chipped or that it was the same as other polishes? Oddly, my DD14 cannot keep any polish (so far) on her nails more than 3 day or 4 days with it slipping right off. She swears she has 'oily nails'. LOL She even wipes them down with vinegar and other things that are supposed to prep the nails. Curious about this polish on her, too.
  10. Thanks, ladies. Audrey..makeupalley! Of course! I go there all the time for makeup reviews. WHY didn't I think to go there for the polish? Thanks for the reminder. I think I"m gonna try it out. Martha, so you don't use the gel top coat? I might try that to begin with too. I'm pretty hard on manicures, but we'll see how long I can get it to last :)
  11. Wondering if anyone has used it, and if the claims are true? I never did the 'gel' polish thing at the salon because of the hassle of soaking off the polish, using the light, etc. But this promises easy removal, no light and up to 14 days 'color and shine'. I estimate for me that means that I will, in fact, get 14 days of color and shine, though it will likely be super chipped by around day 10. lol Or will it? I WANT to believe it will give me a nice manicure for longer! But I haven't pulled the trigger yet b/c I'm not sure. So you have to buy the bottle of color for around 7.99 to 8.99 (around here) plus the bottle of top coat for the same price. I would be willing to buy this polish, one color at a time now and then, if it was all that much better than my typical polishes. If not, I'll stick with my OPI favs for that kind of price. Also wondering how long it lasts in the bottle. I hate spending a ton of $ per bottle only to have it get thick and unusable in a month or two. Reviews?
  12. I'm not sure where I've given you this impression but nothing you say here describes me...sorry. And you post here makes you sound pretty high and mighty. I've spent years researching..research. lol As I mentioned, I didn't FEEL like researching these articles with the sources it cited. I took it SO seriously, that I didn't save it aside or even recall it mind till now. I threw this out there to see if anyone has come across this as well as this post reminded me of something I .......came across....... I have already made my mind up after reading............science.......on both sides. I sided with the side that I saw real science in. I'm keeping my microwave b/c I don't see any real science to back up getting rid of it. Don't know if you saw the part where I said..huh...this was news to me? Maybe I didn't include the word SCIENCE enough in my comments to lead to you believe that I'd done what you expect of me in order to conclude what I concluded. Just wow. Oh and the bolded is just uncalled for. You know nothing about me except a casual collection of thoughts out loud I was having with the Hive. Presumptuousness, misplaced and ..yeah, uncalled for. Snarky, no.
  13. This, I'm not entirely sure of. I can only guess that the fact that its juice is being used means it's pretty concentrated so if celery has nitrates, this must mean they are present in more concentrated amounts. But nobody seems to be able to say how much is too much. I do know there are plenty of studies out there that connect a high nitrate diet with certain forms of cancer..pancreatic is one type. A very close family friend just died from this and his doctor gave the family info on reports and research being done re: the links to pancreatic cancers and various things. Large amts of nitrates being the diet was one source he cited. I think any of it's probably fine used in a balanced way.
  14. I've noticed this too. And, if a nitrate is a nitrate is a nitrate, as I said up above, then I'll always default to a food alternative where there is one. Even still, we keep it in the very occasional column around here.
  15. Sure, found here: http://wholenewmom.com/recipes/dorito-flavored-popcorn-dairy-free/ “Dorito†or Taco Popcorn Recipe Makes 6-8 cups Ingredients 1/2 cup unpopped popcorn kernels 2 -3 Tbsp coconut oil for popping 1/4 cup nutritional yeast 1 teaspoon garlic powder or granules 1 teaspoon onion powder or granules 1 teaspoon cumin 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon chili powder 1/8 – 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional) 2 teaspoons real sea salt Directions 1. Prepare popcorn using oil with preferred method. My Basic Popcorn post has more information about popping and about my favorite stovetop popcorn popper. Air popped popcorn won’t work without additional oil since the seasoning needs moisture from the oil in order to adhere to the popcorn. This is basically the same as the popper that we use: Stainless Steel Popcorn Popper 2. Combine all spices, and salt in a small bowl. 3. Blend seasonings in a spice or coffee grinder, or blend in blender to make a fine powder. 4. Sprinkle seasoning over popcorn and toss to coat.
