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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. For me the ENTIRE church service... The singing, the prayer, and the sermon... Is an act of worship and should be treated as such. YMMV.
  2. Well she will turn two on Dec 26 so for Christmas she is getting a magna doodle, a musical set that has a toy drum, toy piano and mararcas, some big wooden Melissa and Doug puzzles and a new ball. For her birthday she is getting a fold-up slide from Step 2.
  3. :iagree: I have seen well-educated children who are physically and emotionally abused. If these kids are healthy and loved then putting them into the foster system would be a terrible thing.
  4. I LOVE ebooks!!! They have saved my sanity since moving here... No shipping costs and I can get them right when I want them...no waiting for WEEKS for them to arrive from the states.
  5. I would be there for my brothers even if the need was small. We are very close and FIERCELY loyal. They would do the same for me. You mess with me, you mess with them and vice versa.
  6. :lol: well I also don't like most of the books on your list so you're still my home-girl. :tongue_smilie:
  7. The Time Traveller's Wife REALLY weirded me out. Really. I felt , I don't know, unsettled, I guess. Definitely not my cuppa. I felt the same way about Her Fearful Symmetry but in a good way. Weird, but good.
  8. Yep. The Outlander series. I WANTED to love it... I really did. But I didn't.
  9. Wow. If you get annoyed over that, you wouldn't last long in a place like this. At any given time there is some kind of Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Christian holiday going on. We get cards, gifts, etc. from people who celebrate all of them. We are also invited to their holiday parties. I've been to Deepavali celebrations and Hari Raya and oodles of Chinese New Year parties. I consider it an honor to be invited or receive a card or a gift from these people even though we are of different faiths. I am trying to picture myself opening a card from one of my Hindu students that says "Happy Deepavali" and thinking, "Ugh, how annoying!! They KNOW I am Christian!" and then tossing it in the trash. Nope. Can't picture it. I should probably go into work tomorrow and tell my boss that we wasted our time signing by hand (no fancy signature stamp) over 1000 Christmas cards that go out to everyone from parents to vendors we work with to local businesses (most of whom are not Christian). Don't want to annoy them.
  10. Yes. My 7yo ds has Legos and craft supplies for indoor play. That's it. That's all he will actually play with. He likes computer games, board games, and books.
  11. You've been given lots of advice already so I just wanted to offer some :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  12. Oh my word. I would be the one needing a psychologist if that happened here. :tongue_smilie:
  13. I (and my boys)honestly prefer the long, shallow bins you store under the bed because you can find your pieces much more easily than in a deeper bin. My boys do not have the patience to "sort" pieces into various bins.
  14. Yep. Exact same thing happened with my middle child. Best thing we ever did. He has not had one single strep infection in 4 years since having the surgery.
  15. :iagree: and I would like to add: please don't make me do a "group project". :D I have one ds who loves experiments and one who loathes them.
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