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Everything posted by Cottonwood

  1. I almost never found anything free to watch on Amazon and felt a little indignant that I paid so much to have Prime in the first place, as they advertise Prime videos, then I have to turn around and pay for what I want to watch anyway. So i let it expire and joined Prime with my sister, only for the free shipping, and stuck with Netflix. It really all depends on your habits. Oh and as far as Prime music, a Prime member can add computers/users to their list of peoe who have permission to download their Amazon purchased music. My sister gave me permission for that and I downloaded all her music to my computer and continue to do so. 600 songs to date. Solo I guess they give me just as much reason not to join on my own...
  2. Decided that now that the race is over I was going back to 2 miles when I run until my hip muscles ease up, but increase my pace a little. So today I actually shaved a minute off of my time per mile. I'm shocked! And right now I feel super good at only 2 miles per run even with the extra pace. I think my slower pace pre-race was me playing it extra safe. I guess I"m capable of more. :) I also did a full round of hip strengthening exercises, foam rolling and stretches. Feeeelin great!
  3. That is so awesome, tho. I will have one of those years! Eventually...... We are going to school a month longer than I originally intended and I think we'll be fine. Then once we move we'll start a light summer schedule as I try to start the transition to year-round.
  4. On the down slope for the year LAST YEAR, I noticed I was at 100% of all planned curriculum by May 15. HAHAHA, I laugh at my own circumstances. I had one middle schooler then, she is super self-motivated and independent. It was a blast, and things got covered! This year I added DS to the home school mix, we've had deaths, unexpected extended family visits and such.......and we are just above 50% of what I'd planned. I'm not worried because of the depth of things we've covered and I feel like they are pretty advanced, anyway. But still, I'm feeling a bit panicky and may need to extend into the summer. Except we are moving across the country this summer... ug!!! It'll all work out I'm sure...(I think LOL).... How about you?
  5. I hadn't seen this....but if that's the circumstances, all sorts of images are going through my mind of how I'd act in her situation, and none of them I can share. :lol:
  6. adding, when they/we do go barefoot, I require everyone to wash their feet in the mudroom before entering the house. We are NO SHOES people in our house. So dirty feet are a NO too.
  7. I grew up in the country and did everything possible not to EVER wear shoes. My parents only insisted if I wasn't in the general vicinity of our yard, if I was going to be running through the woods. So.... in my typical fashion, I would wear my shoes to the edge of the woods, check to make sure no one was looking, took them off and ran through the woods barefooted anyway. I sure did get scraped up and injured sometimes, but I dare not complain since I'd get in trouble for it. And yes, I would occasionally get what (in the South ..where I was, anyway) is called 'sand worms' which is microscopic ..thing.. that enters a cut in the skin and makes trails in the skin as it moves around under the skin. (enter a collective SHIVER here) My mom was so grossed out..she would often take me to the health dept and get an indigestible ...well....pesticide.... that was NASTY that I had to drink and it would kill the parasite. That is so utterly disgusting, even to type it out...but it never stopped me...what a stubborn brat I was. Finally they stopped caring about it and said if getting sand worms didn't make me put shoes on my feet, nothing would and they weren't taking me to the health dept anymore. And they meant it. I got sandworms ONE other time and had to let it run its course on its own, which takes much longer to get rid of them this way. That did it. lol My kids? We live in the city now and in the back yard where the dog lives, even though we pick up after him twice a day (Or more b/c I insist on a super nice yard), we all wear shoes back there. Front yard..mostly. While camping in the country...bare feet if they wish. While at my moms in the country, I don't care. I am only insistent when I know animals have gone potty anywhere near. My mom doesn't have pets. If I knew there was trash and glass and such, or course, no. It's only the parasite things I think about. Germs themselves, I believe, are our friends :)