  16. I dunno...I'm just posting what I read in the 2 articles (independent) and putting it out there since it was news to me, too. OP: I'm super crunchy and make daily choices about health that I hope makes improvements as we go, but I don't believe everything I read that claims to be healthy or better or dangerous either. But I have read quite a bit about this and since I have found such conflicting viewpoints and um..er facts and non facts... about microwaves in all these years, my personal vote is that I haven't found anything convincing enough to outweigh the use of it in my home and I feel like that's a pretty informed decision. It's one of those things that I find MORE reasons/facts that say there's nothing wrong with it, as I do reasons to ditch it, honestly.
  17. I might have skipped it, but otherwise haven't seen the idea of microwaves exposing us to radiation? I came across several pieces of info online recently from medical doctors expressing concern over the trace amounts that we might get exposed to from use. It specified the type of radiation as being very different than the types of radiation we get from the sun or other incidental exposure we have from less harmful TYPES in all of daily life. They pinpoined that this type of radiation is something that we cannot fully detox from and it just collects through time, so the idea is that you would avoid any amts, no matter how small since you will likely want to opt, instead, for the dental xray or other medical uses of radiation you actually...need. I can get behind that....it's all about choices. Sure, sounds good. I admit I have little knowledge of how microwaves work, how the latest models are made as far as containing anything harmful inside, or what it might or might not do to our food. But I have been reading anything I've come across re:microwaves for the last....oh... 6 yrs that I've been on this journey to make mindful health choices, and I just haven't been able to decide how I feel about this subject at all. :huh: Even the radiation thing..not sure? There were links and other references in the medical info/site I was reading concerning the microwave and radiation but it was late at night and I didn't feel like digging into it, and of course, I will have to regoogle in any hopes of finding it again b/c I didn't save it. Just posting to add this angle? Or lack of?
  18. Very true, and why we doing include it all that regularly into our diets. But when choosing, we still choose something the body is more likely to recognize as closer to a food, as opposed to chemical. DH is a hunter and processes between 4-5 animals a year into sausages/lunch meats/other yummy options (lol) and has become deeply immersed in nitrate options, what they mean for humans, versus, other nitrate and nitrite options and human consumption. He has told me, "even a natural nitrate means your body is getting nitrates. Only this way, your body recognizes it as a food source moreso and has an easier time processing it". We only go for the store bought stuff of any kind when we run out of his elk-roast sliced lunch meat (mouth watering). But the above, IMO is still a better option if someone is looking for a bump up in a slightly more nutritional choice than a chemically preserved meat. Variety and balance always being key.
  19. That is a really good question about an assessment. Before I started physical therapy way back, we went through several types of scans and xrays...about 6 yrs ago. They said they saw nothing out of place. But as I think on it, it was a 'general' doctor in the ER that looked at all the scans and referred me on to PT to strengthen my muscles. The results were sent on to my fam doctor and I guess he agreed. I think I'll readdress it soon with my doc to see we can push further to look into my structure more. I know my dad has what he considers a 'weak hip'..same side as mine. huh. As soon as my race is over this Sunday (3 mile portion for me), I told DH that I"m backing down to 2 miles 4 times a week instead of 3 miles 3 times a week to see if things ease up. If not, I"ll down to 3 times a week and do something else on the 'off' days. I was feeling almost euphoric when I was doing the C25K and was at the 2 to 2.5 mile runs. NO pain. When I hit 2.75 everything changed. I am comfortable with a shorter stride too and my pace is pretty darn slow, but I don't think I"ll ever be too concerned about my speed. I just want health benefits. Not trying to win any races here. lol The day I went to the ER, I had put my feet on the ground as I got out of bed, and with no warning, the pain on the left hip, from the upper rim of the pelvic bone, to the bottom of my rump, shot up so bad that I fell on the floor. It spasmed so bad that I couldn't get off the floor. The kids had to call DH to come home from work to pick me up and walk me into the ER. I had no idea what was going on, but I was running at that time of my life. I landed in PT right away and he told me, "you aren't to run, play tennis (another love) or participate in any sport except walking in a straight line until we strenghten your muscles." So that's what happened..and here I still am. Chiropractic adjustments have helped a LOT though but that's been a recent addition. Sorry to hijack the post..lol Thanks for the food for thought, wintermom.
