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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Thank you for clarifying that. I was curious because it bothers me when people treat adopting orphans as a "charitable" thing. People tell me all the time that I am SUCH a good person for adopting twice. :001_huh: I didn't do it because I felt sorry for them or as act of charity. I think when you look at your adopted child as charity rather than just another way that God creates families, it causes that different treatment between adopted and birth children.
  2. Preach it. :D My ds does or says one nice thing per day that keeps me from strangling him.
  3. :iagree: I never memorized them either and I am still pretty successful. :tongue_smilie:
  4. I am so frustrated. Growing up we never had many christmas traditions. The only thing we did consistently was open presents Christmas morning and have family over for dinner on Christmas day. That's it. I REALLY wanted to develop some traditions around Christmas time for my family but they are totally uninterested. I have tried the Jesse Tree, the nightly story a la Jotham's Journey, a traditional movie on Christmas eve, etc. They have no interest. The kids think the stories are boring. Tonight I mentioned watching "It's a Wonderful Life" on Christmas eve which we have done a few years in a row and they (including my dh) said no way, they are sick of the movie. Only one of my kids has any interest in making cookies. There is no snow here so no sledding or anything like that. So tonight I officially gave up. I am the only one cares about traditions and I seem to be forcing these on my family so I quit. It makes me sad. That's all.
  5. Very interesting. So do Muslims consider adopted children to be the same as birth children? Caring for/raising orphans is one thing but treating them as a birth chld is another. I have a birth child and two adopted children and there is absolutely NO difference in my mind as to them all being my "real" children (as others have tried to point out to me). In Islam are they treated the same (even if they are not breasted)?
  6. I would do two walls in white and two walls in the same shade of pink as the comforter.
  7. My ds can identify any kind of gun in any TV show or movie. :lol:
  8. Ghost Dying Young Revenge Untamed Heart OTOH, I have to be the only human that did NOT cry at Titanic. Everyone in the theater was bawling and all I could think was "you all knew the ship was gonna sink, right? And I can't believe she got off the lifeboat for some guy she met like 12 hours ago!" There is clearly something wrong with me. :tongue_smilie:
  9. You hit the nail on the head. I am not sad he died. I don't feel sorry for him or for his family really. And I truly hope that his death brings some hope for the people of North Korea. And I am confident that he is paying for his sins as I type. But I will not lower myself to CELEBRATE the death of anyone as I feel that says more about me than it does about Kim Jong Il.
  10. I can't wait! We are studying The Hobbit with the Progeny Press guide after Christmas followed by the LLFLOTR. This movie (followed by yet another watching of the LOTR trilogy of course) will cap the whole thing off perfectly. Talk about good timing....:D
  11. Ok, I realize I am last to the party on this but it sometimes takes months before a movie makes it to the theaters here. At any rate, I just saw it tonight and it was SO GOOD!!!!! And that is so rare. Usually, I end up hating the movie version of a book (like Snow Flower and the Secret Fan...ugh, that was terrible). But I am really impressed with this one!
  12. After looking at those google pics I think I like the idea of your anniversary date better. Now I want one. :D
  13. Which one should I read first? ETA: ok, I swear I typed Flavia but that stupid auto correct on my iPad changed it and I didn't notice. Grrrrrr....
  14. Well I don't know any Gaelic but I would find out the Gaelic word for "forever".
  15. He will want to study Attic Greek to read Homer. Here is a website with some info: http://www.classical-homeschooling.org/curriculum/language-greek.html#secon
  16. It is such a small tattoo. Pain is minimal and it would be cheap. I have a pretty large tattoo on my back and the pain for that was more annoying than really painful. Kind of like a sunburn. And that was about $200. I think a ring finger tattoo would be under $50. I like them a lot.
  17. I know what you mean! I have actually read books one and two but mostly because there are such rave reviews about it so I felt it must be me. :D I think they are ok but not great. I have book 3 and I am just staring at it...unsure of whether or not to take it on.
  18. :iagree: back in the day I would have been in that celebratory camp. But after watching news footage of people in the Middle East celebrating in the streets after the 9/11 attacks on MY country? Well... I just can't throw my hat in with that type of mentality any more. Whether or not his death is good for North Korea is a separate issue from the kind of mentality that "celebrates" death.
  19. I actually really loved this book until the end. I did not care for how it ended at all. The pics were great though!
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