  8. Ohhhhh boy, is this ever sounding familiar. This is our current major struggle here. And, I dunno...my DD might be the exception to the 'gain proficiency, get enthused' idea. Here's what I did... my DD was in public school in 5th grade, when they start offering music/band in this school district. I knew nothing about it until she came home and said she was going to be in the orchestra there. So this is totally her idea, which of course, I supported. She immediately picked the Viola as her instrument and got very good, very quickly. That was 4 yrs ago. She is in her 2nd yr of homeschooling, thus we lost the free music support through the school system. We got her private lessons and she is in her 2nd yr with this teacher. She expresses a passion for her viola, she is regularly invited to recitals by her teacher. Her teacher recommends her to other teachers and she is invited by THOSE teachers to be included to their recitals. She regularly auditions for all orchestras, symphonies and sinfonias and always get accepted and always gets first or second chair. She has professed some adult music goals that are pretty lofty. I pay a lot of $ (IMO) to support her. Sounds great right? No... it is like OP's son with my DD. Getting her to practice every day is excruciating for all of us. It got so bad at one point that DH said...she's done. I was so baffled. We had many conversations, she couldn't tell me why she didn't want to SEE her viola until her music lessons...that's right.......she wants to make a living in music/orchestras but doesn't want to SEE her viola most days. (scratching head). I'm looking at the hundreds and hundreds of dollar going out per year thinking...the relationship to the money v/s the effort is not ok with me. Yet nothing we tried motivated her daily practice. We have been trying different things for a solid year. Including, making it part of her homsechooling work schedule. I even started charging her $5 a day on the days she didn't practice so I'd get my $$$ back for her lack of effort. It's not solely about the $$ to me, but her tiny allowance is pretty important to her, yet, this didn't make a difference either. Her teacher began to ask me questions and I told her I was frustrated but trying. Finally the three of us had a sit-down. She asked DD if she was just trying to please her parents (dd said no), she asked if she enjoyed being a violist (dd said enthusiastically YES), etc etc. Finally the teacher explained to her that if she doesn't like the daily one-on-one time with her instrument, then maybe she find something else to do. Because her technical ability will only increase with that practice and without it she's just messing around. Which is ok! But she explained that parents have a big problem with spending serious money with no serious effort. She told DD she noticed a real decline in her during lessons and would give her some time to decide what she wanted to do but expected real effort and daily practice and we'd visit about it in a couple months. DD said she understood and would try harder. Has she...maybe a little only Well, her latest sinfonia has come and gone (she did reallllly good, second chair) and we are back to dusting off the viola case every few days, nothing daily. Her teacher pulled me aside and said she is now full with a waiting list and has decided that if DD doesn't show any more effort by this time, that she is going to fill her slot with someone else (in so many words..she was sweet about it). I told DD and she was shocked and devastated. I'm so confused by her responses..... Well, anyway, since THAT day she is trying much harder but a LONG story to say.............. I should have done this a long time ago, but I told the teacher it is between her and DD. DD knows very well what is expected of her and isnt' doing it and if the teacher feels the need to cut her, I totally support that. I told DD about that conversation and told her that if that happens, I will not be looking for another teacher anytime soon and we are putting this subject away for a long while. More devastation (sigh...). But it's her teacher's decision now. She has really stepped it up in the last little bit and her teacher says shes doing pretty good and will keep her as of now seeing this latest surge. We move across the country this summer and it really remains to be seen as to whether we find another teacher at that time. If so, I'm going into it with my newfound thoughts that this is not up to me. If she is continue this path, it's up to her and her teacher. I will make all sorts of adjustments to support real effort. If there's no effort the teacher will see that and cut her and that's that. This way I don't have to anguish over it. And I have been anguishing because this child has a TON of talent and potential. For now, I can pay for it. What do I do besides facilitate practice time, pay for it and drive her around????? What do I do to MAKE HER PRACTICE?? Well now I don't worry about it because that's her teacher's job. :) ETA: i feel too, that she might be thinking b/c she has natural ability, she can cruise this this goal in life. :( Which is also super confusing b/c this child is Type A, "I will never make less than an A in anything,", hard work pays off, I have to re-do for a BETTER grade. But..viola? Eh... whatevs mom!? ug!
  9. Its the same to me as my child was running towards a busy street. The way I yell their name is going to be drastically different then other times when they aren't headed for or in the midst of grave danger. It would be MEANT to get their attention. I saw that video the same way. She may have even surprised herself with the way she treated her son, but I thought of it as the instincts of a mom in a scary situation. I was glad to see a mom in action, protecting her son. How many OTHER types of horrible parenting stories and tragedies do we often see? This one refreshed me. lol
