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Everything posted by Cottonwood

  1. Yes I have done my own red for years. My hair is very dark brown. I call it espresso. I use the Wella brand at Sally's. I use a darker red (ill call it color 1) on the roots mixed 1/2 and 1/2 with the color on the rest of my hair (color 2). 20 volume peroxide. Once its on 30 minutes I "paint" all my hair from about 1/4 inch from the roots with color 2 ..a very deep, true red. This keeps color 2 from giving me super hot roots (bright pink) since it is a higher level color (5). I need the higher level since my hair color is naturally so dark but it gives virgin hair too much lift. Color 1 is not a color I want the rest of my hair (too dark red) but its just what my roots need as its a lower level (4). The colors blend beautifully and there's no line of distinction. Red can really be tricky. Especially us girls with super dark hair going toward red. But it can done.
  2. You know, that's all I ask too. Oddly dd is farrrr worse than D's. I've learned to ignore it and then when they can't find something and rush to me in a panic I shrug and say "not my problem". When I finally have a belly full I say " no screen time till rooms are done". This might take a couple days. At one time, when I had more energy to enforce it, the 'no screen till your room is done' was daily. Those were great days lol
  3. My parents are still married. Both of my parent's parents were divorced and remarried. Dhs parents were married til fil died. His grandparents were all married till the end.
  4. Saxon also sells Teacher DVDs in which a teacher not only explains each lesson but she also works out each problem including all test problems. Its saved my butt more than once. Not sure Saxon is right for you, but if you go that way, the dvds are worth the $.
  5. When my df was 11, she could have, though naybe late in her 11th year. But writing is absolutely her gift. My ds12..not only NO at 11, but quite possibly not until his late high school years. Overall I think its a very unreasonable task for an 11 yr old. However. Dh is, among other things, an adult educator and says that in most cases, there is an art to test taking and with some specific pointers, you don't have to be good at the subjects of most tests to score well. He says that often, what you presume you are being graded on is not where the grade comes from. Its very interesting to hear him talk about test taking for adults. He says some of it translates the same for kids but he's not sure to what degree. It always makes contemplating testing with suspicion, like..."what are they REALLY looking for here...". Lol
  6. Dh has allllways said he was only going to marry once. recently an older couple we know got married and on the way to the wedding he repeated the same thing. His only reason is that he believes you should only marry once. Why he believes that, I dont know because hes not religious or has any other relationship reason. when asked he just says hes always felt strongly this way. he cant seem to pinpoint why but he seems sure he only wants one crack at it. we disagree on this subject..but i so wonder what would reallly happen if i died. I cant imagine him not being married and sharing things.
  7. yep love it. not every single second, you know, but marriage suits me very well.
  8. Absolutely. Its just what I want for myself and I enjoy it very much. The choice of husband would be crucial of course, but I would go for it if it seemed right...considering kids, finances, etc etc.
  9. My friend just sold her house FSBO and was able to pay a fee to get an MLS number. I don't know the specifics but I know it can be be done. If you decide to sell on your own and think you need the extra exposure, it would be worth looking into.
  10. My third floor is a disastejand it's stressing me out. ..big time. Really, what bothers me the most is that my jacuzzi up there takes too much work for the soak my muscles need right now. My DD and I were sitting here discussing how we were going to navigate afternoon appointments and errands around Starbucks 'happy hour' for 1/2 price fraps. LOL I"m sure we'll manage. DS is in the garage trying to figure out how to hook his Wii U up to the controls/screen in my Pathfinder.
  11. Quiche: 5 minute crust: http://www.food.com/recipe/quick-n-easy-quiche-crust-18185 Once you get it pressed down in the pie plate, whisk together 8 eggs, salt, pepper, some milk and misc add ins (ham chunks, chopped green onion, cheeses, broccoli pieces, diced sausage, pepperoni...etc etc etc) After it's poured, dot the top with chunkks of cream cheese for extra creaminess. Pour mixture into crust, cook 45 to 50 minutes on 350. Reheats like a dream and is so gooooooood...
  12. Didn't quite get to 2 miles during my run today ...not sure why but it was a HUGE struggle and I had to stop at 1.5. Still got my hip strengthening/stretches in though. Haven't fallen short in 3 months so I'm ok with that.
  13. Everybody's contribution to this thread is so helpful and encouraging! May goals: - continue to run two miles, three times a week at a very gradual increase in pace. -keep strengthening my hip muscles and keep my legs and hips nice and stretched and relaxed. Doesn't sound like much, but keeping my muscles happy has been a bigger challenge than beginning to run again, a race, etc. Takes about twice as long as my runs too. lol I *might* add light strength training at some point since DS12 wants to start this with some ab work and upper body. I may do it with him.
