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NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too

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Everything posted by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too

  1. The had mold allergies as a child that triggered a couple of severe asthma attackes.I only had asthma attacks in the fall. 3 years worth of allergy shots resolved my asthma/allergies. I would have my child tested and treated.
  2. It's my understanding that animals do their best mask their pain so as not to appear weak to their predators. So, if your cat IS showing signs up pain, my guess is that that he is really suffering. I would take him to the vet and ask for pain management or ask him to be euthanized. It's really the humane thing to do and our pets deserve us to help them have a peaceful passing.
  3. I'd go with the gold. My SIL has a very similar kitchen and she has the gold. When I see the white countertop, I think it looks too utilitarian -- like you should be making pastry on it all day long.
  4. black bean salad (cowboy caviar) 2-3 cans of black beans, drained 1-2 cans of corn, drained 1 avocado, diced 1 red onion chopped (or Red pepper) 1 bunch of cilantro 1 8 oz bottle of italian dressing or make a simple dressing of lime juice, cayanne pepper and olive oil. Mix, chill and serve. You can serve as a salad or bring chips to serve as a dip.
  5. When I was younger and had longer, darker hair, I was told I looked like Mary Louise Parker.
  6. 1) Anger/resentment due to inability to communicate effectively. 2) My inability to mentally let-go (busy brain syndrome?). 3) Hormones.
  7. In my dh's father side, first born males have the same middle name going back many generations. We continued this tradition with my first-born. Although it's not the tradition of either my or my husband's family, my second ds has my maiden name as his middle name. Even with setting these parameters for naming, I'm really very happy with their names. I was the first in my family to drop my middle name and adopt my last name as my middle name. K
  8. You can make it at home... http://www.amazon.com/Monin-Salted-Caramel-Syrup-Bottle/dp/B009POKC5U Sounds yummy.
  9. The cafe I work at makes "Black Forest Lattes" made up of equal parts raspberry Monin syrup, almond Monin syrup and chocolate syrup. Pour espresso (1-3 shots, depending on size) over syrups and stir. Add in steamed milk and serve with whipped cream and cocoa powder. Yum. It's a treat for me, not something I'd have everyday.
  10. My cheese-lover had terrible constipation when he was younger. He cut back cheese and milk and drinks loadsof water and hasn't had problems in years. He doesn't like most vegetables but will eat salads as long as they are covered in dressing. He is also more active than he was when he had constipation, so that may have helped. If I had to do it over, I'd have put him on Miralax at the first sign -- whatever dose worked. BTW, shredded wheat has 5 grams of fiber compared to Fiber One which has 14+ grams. I need more fiber than the average person, so I always eat Fiber One with ground flaxseed for an extra 2 grams per tablespoon.
  11. I've bought many pairs of glasses from Zenni Optical and been very happy wit the quality compared to what is available through my insurance. Most pairs cost between $25-$30.
  12. I am so sorry. Sending virtual hugs to you and your boy.
  13. Between a Parent and a Child by Dr. H Ginott http://www.amazon.com/Between-Parent-Child-Revolutionized-Communication-ebook/dp/B000SEGK48/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1410310224&sr=1-1&keywords=Between+a+Parent+and+a+Child
  14. I would go to your local library and read Ric Edelman's "The Truth About Money". Hubby and I were in a similar position as you(no debt, except mortgage, but we had saved for retirement since we were 19-20 years old). We found his book very enlightening and have followed a lot of his advice on growing our wealth. Now I know people up to the eyeballs in debt and I would steer them toward Dave Ramsey. Ramsey seems to have the best plan for getting out of debt.
  15. A good friend of mine fosters a specific breed. She is very dedicated to the rescue of this breed and have been fostering for years. She was heart-broken when one of the foster dogs showed aggressive behaviors and she had to recommend he be euthanized. She could not in good conscience, let this dog to a family where he might harm a family member.
  16. My FIL has dementia and it's common for people with dementia to develop odd habits. He has been in a private assisted-living facility for the last two years. Upon diagnosis, he spent two weeks a the John Hopkin's Memory and Alzheimer's Treatment Center in Baltimore, MD. They were able to put together a treatment plan that has addressed the kind of behaviors you are describing. Patients with dementia develop all kinds of behaviors (some are rather gross and disturbing) and you really need help from a medical professional to deal with them. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/specialty_areas/memory_center/
  17. I just wanted to mention that I just received notice that a classmate of mine from high-school is pregnant with her 9th child ---- she just turned 47. She had her first at 19. I think there is a 5-6 year gap between her last one and this one. ;-P
  18. I have one child who is a gamer (pc-based, no console games except when friends are over and want to play MY xbox). He wants to be a game designer and plans to study it in college. He dabbles in programming. When he was younger he enjoyed making games with scratch (http://scratch.mit.edu/). He dabbled in stop-action movies for a bit (had a cheap video camera). He also enjoys photography. His younger brother is not a gamer and has enjoyed such indoor activities over the years such as learning cards tricks and slight-of-hand magic tricks (dear friend bought him a kit and he took off from there),speed-stacking (cup stacking), and juggling. When he was 14, he bought a guitar and taught himself quite a bit from watching youtube videos. When he was homeschooled, he devoted 4-5 hours a day playing guitar. We got him lessons and now he plays clubs and open mics and has even played on a CD. He wants to be a session guitarist when he grows up. Keep in mind, ukulele's are in inexpensive alternative and there are lessons on youtube for them as well.
  19. I hate the locking lid on my HE washer. I agree with others who have said that they don't clean as well as traditional washers. I can't wait to get rid of it.
  20. I don't know why GEICO is so much cheaper. I know people that have had GEICO for 15 years and have never had a problem with them taking care of them. I surveyed my friends and they had nothing but good things to say about GEICO. A young driver I know wrecked his car and GEICO treated him fairly and they didn't drop him. However, we have a new driver too and chose to stay with our current insurance for the first six months of his driving career. No logical reason, except fear that GEICO may not work out too well. I hate paying the increase (250% annually), but dh feels better with keeping our same insurance and insurance agent is a long-time friend. It seems crazy expensive to insure young people today and I'm almost sorry that we encouraged him to get his license. We will re-evaluate in another six months when he has more driving experience.
  21. As the parent of a child interested in a career in the arts (session guitarist), I really appreciate your update! I want him to follow his dream, but then I worry, worry and worry more about him being able to support himself.
  22. I'm sorry, but perhaps it's because gymnastics is so expensive, she truly does not have an extra $350 laying around. I've heard people express similar sentiments before and frankly, I don't understand the logic.
  23. AM: Warm water and wash cloth and then Cerave AM moisturizer with sunscreen. PM: Cerave hydrating cleanser and then Cerave PM moisturizer. I agree diet and drinking water play a bit part of the condition of your skin. I can feel the tightness of dehydration in my skin when I don't drink enough water.
  24. I had one of my son's coach call me about a post made about my son on another student's facebook page. She said that she had call the student that made the post and threatened to kick her off the team (which my son is a member) if she didn't pull the post and apologize. The teacher said she did not put up with bullying. I talk to my son about it and he didn't think it was bullying - it was just the student showing that she was a jerk and he wasn't the least bit worried about it. He was surprised that the coach called it bullying and that she contacted the teammate. My best friend has 4 boys in ps and she can't recall any incidents that she would describe as bullying. Teasing and kids being jerks, yes. But bullying ( which we agreed was tormenting, physical and verbal assaults), no. I think the term bullying has been expanded to include all kinds of unfriendly behaviors. Who hasn't experienced those?
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