  10. So far the kids only have tablets, however ..what is a reset? I mean, how do u do one?
  11. That's a really good question. :lol: I am almost completely overwhelmed by the thought, but I am opened to it. I had already downloaded the app. lol But I do have hip issues that I am resting after this race, and I think I am solving some of them. If I don't feel like they will flare too badly or I completely get a handle on them, then yes, that is something I want to do. We are moving across the country mid-summer so it may not be possible till fall for me. My brother runs those Spartan race...things... and says when we move closer to him this summer, I will be training with him for the next one. He's crazy. I'll be his camera woman but that's about it. I've seen his videos of those things and I'm not interested in outright torture. LOL
  12. In these three experiences I talked about, I was buying new, off the lot. I did do a test drive while there, and was told each time I had a number of days to contact them should there be any issues that would void the purchase for me. I took the cars the first two times to my dad who gave them his super-thorough (read..anal here lol) inspection. DH was around for the 3rd. But yes, these were new. I have had my bigger share of used cars though, and my DH handles those purchases. ETA: in each case, by the time I make the call to the dealership, I have researched my choice to death, know exactly what I"m looking for down to every option possible. In one of the cases, I had visited the Nissan lot 3 times prior because it just wasn't coming together for me so I needed to keep looking inside the Pathfinder ..any Pathfinder..to make sure I like Pathfinders...and doing one more test drive. So it's not like I don't know anything physically about the model I am buying. I'm very decisive (or..opinionated actually) so things narrow down quickly for me. All in all, the choosing process takes me around 2 months...maybe 3. The phone call and deal is quick tho. And by the time I pick up the car, if it is the exact car they say it is, it only boils down to an issue of mechanics and soundness and since all the men in my life are gear heads, I am very comfortable with that.
  13. Mine are starting to self regulate on the junk, but slowly. We don't bring it in the house but I observe during parties and stuff...movies out with friends, etc. They get one thing, finish it and move on. Mostly, not 100% now, but it used to not be this way. I totally agree with your idea of self regulation, making the good stuff readily available. When I put a small plate of cut fruit, homemade venison sausage pieces, homemade peach yogurt cups..etc...out on the kitchen table, both of them will stop short of making it to the other less healthy stuff. They grab something from the table and move on. Maybe come back and forth and graze on that, and that's ok with me. I can't do it every day but when I do, it works great.
  14. My kids don't self regulate well either, thus the reason for the schedule, etc. I also envy those a little whose kids do There are times when I see them doing so...like when pantry food is running low they back off. So I guess they are learning, but if all expectations of a schedule was lifted, they would graze right on and eat 2 wks worth of, even homemade snacks, in no time at all. Mine need some guidance I do wish it wasn't a conversation here at all. But that's not a reality in our home. I think about this often and wonder. We set our schedule in place about 4 yrs ago and haven't harped on it at all so it's not a constant conversation. But, the conversation that comes up all the time is at dinner where they either try to get out of eating anything in hopes of something 'better' later. We told them a long time ago, eat what you are given for dinner. if not hungry, have a bite of everything on your plate, just to taste it. Sit at the table and have conversation until we are all done, then put your plate of food on the counter and heat it back up when you are hungry. Every time the mood strikes them, they put the plate on the counter and about an hour later they are hunting for something ELSE. It just puzzles me as to why this happens this way several times a week. We are consistent about this, never changing it up, so why do both of them keep trying this? It's like it's calculated LOL We have LONG since stopped discussing it with them. We only mutter 'you know what we expect at dinner time' in passing as we go on to another subject. They know better than to push past that, but it's very, very frustrating. Last night I just looked at DD like, "what is your problem?" lol Why the shenanigans? We don't even have desserts and snacky food hanging around to tempt them. I do make a dessert now and then but this happens just whenever. it amazes me that it happens at times when I've made their favorite foods. They'll see me cooking it and swoon and thank me for making it....then put their plate on the counter and ask what ELSE they can have. I think it's a test to see how long this can go on before my head explodes..... :laugh:
  15. That occasionally happens to me no matter what type of training im doing. I just finish up pushing to whatever I can do and try for a better day tomorrow.
  16. yep, ive always worked from the invoice..up. i line up the financing with my bank ahead of time. i call dealerships in my area on the phone, tell them what im looking for, how much over invoice im willing to pay and i tell them i will drive to the dealership willing to give me that deal. i do most of the deal over the phone. Ive done this three times successfully in my life, drove up to the dealership only to finalize paperwork. They have already contacted my bank and i just go sign. Generally i just google invoice prices. Once there was only one Honda in the color/options i wanted and it was one state away. the three dealerships i called all saw it in the tri-state database and wanted to deal with me so i was able to use that to my advantage to pay well below invoice with more options than i even wanted!