  14. My state doesn't require submission of anything at all, ever. But I test yearly just as a measure of our year for my sake. I just got an email saying the kids' PASS tests have been shipped. We loved using this testing last year and I can't wait for it to come in next week. This year has been a 'different' year as far as the AMOUNT we've covered, however I do feel like our direction and depth is really solid. My kids always test pretty high so I"m hoping it rounds out the big picture for how well we've all done this year..me included as the teacher! lol Anyway, that email got me wondering how many test when they aren't required to, and what do you use?
  15. We go to the park alone a ton. I have gotten a nervous feeling from a particular person or two on occasion. But not just from the act of going to the park I always scope everyone out and notice all new comers. However, I say, LISTEN to that little voice telling you that you are uneasy. It's there for a reason! I carry a knife and mace in my purse and a gun in my car. I take the mace in my pocket when I am without my purse at the park. When I lived in California, I always carried mace and a knife and DH always carried a gun to parks, on hikes, etc. Here in Montana our habits are more relaxed. But I'm reconsidering that stance. Just last week a delusional man took a gun out and shot at a friendly passerby who approached him to ask him if he could help him in some way. This happened IN THE PARK we go to! A very nice one in what I considered a safe area of town. Sigh... The kids and I have also taken self defense classes in which we've learned about a gazzilion ways to turn the defense into offense. And since off-street was mentioned..when on hikes in Montana, all of the above weapons at all times, add bear spray and DH carries his biggest, baddest bear gun with special bullets.
  16. I'm just one of those people who will come find you if I need your product and don't like pushy sales people. However, I actually appreciate *many* of these companies. But only because of the products themselves. I used to *LOVE* Mary Kay products and even signed up just for the discount one time. My Director is the reason I moved away from the product lol. Pampered Chef? Yes please! Love ALL of my PC products. They have worked well and lasted many, many yearss. EO's, I use from a lot of different places and have since 2008, but they've also made a huge positive impact in our home/health. And so on....... I also don't have ...issues...with the pushy people. I'm pretty outspoken and say something along the lines of, "no thank you and if I need ________ I"ll let YOU know. But thank you for thinking of me." A few times they have called more than once and I ask to be taken off their call list, adding that I will think of them when I need to purchase again. Social media is never a problem because I hide what I need to hide for peace. But I do buy when I need to buy, letting them know I don't want to be contacted after the sale. It's too bad the way some of the companies are run because it sure does distract from some of the great products. I also know a few people who are rolling in the dough because this is their business. Not my cuppa tea, but good for them. And I don't feel sorry for anyone who is down-line from them because it's all a choice. If you sign up for one of these businesses, and it's a flop or whatever, well it was your choice. This is coming from someone who HAS done this. I never made that choice again. Some people are 'taken for a ride' with MLM but that depends on who you are, honestly. And who your Director is (in my case..now she was schemey). Some are labeled as schemes that shouldn't be because the ingredients of the business are fully explained. (yes, I know these are probably the exceptions). And, some days, I don't see how it's *much* different than so many other business upstarts. Building a business from nothing is a huge risk from the needed supplies and inventory to rental space (if needed), etc. YOu usually go in immediate debt to secure those things. Everyone you purchase/rent from is making money off your start up and (hopefully) continuation of your business. Your profit is no where to be seen for a while. And you may go under if you didn't work your business right (same with the businesses mentioned in this thread, no?), leaving you in debt and owing those you were in business with. Yes, there are big differences in MLM and other start up businesses but also many similarities. Even after being super burned by MK, I don't hold a resentment but see it as a choice I learned from. I would even buy MK again if the wind blew me that way. (shrug)
  17. Semi-frequent buyer here and am always satisfied. Of course, shipping is slower than Amazon.
  18. The Funamo app is $20 for the life of the device and allows almost any kind of restrictions and customizations. Control remotely from any computer...also has GPS monitoring. Set time restrictions, apps can be quarantined until u ok the download, app, website, even text monitoring to some degree. Although if it was me, I'd just switch the phone out for one with no data. That would be pretty painful here and relieve me of all the monitoring.
  19. Sept 1 was a Loooooong time agooooo....

    1. idnib


      Yes ma'am, it sure was.

  20. I counted days last year and didn't this year because.......why? Our state is the most relaxed I know of, and they dont' care. I try to set my gauge on progress, a direction. My DD spent only 4 months in 8th grade and we advanced her to 9th. Ok, I'd say she's doing spectacular and working on very advanced material. DS...well, he's finished decschooling, finally, is advanced in math and just not making me feel like he's made great progress in LA. The other subjects are learn as we go...although I wish we were further along in our chemistry book. So some days I panic about the to-do material, and sometimes I think, "We've come a long way this year" ... since mine were in public school I often think, "they have learned WAY more this year than all of a year in public school" and that does relax me. I also test yearly just for my sanity and we are about to do that here in May. Last year they did REALLY good and I"m hopeful for this year. I'm going to take your advice for next year and underplan, just for me. I have some great students here and I have to think they are doing just fine! As long as I don't glance at the to-do pile.........ha!
