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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. I do. Cleaning house is never ending. The laundry is never ending. And I feel guilty sitting down if the house is a disaster and there is laundry. Sometimes I do sit down and read, but I can't enjoy it because there are unfinished tasks.
  2. This. My kids aren't great independent readers anyway, so really, if I want them to hear it, I have to read it. Things will be changing for my oldest, who's going into 5th grade next year, and will have to reada lot more books and read them independently. He's not going to like that much. His greatest joy in life is to be read aloud to, which is completely out of character for the type of kid he is.
  3. We only reward during potty training. We've done rewards before, briefly, and they quickly lose their power and become entitlements.
  4. I always thought it was so cool when that elegant older lady had a pair of readers on an antique chain. I was terribly excited when I got my first pair of reading glasses. I have a pair in every room. They're the cheap ones, though. I'm too cheap to buy a pair I'd be proud to wear around my neck on an antique chain.
  5. I do feel like math facts are important, but I'm not going to stress my kids out over them. My extremely non-mathy third grader still uses his fingers and number line. I just figure, when he gets tired of doing all that, he'll learn them. We do flash cards with him and go over the facts, he just struggles.
  6. We don't put anything on our grapes, but we haven't had too much trouble with critters. I've seen netting, and also strips of Mylar to scare away the birds.
  7. Is she looking for a Christian or secular organization? A family in our homeschool group is on staff with Youth With a Mission. They have a lot of volunteer type things for all ages, although they are a Christian organization.
  8. I would like to have people over more often. I don't stress too much, but for some reason it doesn't happen. Sat. night we had neighbors over and grilled burgers served on paper plates. I did make a good cobbler and homemade ice cream for dessert and we had a really good time. And I always ask myself, "why don't we do this more often?"
  9. I have a BS in Food and Nutritional Sciences. Ten I got a teaching credential and a few years after that an MA in Teaching and Curriculum. And if I were going to go back to school I'd study Horticulture.
  10. We have five kids and one income. We do a pretty good job saving for retirement, actually. We live as frugally as we can. We don't have all the toys (cable, smart phone, etc). We stay out of debt. We are fortunate to have started off our married life debt free and dh had a pretty nice nest egg (we married at age 34) and have managed to stay that way. Our children are adopted, but through the foster care system, so we didn't have to pay for their adoptions.
  11. My first thought (as a strong supporter of the second amendment) was this is just another extreme picture trying to portray gun owners as right wing wackos who solve every problem they have with a gun.
  12. Oh dear! Heehee! That was supposed to be our little secret! :blushing: It was a typo. Yes. And I can't even blame it on the iPad this time. :p
  13. This is what I say, because I don't always know if a person works-for-pay.
  14. We take 6 weeks off. There's swimming lessons, VBS and oldest DH goes to camp for a week, so there's not a whole lot of time for anything else, but I did promise to get to all the art projects that we missed this year. So, summer school (what we do of it) will be art class. Maybe a little music appreciation, too!
  15. I know nothing about the Junior League except that I love looking at their cookbooks!
  16. I like it with celery, pita chips, sometimes I use it on sandwiches.
  17. I agree with the previous posters, ther is physically no room in the book to write the answers. If yu don't want to do all the exercises written, then do some orally. We also do our diagramming on the white board, since my boys still have trouble with that.
  18. I didn't go to my 5th or 10th. It wasn't really intentional. I was out of the area and didn't feel like making the effort. I heard they were pretty pathetic. Homecoming queen et. al. showing off their new "enhancements" and all the other juvenile stuff. Ugh.. We should have had our 25th last year, but nobody planned it. I would have liked to have gone to that one. I think everyone has grown up enough to be a little more real.
  19. Or how about a character gives birth, a year later the child is school age, 2 years after that the kid is a teen and 2 years after that he's an adult. The only character I have seen truly grow up on a soap is Robin Scorpio on GH. It was the same actress the whole way through.
  20. Oh my word. My boy has the worst handwriting in the world. He just rushes. That's all. Sometimes I think I'm doing him a disservice by not insisting on good handwriting all the time, but as long as it's legible.... I have so many other hills to die on with this child.... handwriting is not one of them. You know, he's just a boy. My boy is just a boy. He doesn't like school. He's smart, but he'd rather be out playing.
  21. Don't worry about it. And fwiw, we all ( this is a generalization here) still care about what our mom thinks, no matter how old we are. I'm 45 and I don't ask my mom's permission to do stuff, I live my own life, but it sure hurts when she criticizes me for choices I make.
  22. Robert and holly were from GH. That was back in my high school days. My best friend and I used to pretend we were Holly Scorpio and Celia Quartermaine (they were bffs and dressed beautifully and always went out to lunch). I've watched the soaps on ABC off and on for years, but stopped about 5 years ago. I just got bored. They do get tiresome after a while and can be so over the top. Although if I had to pick one, I'd pick GH.
  23. I'm patriotic to a certain extent, however, we are more likely to teach our children the principles of freedom espoused in our great documents and the political philosophies that our founding fathers held that were not even original with them. Countries rise and fall. We, as a country, are not what we were when we started. There has been a huge ideological shift which I do not support.
  24. Nope. I never would. IMO, it's too risky. We're infertile, we adopted all five of our kids. We're good with our family. Edited to ask... Was your question, would I ever hire a surrogate or be a surrogate? The answer is still no. To both.
  25. The ages of mine are in my siggy and we all see my GP.mostly because the only decent ped in town went to work for Children's Hospital. I think a pediatrician is good when a child is really young and/or may have health problems, but my kids are all extremely healthy and developmentally on target, so out GP is good enough.
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