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Everything posted by Cottonwood

  1. OT: Uh...I'm a JW and I don't gleam over possible converts, nor does anybody I know because we aren't into conversion, but we offer a Bible education progrsm.. Despite what I hear about why we go talk to people, the truth is (and it always helps to go to the source ya know) we are there for people who want to talk about or study the bible. If that isn't what a home owner is interested in, a polite 'not interested' will do because I don't like to waste time as much as anyone else. Conversion is not even a term we use nor or goal. So, yeah, the above isn't correct.
  2. My friend said that when waxing the way hair is yanked against the grain makes a lot of hair break off instead of coming out by the root. Whatever the technique is for Sugaring is supposed to pull it out by the root which will eventually make it permanent. That's what I understood from her quick explanation. Hoping some can chine in if they know the specifics. She also said irritation is usually not a problem this way.
  3. A friend was briefly describing how this is better than waxing. I'm going to Google at some point, but I'm wondering if you can do this as well at home? She's convinced you can't do the same thing as well at home but I'm too much of a diy'er to not try. I've seen a few home recipes to make the sugar...? Or is she right...do I need to go to a salon for it?
  4. A friend was briefly describing how this is better than waxing. I'm going to Google at some point, but I'm wondering if you can do this as well at home? She's convinced you can't do the same thing as well at home but I'm too much of a diy'er to not try. I've seen a few home recipes to make the sugar...?
  5. I think we must be stinky people because almost nothing natural has worked long term for us, not primal pit paste either. The only thing that did work was straight lime juice. But limes are pricey here and there were limes pieces left here and there. Plus the kids felt too weird doing it lol. But it might work for some. You can even buy lime essential oil, which is super cheap, mix with a little aloe Vera and distilled water and put in a roller or sprtiz bottle.
  6. What age would you think you'd be comfortable with your teen using tampons a) just to swim B) all the time if she wants Why or why not?
  7. I have an excel spreadsheet that i have common items then blank spaces for additions. Its nothing special or technical. I type in the meals I want to make on top then add what I don't have under, separated by department. I recently moved it over to one note to experiment with that format but I don't like it as much because I can't figure out how to make it calculate the sum of my items. I like to know an estimate of what I might spend before I go.
  8. I have 2 diamond anniversary bands on each side of a diamond solitaire so I requested they be soldered to keep the look I wanted of them being together facing the right direction.
  9. We are currently using MBTP LA as dd"s 9 the grade LA. It is very rigorous and when comparing some of the 9th grade material we considered for this grade, this material matches up on the level. Mbtp is written as an advanced...or, gifted acorrding to the info...curriculum. We've used a couple of levels to completion and my kids are at least a full grade in content above the typical age or grade. Math is separate and we just happened to choose Another science and history. She is going into another program for 10 the thru 12th and what she's covered with mbtp will allow her to test thru finals in their 9th grade courses.
  10. Can't edit but adding... I did not allow Ds onto screens till he was 7. I think I made it sound like I did so at 4. I also feel completely different about the internet. I don't think young children should ever be on the internet...ever. If they need to be, I think a parent needs to be sitting right with them no matter the controls already in place, guiding and finding the content they are there for. Once a child is older. I still feel the parent needs to be in the same room with the computer or tablet facing the parent, sound up, all internet white list and blacklisted sites and words in place. My previous reference to screens were about games, apps, video games, etc. The internet can be quite dangerous for young curious people if not monitored. One of my very best friends just left my house the other day after coming to sob and share the latest and ongoing info regarding her 14 yr olds latest troubles that all began on the internet... Sneaking out at night to meet local high school boys that she met in Facebook, a possible pregnancy..and that's just the start of it. She was not monitored while online and set up all kinds of accounts that school friends told her about that started out as pure innocent curiosity. I felt strongly about it before, but this being my THIRD friend to have pretty serious internet/child issues..kids needs protection and close monitoring of some sort online and limits on general screen usage. Balance!
  11. Can't quote as I'm on my phone but in responding to tour response to me, purplejackmama.. I certainly back that idea..that it affects child development. But that's where I believe time and content limits become important. Not the complete removal of the possibility of even using a screen. I think so many are quick to point to extremes in this area...and there are plenty..and they get on my nerves too... But with a proper time limit and approval of the content, young kids being allowed on screens becomes a different thing. For instance, my brother's kids are 6 and 8 and they aren't allowed on screens during the week and are allowed an hour a day on weekends. I think that's a great limit for the ages. I'm much more for modeling/teaching how to regulate ourselves in all areas of life, at all ages, rather than strip it away completely. That just causes more problems. This, coming from a mom who saw the love of screens in her son's eyes at the age of four. I was dead set against putting a game controller in his hands for many, many years. But that just started a real hunger for it that seemed wrong. So we slowly allowed a trickle. He's 12 now and has learned to self regulate (not so well some days of course) and has to choose what screen to use for a max of an hour a day after all school work and chores are done. Its beautiful to see him negotiate between his video games, a TV show, etc. Because he knows he only has an hour. I also take it away liberally when my chore/behaviorvexpectations aren't met. Both kids know its a very frivolous privilege that I don't care for (yes, developmentally even) so there are plenty of days that screens don't happen here. So it can be a tool for me, even leverage, as any frivolous privilege can be. So I obviously feel like balance is crucial in this area, which means kids will be on screens...teach them the right way.