  17. Honestly, this was us until I did two things: make SURE I was giving them foods really high in nutrition and set a bit of a food schedule. By this I mean.... If there is just a little nutrition in a higher volume of food, the body is going on the nutritional value and will be hunger pretty soon for more nutrition. If I give foods high in nutrition, the body asks to be fed less often. So, I make a lot of their snacks, or make sure there is plenty of *healthy* fats in the food. Grassfed butter, coconut oil, etc. There are also factors that food scientists have found to decrease the nutrition in foods we think are healthy. Some grains need to be 'soaked' 7 hours or more in order to raise their nutrition levels. Knowing this, I do several things..ONe being: I make oatmeal in a 1 qt. crockpot overnight on low with a generous amt of coconut oil in it. I also add a cup of frozen fruit. The kids have a bowl of that oatmeal with plenty of coconut oil (makes it yummy also!) a glass of raw milk (full of nutrients too) and I swear to you, they do not even ask for anything until around noon (bfst is at 8). If I want to make pancakes the next day, I mix up the batter the night before. ... Just a couple of examples of making sure of a high nutrient meal/snack. I also make homemade granola bars out of raw nuts, healthy fats. A small square is a snack. They might eat two. They don't ask for anything else. I was skeptical about this approach till I tried it. Now I swear by it. I can now tell ..........just from my kids response........what is high in nutrition and what isn't just by how fast they are hungry again after. And they are in that 'eating me out of house and home age'. If it's dense in nutrition, the body will not ask as soon for something to eat, as it is satiated for a time. A friend asked me how I could afford to feed growing kids as her 3 eat every 15 min as well. I gave her some of my recipes and ideas that seem to be working here and she can't believe how the kids aren't begging for food now. She would give them a handful of celery sticks and they'd be hunger real quick. I suggested she add a good amt of peanut btr (the kind with only peanuts and salt) and don't drain off the oil. Just mix, smear on the sticks. Stuff like that is working for her too. OH and yes, thirst is sometimes mistaken for hunger. In between eating times (below) if they are hunger, I suggest they drink a pint of water and very often that works. However, during growth spurts, sometimes these things don't work as well and I'm not worried about it then. I just try to do our best to give them what the body needs to grow. But I can't emphasize the eating of healthy fat enough. Not tons and tons, but something regularly. When reading up on this, I couldn't believe how many body functions RELY on healthy fat. The brain is largely fed by fat and hormones are helped along by fat as well. My kids doc (not crunchy at all) also told me that proper growth during those spurts depends on healthy fats first, protein second. I thought that was interesting. and I don't mean gobs of fat, just fat accompanying most meals/snacks. Food schedule here: Bfst: 8 am (as nutrient dense as I can muster) Lunch noon or 1. A snack if you must; mid morning. Ironically, my kids have NOT asked for a snack mid morning on a school day since increasing nutritional amounts in their breakfast. So I don't even need this here anymore. However, because I've said this ..it will likely change tomorrow. lol So: snacks between meals or after dinner must be fruit and milk or fruit OR milk. You don't even have to ask! Just go get it. Oh...you don't want that? You aren't hungry I guess! (this dodges the "I'm bored, thus I"m hungry" syndrome we seem to have). 3 pm - the only time for pantry food. I actually give the kids free reign at this time. I buy groceries every two weeks and put healthy food (the healthiest I can find/afford as processed food goes) in there. They are told that I will not buy any more until DH gets paid again in two weeks and I absolutely stick to it. At their age, they can gauge the food consumption, I've found. And I want them to learn to self regulate with out me. DH and I don't eat the stuff in the pantry so it's completely up to them, whether or not it will stretch for two weeks. I'm pretty generous too. I"ve watched them negotiate whether to re-portion a snack that day as they've noticed the snack food is almost gone! They self-regulate and put stuff back sometimes. Awesome! I also make a few homemade things and add to the pantry. They also have a jar of popcorn kernels to pop if they run out and they have had to do that a time or two. They are told they can use the butter they need to flavor it, too (healthy fat, yeah!). Win win. Dinner is at 6. If they are hungry before that, same story..........fruit and/or milk. Then nothing after 4:30. Period. No snacks after dinner until right before bedtime (because they will intentionally skip a healthy dinner in order to snack right away). If you are hungry right before bed..fruit and/or milk. Fruit can be peanut butter/banana (yes I'll allow peanut butter with the fruit if need be), apples and peanut butter, fruit smoothie (I keep frozen fruit of all kinds on hand for this and they can get creative with it if they want), veggies and dip, just an piece of fruit by itself even. We don't buy canned fruit because of the syrups added and because I'd rather them have raw fruit for nutritional content. Now and then I'll include raw nuts in this if there's some sitting around. Having specific times to eat here and sticking to it has REALLY helped and they have learned to drink water in between sometimes. My DS told me he didn't believe that thirst feels like hunger sometimes until he started drinking water between meals. Now he can tell this was happening to him. Having a "3 oclock only" pantry food/snack time has really helped. They can opt for fruit at this time , too. Now we have a pretty relaxed flow of when food gets eaten around here and there is virtually no issues. They know what to expect, when and when they can go find something to eat on their own, and what to look for. I would adjust slightly for youngers but I would think the same sort of thing would apply here.
