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Denise in IN

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Everything posted by Denise in IN

  1. It looks like Amazon has a process for this: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=hp_left_v4_sib?ie=UTF8&nodeId=201826610 (hoping that link works. Found it under Help topics -- Returns -- Return a gift) It will be easier if you have a packing slip from the order, but you don't have to have it. Good luck!
  2. Thanks for posting about this plus your update. I'm glad it went well and that it's done for you! I need to get one done as well (that magic age!), and I've been putting it off. So I will read through this entire thread for encouragement. :001_smile:
  3. My feelings about WriteShop are the same. I've been trying to use it with my two youngest and I just. don't. think. I can do it. :huh: Meaningful Composition is workbook style layout, very straightforward, and good instruction. It's written by a homeschool mom in our local area; we've used several of the books and taken classes through her. Their website is characterinkblog.com. They have pretty generous samples available. You can also get the books from Rainbow Resource.
  4. Jan, I'm so sorry. Praying for your family through this. :grouphug:
  5. My son did Essay 1 last year, and it was very good for him. He needed accountability and feedback more than he needed instruction. The reading is from Lively Art of Writing, but it is downloaded from their site. I thought the feedback from his instructor was excellent. She was positive but instructive, and gave very specific feedback and suggestions for changes.
  6. I don't see any kind of sale on The Virtual Instructor website, but there are seven of his courses on Udemy for $10.
  7. That is really sweet - how wonderful that you get to be a part of it!
  8. I just want to encourage you - Biblioplan is designed to be pick and choose, NOT do it all. That's one of the things I love about it. It's okay to keep it streamlined and simple. Find the level of work that you can manage, and help your children learn that well. If you do that, it will likely be more than enough. A little bit at a time, done consistently, adds up to a lot!
  9. "And THIS is why we can't have nice things." Said all the mothers everywhere. I hope someone else unclogs the toilets for you. :coolgleamA:
  10. Chocolate ganache is the right answer to every question. :drool5: :lol: Does your husband have a preference? I would decide based on that.
  11. Blueridge, I'm so sorry for your loss, and praying for you and your family. :grouphug:
  12. It is a bit complicated, but it definitely works for me. I cannot do super low carb, but when I follow THM I lose weight.
  13. This thread is great comic relief at the end of a long day. :lol: The shoes are so ugly, sorry....it's like they tried to make grandma shoes look "cuter". Major FAIL!
  14. If you search on the web or you tube you can find many ways to wear scarves AND they will teach you how to fold/tie etc. I'm trying to wear more scarves to dress up outfits, but I can't handle them in the summer - too hot!
  15. I love navy, but if you are planning to sell in a few years, I would keep the cabinets truly neutral. Use color for things that can actually be changed more easily, like walls.
  16. This is a great idea! At first I thought I'd hang on to them for the 2024 eclipse, but now I see you're not supposed to use them after 1 year. or 3 years. or WHO KNOWS??!! So I don't know what I'll do. But for sure I'll hang on to a few pairs, just because I'm a homeschool mom and you can look at the sun through these things, you know? That's reason enough to keep them with the science supplies! :hurray:
  17. We are in 99% totality in 2024, so we will either drive a half hour to be in the 100% or go down to Indy where we have family. I'm sort of dismayed to realize that my homeschooling days will be done when that rolls around (my youngest will graduate in 2023). We'll be in a very different life stage!
  18. I have only used the current Biblioplan materials with older kids, so I don't have experience with that. I would recommend that you contact Biblioplan through their website or ask on the Facebook group (it is called BiblioPlan Users). Julia Nalle is very responsive to questions. I hope you can figure it out and make it work for you this year. We love BiblioPlan!
  19. I'm sorry that you're having to make these difficult decisions, and I know you've already dealt with so much. I pray that you will have hope and peace going forward. :grouphug:
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