  12. I agree, IMO its not enough money to put all the other factors in motion. Sounds like you have a nice plan to simplify things as you sell the house and that might actually give you the extra back into the budget that his new job would provide anyway.
  13. So for those that don't think the child should be on a iPad..a 6 yr old in this day and age is very likely going to be on some sort of screen. What difference does it make? I agree a tablet of any kind is too-expensive, too-fragile type of gift at this age in general, but op is going forward from here despite any misgivings so let's help her proceed.... I'm just glad to see parents wanting to put these protections in place. I can't tell you how many parents I know IRL that don't feel the need to bothered with it?! And two I know have paid dearly. :(
  14. The funamo app does the things you mention. It does all the policing for us. For a child that young you can button it up very tight if you want. Even choosing which apps shut off after a specified amt of time. So if the play for an hr and it locks then they have had their hour for that day. This sort of thing makes the screen struggle in our house so much easier. I tell them how I am setting it and that's it. They used to bring it to me and ask me to unlock so they can keep playing and I just say...nope. They don't even ask now.
  15. I'm on my phone so I can't see if you have a siggy with kids ages, but what level are you using? We have used 11-13 and 12-14 and it is extremely full and rigorous. No way would supplementation be needed. I have friends using younger levels that do add a spelling supplement. Otherwise, I think it would overwhelm a kid to add more. Mbtp is a fantastic project and literature based curriculum. There's a very active FB group called Differently Schooled Using Moving Beyond the Page with loads of info on all levels.
  16. If you sent the alarm route, I'd do one at the time. Because you have to get up with it too, and because of the audible signal. I think there's a possibility if two were using it simultaneously, the wrong boy might wake to the audible alarm despite there being no vibration for him. They have a very high success rate iirc.
  17. My first thought was Lemonade Mouth or Hoodwinked.
  18. My son wet soaked his bed multiple times a night till he was 6. I finally got a bed wetting alarm and in 2 weeks of using it, he was done. Google how they work. I can't recommend it enough. I was convinced my son was going to be the exception and was blown away at how quickly it worked. He hasn't wet his bed since.
  19. we are out of town and in a hotel but i woke up this morning and managed to make it to the gym downstairs. i struggled with my run and only got 1 mile in. my chest was aching and burning and i was terribly winded and i remembered...the elevation here is 6200 ft no wonder. i felt like a truck was dragging me backwards. maybe tomorrow will be better. i did end up getting all my stretches and hip exercises in.
  20. My daughter, Charlie, (not short for anything) is hoping they call her Charlie. Lol. Though I don't think that's very royal.
  21. are you asking about funamo specifically? i dont know how to do a hard reset but if you have to go to the settings to do it, then no. my kids dont know about hard resets but if they were going to be that defiant, id just get rid of the device, myself. id leave them with a dumb phone and MY laptop for their school work. then again mine are just 12 and 14. funamo has you set youtube up a certain way and so far im good with it. dd also shares my youtube acct thus i can see what shes viewed. another thing i like about the app is that every single thing the kids device does is logged in online, i can see it immediately on my computer and even if they erase the history on their device, i can see it in funamo acct. and remember, you dont have to set the restrictions that tight. only things that are most worrisome in your case.
  22. me too. and when i find something i want, its never free, which ticks me off because they toss around the idea in their ads that you get free shows but what is free is extremely limited, super old or for the preschool crowd. so i actually didnt renew this time. my sister just added me too hers for free and this only allows me free shipping but thats all thats useful to me anyway. Im sorry i wasnt more help.
  23. After all the appropriate communications and setting of boundaries and expectations... in our home all laptops must be accessed in the same room as a parent always. Anything newly installed must be cleared by a parent. DD has a tablet that she likes to use netflix on in her room as well as to friends houses. so we installed the Funamo app for a one time price of $20.. similar ones are $5 a month. there are endless ways to configure the settings to meet your needs. you can control the settings from your own computer. i have it set to disable at bedtime so no worrying about after hours usage. once installed it disables all browsers so the only browser you can use is the one funamo provides, which has been configured by you. The Settings on the device is password enabled and only i can monkey around with it. you can even set every app or website.....each one differently, with time limits, even.. theres gps on it... if you are using it with a phone you can monitor everything on it too.. i log on every now and then and just check where shes been. there are so many features to this app. and keep checking back on the apps you approved of. sometimes when they update,, they add features that werent there originally. my kids arent allowed to play games or talk with strangers online but a very harmless, baby game updated to add a chat room. my son wandered into the chat room and was talking to strangers in there. i was able to source the conversations and was very unhappy about the content of some of them. i had no idea that an app that started out so harmless would add something like that.
  24. Oh and of my parents 4 kids we are all in long term first marriages although my older brotherbhad just served the wicked witch of the south divorce papers after 24 yes. She has multiple personality/mood disorder diagnoses and I'm sure if she would take her medicine things would be different. But she says she wants to drive him away and this is how to do it...so I'm not sure if any of that has to do with family patterns.
  25. When I'm not on my phone I can link the actual products I use.
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