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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Interesting that this thread gets resurrected on the same day I have a conversation with the other administrators at our school about the upcoming honors banquet. One of them feels that every student should get an award of some sort. I do not feel that way. I even thought about this thread and here it is. Hmmm....
  2. No I do not allow it and especially not at 7 years old.
  3. I wouldn't take her. If it were just a cold or something like that, I would. But not the stomach flu. No way. It is so contagious and you often have zero symptoms until it hits you full force.
  4. My parents never had any intention of telling me. I stumbled across some information and found out on my own then asked my mom. For those of you who think the parents are awful people for not telling him, consider this scenario: A teenage girl raised in the deep south by very religious parents (her dad is a pastor) gets pregnant by the town "bad boy". It is such a shameful disgrace to the family that they LITERALLY pack her up in the middle of the night and send her to another state far away to live with her sister. She has the baby, meets a guy who is willing to accept the fact that she already has a child (which was not common at the time). He adopts that baby as his own. From then on it is a secret no one ever talks about. Right or wrong,that is the way things are in the small community the mother comes from. What she did was shameful in their eyes. Also, she is quite religious herself and is raising her daughter in the faith and she never wants her daughter to know about her past sin because she doesn't want her daughter to think less of her or to feel like she doesn't belong in the family with her two brothers who are biological children of her father. It is water under the bridge. Why bring up a hurtful past that really will not benefit anyone to know? When I found out I asked my mom: is dad my real dad? She was stunned and choking back tears she said "what would you think of me if I told you he wasn't?" I said "I would think I am really glad you didn't have an abortion." Incidentally, I still didn't tell my brothers at her request. They eventually found out about 15 years later. When my brother asked why I didn't tell him I said "it wasn't really my secret to tell." Maybe you would have handled it differently but I know what my mom went through ... What she sacrificed to bring me into this world ... I will not judge her for that. Knowing would not have made my life better but it would have made things harder for my mom. It's not all about me. .
  5. I was 15 when I found out my dad isn't my biological father. My mother had her reasons for not telling me. I understood them. It wasn't the end of the world. It was interesting because a lot of people thought I should be emotionally damaged by it or something but I wasn't. Not everything has to be an after school special. :tongue_smilie: I did meet my bio father once and again, it was interesting but no big deal really...just like meeting any stranger for the first time. And again, people thought "oh that poor thing. She will probably need therapy after all this." :001_huh: My dh is adopted, has always known, has no desire to seek out his birth parents. My adopted children know they are adopted. I wonder what it will be like when they are older... .
  6. And fried chicken! Yum. Well, I grew up Pentecostal and there was always deviled eggs at church gatherings which I always thought was funny. Now I am reformed and there is always meatballs in a gravy. Hmmm... I wonder what it all means. :)
  7. Oh I think the legislation is ridiculous. There is no way to make it work on a large scale like a in a public school. But considering there was recently a thread deleted that I will not mention by name where a poster was upset that some were making denigrating remarks about her religion... And you jumped to her defense along with others... And I said it is no different than someone saying those who believe in creationism are ignorant... And you agreed... I was just surprised by your response in this thread. Hopefully, I just misunderstood you. As for creation/evolution, my children learn both. If they went to a public school they would only learn one view which I disagree with and is one more reason why I am glad my money is not going to support public schools. To each his own. .
  8. Too late. We are leaving for vacation on Monday and I will for sure spend too much money. Maybe I will try it in February!
  9. So then preventing kids from learning about ID by teaching evolution exclusively is also a form of forced ignorance, correct?
  10. My mom let me decide when I was young. I quit. I still regret it to this day. I tell my ds I will appreciate it for him until he is old enough to appreciate it for himself. There will be zero discussion of quitting until my children are 18yo. Only then can they choose to quit.
  11. Completely off topic... The pics of your home in Germany are stunning. How did you it behind? I wanted to move to Germany instantly. What city did you live in?
  12. Which part of this whole thing are you calling forced "ignorance"? Are you calling a belief in creationism "ignorant"? I could swear we just talked about this in another thread recently... ;)
  13. Pick me, pick me!!! I'm too conservative for the liberal moms and too liberal for the conservatives. And I work outside the home by choice which really freaks them out. I don't fit in anywhere.
  14. Well I love being a girl. :D I am super girly but also very strong. So I can use my feminine wiles to get what I want or I can throw my weight around like a man when necessary. So I think I have the best of both worlds. Sure I could do without all the monthly nonsense but I would not want to be a man. Yuck.
  15. I have spent most of my life trying to convince people that being blonde and curvy doesn't automatically mean I have no brains. No one takes one look at me and thinks "she looks like she graduated at the top of her class"... I did.... Or "she looks like she has two master's degrees" ... I do. Nope. They usually think I am some ditzy chick who slept her way to the top. That's at least one benefit of growing older. The wrinkles make me look less stupid I suppose. :D .
  16. I would have done the same exact thing any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Good for her. .
  17. Woo hoo!!!!!! Go Susan go!!! Ok, everyone stop bugging her so she can write!!! :D
  18. I plan to use this too but it struck me as more of a government text than a history text so now I am not sure when I am going to use it. The study guides online are free and are really good. I thinking of doing "America: The Last Best Hope" volumes 1-3 first then following it up with the 5000 year leap. .
  19. So I was thinking about the recent healthcare thread and lo and behold my dd got sick. It started with a fever of 101 yesterday, pulling at her ears. Uh oh. You know what that means. By this morning her fever was 103.5. Time to go to the doctor so here is how it went: No appointment. You just walk in. We arrived at 9:57 am. We were in a room with the doctor by 9:59. He took her temp, asked us questions, examined her. By 10:05 we had the diagnosis of ear infection which we kind of already knew. By 10:07 we had checked out with medications in hand (not the prescription... The actual meds. The pharmacy is right in the office). The whole thing, visit and meds, cost about $40 USD. Actually it cost us nothing because we have insurance. That's the good. Same day... I recently got this itchy rash from something. I have no idea what. So I show up at the dermatologist (no appointment). I waited about 20 minutes as there were 2 women ahead of me. I go in, he takes a look at it, tells me it is a type of heat rash. No big deal. Happens all the time, especially to expats that are not used to the heat here. THEN he says "Do you know that Swedish woman that was in here just before you?" I said no. He says "Oh. Well, she was in here for the same thing. So you see it is very common." I was kind of surprised that he would share that info with me ya know? So then he takes a pic of my rash for my file and he shows the pic to me. Then he scrolls over to the pic before it ... The one of the rash on the Swedish lady. Which he shows me to confirm what he just said about it being common, I guess? And I thought THAT was REALLY weird. He just shows me a pic of another patient's personal medical issue? :001_huh: THEN we go to get my prescription filled and because our school pays for it, the pharmacist just logs it into his account book for our school. The book ... which is laying on the counter ... With a list of employee names... And the meds they are taking. Seriously. Holy smokes! Apparently patient confidentiality is NOT a concern here. :001_huh: .
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