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Everything posted by jennsmile

  1. One of my sons vomits and then is fine if he eats too much food or too much grease. He has gotten better and I don't remember the last time he got sick in the middle of the night.
  2. Anyway you could add a toilet & sink? Nothing fancy but maybe a composting toilet that wouldn't need plumbing.
  3. It sounds like they need a leader that can engage this kids. I worked at cub camp last summer with my child's pack and I was amazed a the lack of leadership shown by the other leaders. I could easily come up with something to keep their attention in a down moment while the other leaders just let them run or goof off. You can either leave and try the other troop or Juilettes or be the change needed. I don't know your circumstances but you might surprise yourself. Does the district offer training like they do in cubscouts? I know when I was a cadet I went to a training and learned skills to help with younger scouts. I would also try to get 2 more volunteer parents even if they rotate out each week. So every 12 weeks each parent gets a turn or something.
  4. We get our Central Market organic milk (generic from HEB) and it tastes better. Wish I lived close enough to Kansas city to get my milk in glass jugs like my SIL.
  5. Another military brat, and so I guess it is a skewed view I have. I would be okay with dh's travels, my mom survived and I am sure with skype, im's and email we would have more communication than my mom had. However dh is in education and the most he gets to travel is to a convention for a few days, usually close enough we can go too.
  6. Yes we will pray for Jonah! That is awesome that it opened on it own. :grouphug:
  7. Glad I am not the only one. 6 days postpartum, dh is back at work. My mom isn't over helping and I really wish I was able to do more than hang in bed with the newborn and bark orders at kids which of course are ignored. This too will pass and I will get my house back to my standards one of these days... I was napping peacefully till they decided to ride bikes/trikes in front on my bedroom window with the 3 yo screaming. I ordered him to take a nap but see above. ;)
  8. :grouphug::grouphug: The day isn't over yet perhaps you will get your gift tonight.
  9. I'd go! I would leave your kitties home with a cat sitter. Find things to do and enjoy just having one little one to chase.
  10. Rest! Once baby gets here all beats are off so get some sleep now! Pack your hospital bag? Carseat? Wash some baby clothes. Diapers, Are they ready and waiting? Pantry & freezer stocked with food? Enjoy the last few weeks.
  11. I haven't tested my kids yet. Someday I will but in all the kids out there just because we homeschool doesn't mean all of them are genius kids. There will be the kids with the perfect grades and the kids with the failing grades, then kids that fall in the middle. I am not saying I don't want my kids to succeed but if they have done their best and it is in the middle somewhere that is okay.
  12. Any casserole can be kept warm. Cook it, cover the top and and then wrap in Newspapers/or towels. You might even pick up pizza from little ceasars or something.
  13. I had something similar this summer. But is was from prolonged sandal wearing and swimming and walking on hot stones. Once I started moisturizing and wearing cotton socks and tennis shoes it got better.
  14. Can you take the cast off at home? I know in the old days my MIL would soak off the cast at home and then take in DH for his new cast for his club foot. It was a weekly thing.
  15. I never said I didn't like Amy. :) Just that if I was to pick a person on that show with blackmail worthy pictures the likely choice was Amy, not anybody whose name starts with J... Of course in the past year I came to realize looks can be deceiving and things aren't always as they seem.
  16. I have heard stories like this more than once from my DH. But usually in his case it is a one time thing and CPS is immediately involved. I can't imagine months of this going one. I think the teacher and who ever didn't report it are at fault. Be that the principal, vice principal, counselor, any school official who sat on parental complaints needs to be fired.
  17. Did you set it to button hole? And it it working the upside down part? Do you need a new needle. For the person about tension on the bobbin on her Bernina, there is a little screw on your bobbin case turn it just a little and see if it makes it tighter or looser. Fiddle with it till it is how loose it needs to be. That should help. Love my vintage Bernina 830.
  18. The shocking part is it wasn't investigated after it was reported. Dh investigates stuff like this right away, takes the actions needed and calls CPS. This should not have been an ongoing issue.
  19. Mismatched. Dh made the bed. We have two dressers that match that we painted white and another one that we painted blue and white. We do have two matching nightstands but they came later, they are also white.
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