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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Oldest ds- minecraft, British TV Youngest ds- anything with sugar in it. That kid has one heck of a sweet tooth! Baby girl- blue's clues
  2. So this must be just an American thing, right? Because all those sites work fine for me. Wikipedia, Google, etc. all still working, no blacked out anything.
  3. I think offensive is a strong word. Maybe more like uppity? "we've always homeschooled" conveys the same thought but without the "I started teaching latin to little Johnny the moment he popped out" feel to it. KWIM?
  4. :iagree: We purposely picked names that do not have a diminutive form for this reason. I went to school with a girl named Cassandra and everyone called her Cassie no matter how many times she corrected them. I knew then that I would not put my kid through that. It is also why I do not do weird spellings. I think the INTENTION behind nicknames is a sign of affection but only those on the receiving end get to decide if they are ok with it or if they are offended. .
  5. Ain't that the truth. :glare: In my family we each have our own broom with which to sweep all things unpleasant under the giant family rug. .
  6. I chose other. We do not generally express those kind of emotions in our family so if I suddenly started crying, my family would probably think I was having a nervous breakdown and freak out.
  7. I don't get offended by it but it does get an eyeroll in my mind because it does come off as pretentious and competitive like most things in motherhood... whose child read the earliest, who breastfed the longest, whose child has never watched a lick of television, only plays with wooden toys, etc. Mommy wars are so boring.
  8. And you will save money on BBs. :lol: sorry, I couldn't resist. Congrats on your good fortune!
  9. I don't really remember the instructional methods of my elementary teachers either. I have memories like how strict my 5th grade teacher was especially about proper cursive handwriting. So all I know about HOW they taught is by how I do things. For instance, I do not put zeros in when doing multi-digit multiplication so either that technique was not taught to me or it was and I ignored it? :D I remember a little about junior high teaching techniques, especially grammar and math. I remember a great deal of high school and of course, college. But elementary? not so much.
  10. I have not had the experience myself but my BFF's first dh was uncirc'd. She said it was (in her words) disgusting. Her 2nd dh was circ'd and she said it was much better. I have heard many stories of uncirc'd guys in the U.S. being ridiculed by men and women alike. It is not fair but it is true.
  11. We need to book our tickets from Malaysia to Detroit ASAP. We also need the cheapest possible as it will be very expensive for all 5 of us. What are the best sites for the best deals on airline tickets?
  12. We need an emoticon for a standing ovation. I have not gotten involved in this thread because of the hysteria that always ensues when this topic is brought up. I cannot top this post. Well done. .
  13. 1 pound Ground beef McCormicks extra hot chili spice Onions Green chiles Red chiles 3 cans Chili beans 3 cans Diced tomatoes Served with cheddar cheese, sour cream, and nacho chips. Yum! We like it hot. :D
  14. I need some new music for my iPod. I really like MercyMe, Casting Crowns, Third Day, Chris Tomlin, just to name a few. What are your favorites? I'd especially like some female singers.
  15. I have one in school and two at home and they have let me stay... So far... :tongue_smilie:
  16. I hand wash because I have no choice. They don't really have automatic dishwashers here. I hate it and would go back to a dishwasher in a heartbeat. But it does save money on electricity and electricity is expensive here.
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