  21. Hey...looks like Going to the Sun is partially open to Avalanche ...you can take a few hikes from that parking lot at Avalanche including a very popular and non strenuous, Trail of the Ceders. <3 !! The hike TO Avalanche lake is long and has some altitude gain, but is among the most memorable sites of my life there at the end...a huge, yet cozy mountain lake surrounded by high peaks and waterfalls. (((faint))) I need to get off this thread before I waste my day away on Glacier dreaming. haha http://home.nps.gov/applications/glac/roadstatus/roadstatus.cfm
  22. OH my yes, that road is called Spyglass road and that is where I had a full and complete panic attack requiring my family to scramble for meds and my inhaler and tissues. We looked on the map and thought, OH a shortcut! No no no no no NO! My dh thought it was fun! I, on the other hand, felt death. lol Browning...eh.. be careful there. There is a LOT of crime there. I have good friend who lives there and advises me not to stop at a gas station or anything unless I HAVE to. If the reservation has any educational offerings, those areas might be safe. I dunno, I'm just going on what she said and news reports coming from there. I'll go one step further about mama bears and cubs. If I see them, I back out slowly, facing them.....and don't return to that trail. If you see a Ranger, and you are likely to, report that you saw a mama and cubs up ahead. They need to know for the safety of those about to go on the trail. I thought of another thing...at a campsite, bring the kids in as dusk begins. Or have them stay by the fire. We sometimes even stay in a private cabin in the woods and don't let my teens out back after dark. Dusk and dawn are natural feeding times for a lot of these animals. Glacier can be a super safe, super fun trip. Don't let all of this scare you. It's something not many people know a lot about or every have to prepare for (In knowledge and a few other packed goodies..like the bear spray). BUT once you prepare yourself, take what you find out very seriously, and are aware of exactly what it calls for, you are good to go!
  23. Also, everyone in the park is soooo nice and helpful so pick their brains. I just re-read and saw u will be here ...early... June. You may encounter snow on trails so check on that before you go on them. I'm assuming that you will be hiking... You may not lol. This was an incredibly light winter so snow m at be lower than usual, too? Just helps to check. Forgot to mention there's no cell service anywhere at all in and around the park. You may be lucky to find a stray signal but its unlikely. Lastly, welcome to Montana! My 'happiest place on earth'!
  24. I live near Glacier. You very well may see a bear on any trail you are on during the summer. I would get some bear spray and take it everywhere I go. Do a google/youtube search on exactly how to use it just to be prepared. In all the times I've been on trails there I've never had to pull it out. Bears more often just move away from the noise. do NOT go off of the trail at any time. For the flora's sake but also to avoid encounters with animals. June will be pretty cool or cold at times, you will probably get snowed on...more than once...and you may or may not get to the Going To the Sun road. Bring many layering possibilities and a winter coat. The park's website is just full of useful info, including bear behavior info, clothing suggestions by month, etc. The site also has links to pics/videos of the current plowing of the Sun road...like...what they did yesterday...so u can keep track of the progress and the expected date of opening. Glacier is unequaled in beauty in all of the park, but the Sun road tops it all. Its just unbelievable. If I'm not mistaken the road almost never opens before June 15. I watch the plowers via their website every year and can never get over the work and bravery it takes to plow that road! Waterfalls in Glacier.....ahhhh what beauty. Something the kids might enjoy is the boat rides at St Marys (upper East end of park). We sometimes do the one where they take u around the first lake then drop you on the far end, and u walk 1/4 a mile on a trail take lake 2. Then they take you around lake 2 and drop you off at the end of that one, and u take that trail to lake 3. You putter around lake 3 then come back they way you came. We all bring binoculars to scope put the lakeshore for all sorts of critters. But that area is one of the highest volume bear areas and often the trails are closed due to increased bear activity. You can check at the hotel there to make sure. Oh and the St. Marys hotel has a fascinating history, too. There is a trail you can drive on there in that area that is a one mile loop that is known for almost certain bear viewing from the car. Be sure to research any trails you want to go on ahead of time...even picking up several trail maps to refer to. Some trails quickly go from wide to narrow with drop offs and wouldn't be something I'd take younger children on. The majority are fine. It does take a long time to get anywhere there because of how spread out it is. Glacier is an amazing trip if everyone plays it safe and gives the bears a lot of distance. Reading as much as you can on bears and your camping habits (food especially) will be extremely helpful, too. Lake Mcdonald at Apgar Village is breathtaking. Some of the towns outside of Glacier on the West side have some very yummy places to eat. Oh..and bring a lot of food for times inside the park because there are no restaurants, except the very occasional gift shop and, well, St. Marys hotel. Which campground will you camp at?
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