  20. Hormel makes a 'naturallly' cured lunch meat that uses celery juice as a nitrate instead of the chemicals. Oscar Mayer has a 'naturally cured' bacon that uses celery juice as well. It's hard to keep up with the brands and products that are coming on the market, so what I do is have an idea of what I want to see on an ingredient list before I'd consider buying it. An idea off the top of my head would be: 5 ingredients or less are ideal. I'll fudge and go up to 8 and feel ok, if they aren't really 'dirty' ingredients. no corn ingredients unless it's an organic product (b/c of GMOs). This includes canola in chips, corn chips, etc. So here, Smith's has their store brand of corn chips that are 100% organic and have corn, nuts/seeds, salt and sunflower oil. Their store-brand white cheddar popcorn has slightly more ingredients, but all organic with the same idea as the corn chips. I also sometimes buy the Kettle? brand chips that only have salt, potatoes and oil in the ingredients. They have a non-Gmo sticker on the front. It's not organic, but in the case of potatoes and corn, it's the GMO I"m trying to avoid anyway. No soy, no matter what. Sugar is sugar....... but the sucanat and unrefined cane sugar or brown rice sugar, coconut sugar, are a slight bump up ..only slightly though...from white refined sugar. I find that treats made from these ingredients types of sugar are in general less objectionable to me as a whole. Usually, not always. And, as low as I can get in sugar grams. Anything hydrogenated,...no. Breads - no 'enriched' flours, no corn syrups. I try to make my own tho. Doesn't always happen. I try to avoid packaged products but there are some convenience foods I need to have around for the kids. I do, however make a lot of their snacks and through the years have a collection of favs that are quick enough so that I can fit them into my schedule to make, yummy to them (for now...their tastes keep changing on me) and are nutritious. One quickie I make a lot is air popped popcorn. Toss in Kerry Gold Butter and sprinkle some grated parm cheese over. They make the flavored parm cheeses now too. I've googled and found popcorn topping recipes that we all like. For instance, I found one using all spices in my cabinet that was a copy of the Dorito flavoring. The liked it sprinkled on the popcorn so I bought extra spices and made a big batch of the seasoning to have on hand. Took minutes. Now, they take 5 minutes to air pop some popcorn, melt a little butter as it pops, then put it all in a bowl with the seasoning and toss, toss, toss. Now they have Dorito flavored popcorn that I feel is healthy. There are TONS of these spice-herb-made toppings that I sometimes make that they can rotate flavors with. Then again, luckily, we love popcorn here. ETA: A lot of the stores in my area have the main part of the store, as well as a 'natural' section that is quite large. While I don't necessarily agree that everything in there is healthy, I head there first to sort things out on my own and find the weekly sales in there. That helps quite a bit because a lot of the choices with 'alternative' ingredients are in one place for me to consider. Annie's, Muir Glen, Clif bars, Kind Bars, organic stuff and the bulk section of goods I'd use for recipes are all in one place. Also, since my kids are old enough to put recipes together, I have them spend kitchen time with me and teach them some basics so that when they want a treat, I hand them a simple, quick recipe and they will make a big batch to eat now and later. LOVE the older ages for this. I know you didn't ask about homemade stuff, but I added them b/c sometimes if they are simple enough, they take me less time then going to the store for stuff. lol
  21. Today is a 'rest' day but I am pretty sore from yesterday so I plan to just take a brisk walk on the treadmill for a while to warm up and then stretch, stretch, stretch. A few more hip exercises, more stretching, epsom salt bath. I'm also going to the chiropractor for ultrasound therapy on the side of the hip that is so tight. That really helps loosen up for a bit. I asked DH last night if he had to spend 2 hours every day he ran, soothing his body from the activity, would he do the activity? He said NOPE. lol I just keep having this thought that I'm not cut out to run. All the other effects are wonderful for me..my body is starting to shift nicely (though slowly), my energy is high, I'm feeling strong, but if I don't spend all this time soaking and stretching, the hip pain is horrible. I've dealt with this off and on for years as I"ve tried to run. The new hip strengthening exercises are almost a last ditch effort to see if it is a matter of hip muscles weakness. I was in physical therapy for 2 yrs hoping to find out what causes the pain and the only thing they could find was tight muscles. So I'm hopeful that it's not a more serious issue. But holy crap, when the pain flares, it feels so dang serious. lol If anyone has dealt with hip muscle issues, please pm me!
  22. 3 mile run again. yeah! an hour total of stretches and hip strengthening as i try to get to a place where i can run and not have horrible hip pain the next day.
  23. i use my foam roller all the time for muscle issues.. particularly my piriformis and hamstrings too. it really loosens all sorts of things up, breaks up knots in my back,and returns blood flow to strained areas. i loooove mine. its not a fad, but a super useful tool. ive had mine 6 yrs. i wouldnt be able to continue to run without using it before and after. there are a ton of great videos and diagrams online to show how to do it and where. theres a couple good books too.
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