  18. All very good points...but I'm not re-asking that question. I'm saying do not dismiss the validity of it to those that are curious about it. Just as I wouldn't dismiss a question you ask...no matter what *I* think about your question. The fact that it keeps coming up means people are asking it and to me that gives it some validity. I am WELL aware that transgender people have been around a very, very long time, before steroids. I personally never gave it a blanket application either so whether anything external happened to your dd or anyone else, and it means that external issue applied to anyone else means this IS WHERE this originates........I never said it nor do I think it..at all. I think there are *many*..perhaps thousands ...of potential reasons. I don't at all think "steroid use is the cause of being transgender" and it feels like you are putting words in my mouth to respond this way to my post. I said I wondered about it in Bruce's case specifically being a potential cause ..one of many perhaps. I do realize that if I didn't have a family friend who was trans that questioned it, I may not feel it is valid. But the truth is, her experience has affected my curiosity. No, there hasn't been proof one way .............OR the OTHER. We are all really speculating on the steroid thing, one way .......or the other. (medically I mean. Using logic, I do see the point of what the numbers are showing us re: athletes, body builders). Who says I can't wonder this though....you (general you, really)? But you can wonder the opposite without criticism? Even though in it hasn't been proven that steroids CANNOT cause hormonal issues this way? That doesn't seem fair. Unless I'm misunderstanding something. I also have a personal experience with a trans person who ASKED this question for a time, themselves. If that doesn't give it *some* validity, I guess nothing will. (shrug) Ug...The whole point of my post has been lost here. And I have problems with being too wordy. lol I don't agree with a lot in this particular thread, but never once have I thought that the opposing ideas or questions didn't have validity, much less posted to others that they can't be curious about something. They may not be valid to my POV but they are obviously valid to the one asking. Now, to the cruelty veiled as curiosity...that's not what I'm talking about. That's never ok. But there are genuine questions here that some are trying to say shouldn't be asked, even some I don't agree/align with, but it's not fair to stipulate what is a *valid* curiosity to some one else. I would not do that to someone else and would like the same courtesy..that's all. Lastly, I apologize if anything seemed mean. Not my intention at all. I think what you *think* I am saying is mean but I'm trying to explain that I think you misunderstood the point of my post. I actually admire how you said your run your household ..non toxic, organic. We try to do the same thing. :)
  19. Or...just like, family-type game. Doesn't have to include a board. lol We love a TON of these games from WAY back to now, but have found a couple of really fun favorites that we hadn't heard of before and wanted to share. First we stumbled onto Bubble Talk..my sister bought it for us. A lot like Apples to Apples...if you are the judge, you lay down a picture card and then others lay down a word card they think describes it. You decide whose word card is the funniest, best, etc. They get a point. First person to 5 or 7? points wins. THe pictures are so funny! Hard to explain HOW FUN this game always is. http://www.amazon.com/John-N-Hansen-0906-Bubble/dp/B00A0TRXQU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1430167777&sr=8-1&keywords=bubble+talk And just yesterday we found Monster Factory. You draw a 'card' with a picture on it and place it on your own monster or someone else' monster to continue to build monsters around the game table. There are rules about how they can be placed and how to score and how to stop someone else from continuing to build their monster, but overall it's SO Fun! Every monster and game looks so different! http://www.amazon.com/Rio-Grande-Games-467RGG-Monster/dp/B00ASCSFSE/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1430167622&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=monstef+factory Do you have any favorites? New or not...we are ALWAYS collecting games and love any suggestion.
