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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I agree and I am not Catholic. It's nice to believe that you can read anything from any denomination and keep the good stuff and throw away the bad but I just don't think that is wise. 1. You may end up offended at something they say. Why put yourself in that position? 2. You may end up confused. Seek counsel from your church leaders. 3. You may end up spending more time "undoing" their teachings. What I mean is this: 99.8% of the churches on this island are charasmatic and/or word-faith churches. We are decidedly NOT of that persuasion. My choices are to attend these churches and spend the rest of that Sunday telling my kids to disregard most of what they heard (as well as telling myself that) or we can home church with like-minded believers. We chose the latter. "Can't we all just get along?" Well, of course. But face it, if you believe in Transubstantiation and the Bible teachers you are studying do not, it is kind of an issue, kwim? .
  2. This is our house, too. There is no assigned "list" of chores but I reserve the right to ask them to do anything I need them to do, when I need them to do it, and they are to do it without giving me any lip. :D .
  3. UPDATE OF JOBS AVAILABLE ON #5 It is that time of year... I know lots of people are out of work and if you are considering a job in an international environment now is the time to apply. My school has grown SO MUCH in the last three years we can hardly keep up with the demand and now having a waiting list to get in. So we are expanding our classes and hiring more staff. Our current openings: Special Services Teacher High School Math Teacher Middle School Math Teacher High School Bible Teacher ESL Teacher High School Mandarin Teacher Head Librarian Resident Life Dorm Parents Kindergarten Teacher 1st grade Teacher 2nd Grade Teacher You DO need to be a certified teacher for any teaching position. We prefer experienced teachers but that is negotiable for the right candidate. You are more likely to be hired if both you and your dh are coming to work here (it costs the school a ton of money to fly families here, ship all their stuff, etc. so we prefer to get two employees out of the deal). This is a salaried position with full health/dental benefits, free furnished housing, and free tuition for your children. We typically will only hire families who have four or less dependent children (meaning children you will be bringing with you to Malaysia. If you have additional older children that will be staying behind that is fine.). This is because you only get the free tuition and additional child allowance for up to 4 children for two full time staff members. If Malaysia is not your cup of tea then check out these links for other options for job searches in international schools: The biggest job search engine is TIE...you will have to subscribe which requires a fee of $39 but it is the biggest: http://www.tieonline.com/ There is also Search Associates: http://www.searchassociates.com If you are interested in working in a Christian school you can look here (it is free): http://missionteach.com/ . Most of those positions will require you to raise your own support though. There are only a few Christian international schools in the world that pay a salary and mine is one of them. Here is a list of international schools on the U.S. government website. You can search by continent and get direct links to the schools themselves: http://www.state.gov/m/a/os/c1684.htm You can also look into Department of Defense schools here: http://www.dodea.edu Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy job hunting!!! .
  4. So we have Downton Abbey, Sherlock, Merlin, and Dr. Who... Any other good shows we are missing? Comedies?
  5. Yes, I am trying to catch up on the sleep I missed from the fireworks going off here until 2am. This will go on every night for two weeks. It is miserable.
  6. We teach cursive in third grade only and even that is optional to the teacher. If she didn't want to teach it I wouldn't make her.
  7. This is true and they will go to computerized soon. In Michigan, they are already piloting the state standardized test on computers. You can get through life quite nicely without cursive.
  8. This week it is: Organized Simplicity The Holiness of God
  9. I find this whole discussion fascinating since I live in a place where NO ONE puts a child in car seat EVER at ANY age (I had to have one sent to me from the states for dd). In fact, it is EXTREMELY common to see a family of four on a motorbike. Mom and dad sometimes wear helmets but the kids NEVER have one on. Talk about a world apart ... .
  10. It has had the opposite effect on me and my family. We read MORE now that we have mostly ebooks. My oldest ds will concentrate for hours on a topic if he can read about it on the internet. For instance, he is teaching himself HTML by watching YouTube videos and reading website tutorials. If I handed him a big book on HTML it would collect dust. I write more when I can type because I loathe writing by hand. My oldest ds will find new and unique ways to be concise if I make him handwrite something. :tongue_smilie: but if he can type it, he will go on and on. My youngest ds just asked if he could have an old-fashioned typewriter for his birthday. So I guess it isn't true for everyone. .
  11. I am a principal at an international school. Before we came here I was a curriculum director for a huge public school district in the states. We have been married 15 years and I have out earned him for about 10 of them.
  12. Very interesting. And check out #44. :D http://www.socialnomics.net/2012/01/18/40-items-tech-will-kill-this-digital-decade/
  13. I read almost entirely ebooks that I own unless someone hands me a hard copy of a book. I don't buy them any more. I do, however, by far too many ebooks. :tongue_smilie:
  14. I answered a similar question from a previous thread this way: This is a hard one to explain for me because we are sort of all over the place. 1. I can live with profanity (words are just words) EXCEPT when they use G-d Da--. I hate that. That's when words are NOT just words. 2. I can live with "fantasy" violence. My kids have seen LOTR. But not blood and gore violence like the Saw movies. Those are pointless and disgusting. 3. I am most strict about sex. I do not believe in "awakening" those desires before their time. The last thing my 13yo hormones-raging ds needs to watch is a movie with sex scenes. He is trying to keep his thoughts pure and it is my job to help him. 4. I also have issues with and will not allow tv shows/movies that portray the father as a bumbling but lovable idiot with a long-suffering wife who just smirks at what a moron he is. I am trying to raise boys into godly men who will lead their family and these shows don't help. .
  15. I actually read a real paperback last week for the first time in about two years and it felt ... Weird. :lol: We love reading on our iPads and have gotten rid of loads of books.
  16. Hi EM, The difference is comparing Judaism which is law-based to Christianity which is based on grace. It is new covenant vs. old covenant. And the difference between rib issues and spine issues is the matter of SALVATION (from a Christian perspective). Anything that a Christian tries to "tie" to salvation that was not meant to be "tied" to salvation is legalism. The other matters in the bible are guides for Christian living but do NOT determine our salvation. It is also where the holier-than-thou tradition springs. Suppose you follow all of your food preparation laws perfectly. Then suppose your friend who is of the same faith says she not only follows these laws perfectly, BUT ALSO refuses to associate with anyone who does not and that makes her a BETTER Jew than you! And if you were REALLY a true Jew then you would do what she is doing (even though Judaism does not call for it). She has taken the laws of Judaism and put her own spin on it then insisted that others do it too. That's the best I can do with a Jewish analogy. I realize it is not that great. :D .
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