  20. I voted that my kid wouldn't be allowed, but I don't care what someone else allows their kid to do. But I now have to rethink that and add that, at home, DD has been playing with makeup since she was 6. So I guess my stand would be...........I don't care what other people allow their kids to do when it comes to makeup. My DD could play with it whenever she ever wanted but could not wear it out of the house till she was 13 and only whatever was agreed upon. I think we started buying her light lip gloss colors to start... i guess my answer is a mix of the two.
  21. I have only skimmed today so I realize this thread may be somewhere else today, but on the criticism of those who are asking if there is a possibility that steroid use had something to do with this........ I think that's a valid question. Medically valid? Maybe? Maybe not..none of us here know for sure, unless we are a medical expert. None of us are to my knowledge, so who is to say it is or isn't a factor. But valid from a curiosity point of view? Sure. If people are asking the question, it has validity. In Bruce's case, not valid only because he says he's had these feelings from way early on. Anyway, who's to say that one type of questioning over another is valid or not? I personally know how delicate our hormones are (years of issues here) and keep an open mind to whether or NOT something is affecting them. This, of course, does not apply to everyone. Not any person or group has a one size fits all...anything. So those saying, "My son or daughter identifies this way and that is not the case with them"...well ok. But that's a very individual experience. It JUST MIGHT be the case for the next person. I DID question the steroid use thing (until I read that Bruce had these feelings all along) only b/c my dad currently has a friend that is now a female (transitioned about 20 yrs ago) who did NOT feel that way as a youngster, DID use steroids, though only for a short time, and questioned it HIMSELF. He spent some time feeling tortured because it was a fairly new feeling in his life and he wanted to understand WHY NOW? He had therapy and finally made peace with it and is living as a woman now...is married, etc. Just goes to show you that even those IN this situation have varied feelings and themselves have questioned things some of you here have asked some of us to rethink because we ask the question? It's sad to me that some things here show that some still want to make these things fit in a certain box....from YOUR POV or experience only, and it doesn't. Even not all transgender people understand what is going on themselves. How can anyone here ask me to rethink my position or questioning on something? I might have a lot to learn about something, but that's life. I don't need to rethink the fact that I am curious about the cause of something and questions come up as a result. Maybe my curiosity and questioning leads me to learning something valuable about this? I still think there is a possibility that what we ingest could affect the body that ingested it! Especially if we take hormones! My doctor IS HOPING this is the case right now for me (I am in a very uncomfy perimenopausal situation). Who can say if ingesting hormones would have an unexpected affect on a human? You? Me? No. So many are insisting on tolerance and understanding without showing the same. But that's the way it's always been, I guess. The linked piece above with Bruce's 2nd wife ...all the way to Kim Kardashian's interview on The Today show.... and everything I"ve seen in between.. it strikes me how close everyone is. No matter what else I think about them, I really feel like they want us to know ..not think..but know, they are close and supportive, even before this. It's impressive to me not become jaded (in this way, anyway) when under such a public eye, pressure and scrutiny. That's neither here nor there to this discussion...just an observation.
  22. Congrats on this working out! I know what this schedule issue is like, for sure. Glad also you can get it all done before the kids get up. That would be HUGE here. Thanks to everyone who commented on my race. I"m still so excited I did it. :)
  23. Today I completed my first race! Three miles, meeting all of my goals: finish without walking or breaks, and have fun! But, I couldn't believe that I beat my 'treadmill time' by TWO MINUTES! yeah! My 12 yr old son, Zak, and I trained together, and ran..not so together lol... but doing this with him made it so special. I dunno what happened to him, because at home he was running 3 miles at around 35 minutes and on race day, he finished at 25.3 minutes. :huh: :hurray: My 2 very best friends (DH and another friend) and my dd14 were at the finish line cheering like crazy. I wont lie, I cried a little at the end. :lol: Then DH took me to my fav microbrewery for a tiny celebration. DS12 got homemade rootbeer and we played board games. Today was a phenomenal day!! Here I'm pointing to my Wonder Woman socks because.......well......that's what I am. ha! Oh and I need to mention it was 37 degrees and occasional snow flurries for this race AND I had a completely full bladder thanks to the ONE porta potty with 25 people waiting at the starting line. Mind over matter, baby!
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