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Everything posted by jennsmile

  1. What another do is as freaked by a kennel as mine? I feel your pain and I realize how hard keeping the backyard yard secure is too. My friends 2 labs escaped and they found them a few days later at a shelter. Good luck.
  2. Living near family is wonderful. But I don't attend every birthday, nor do we always invite everybody. Sometimes it is just easier to to have just a small party instead of inviting everybody, which at one time would be 15 people. I sometimes like small parties. And if we do friend parties and only invite grandparents and the cousin close in age.
  3. I was alway driven as a teen under 16 when I babysat. I think for me if I was hiring a teen I would pick them up. Then I can get them when it time without worrying about somebody else running late. And at the end I can take them home without waiting for parents to come and get them while we all sit around waiting for them. Some of my jobs were 30 minutes away and that is a long round trip for parents with other active kids. I know had my mom had to drive me to sitting jobs I wouldn't have had as many.
  4. Yesterday we were in the 80's today it started in the 30's and and is currently 55. Thinking I need a fire. :glare: PS Those are F temps.
  5. Mine was purchased with money my parents gave me when my brother died. We consider it his ultimate chirstmas/birthday gift as he loved playing and would have had a blast playing with my kids on it. So it is in his memory. That said, craigslist. Watch it like a hawk, free and very cheap show up often but do require sweat equity. Often you have to take down and then put back up.
  6. On another board I used to visit often they have FFS with its own section. FYI I have Ovulation kits FFS, I got them when they were on sale at my local store then I got pregnant with never using them. ;) I will throw in my last remaining pregnancy test too. ;)
  7. I took a veggie tray and was left with hardly any veggies.
  8. Not a casserole but we love BBQ chicken in the crock pot. It is just frozen chicken and BBQ sauce poured over it. Cooked on low all day. Congrats for your mom she is lucky to have you help with the new baby.
  9. We got ours at Sam's. They no longer carry it. http://www.cedarworks.com/product/view/trading_post We have had it since 2007. Now they have one with a tire swing. We would have gotten that one if it was available when we purchased. It is cedar and is now a silver color. Occasionally we need to fix the ladder rungs as the tend to pop out but that could have been our error as we made it. We have one boar on our roof that has warped in the Texas sun and sticks up. The rings are showing signs of wear mostly plastic + texas sun is trouble. It gets used a lot. DH teases because it is empty some but often when the kids head out the the chickens I look out and they are upside down on the bar. So yes it is used. We like it. And have been very happy with it. When we got it a board was damaged and the company sent a replacement out. We had one post that was hard to get in but we did it.
  10. :grouphug::grouphug: I am thinking you screen calls for the duration of his time home and pretend tomorrow is really your birthday and start all over. :grouphug:
  11. I started wearing makeup as a 7th grader (12 1/2 yo.) It was natural looking. I have all boys but about that age I would be okay with my daughter wearing makeup. It would have to look nice not overdone like a Bratz doll.
  12. I get the composite ones. Insurance won't pay for them on back teeth. I pay the difference. At my current dentist it is usually $10 more out of pocket at my last it was much more. Ask your dentist the cost difference.
  13. I have seen doors with hinges as room dividers. Could the daughter that likes to read use a small reading light or bookwedge? What about a ipad on night reading mode?
  14. Must be spring, my boys are bringing me flowers. Granted they are wildflowers but I am in love. So glad it rained and we have flowers instead of brown grass that we had last year.
  15. I gave away a book after having it sit for over a year on paperback swap and then it was requested. I was able to just deny the request and explain it. I then made sure to update my books available.
  16. :grouphug::grouphug: If it will make you feel better my first entrance with kiddos and dental work was many more than 4 teeth. And over a $1000 with no insurance. With my child they did one side and then the other. He as also sedated. Of course I will never go back to that dentist but that is another story.
  17. Homemade chicken nuggets, roasted potatoes,steam broccoli. Late night snack -caramel corn.
  18. We go out once or twice a month, sometimes more ,sometimes less. We usually do dinner and might run an errand. With nursing babies they come with us for awhile. We have done quite a few days lately as we knew once the baby got here we would have 3 for date night. We are blessed that my mom will watch our kiddos.
  19. My mom had a tool that we used to pull them up root and all. She paid a penny a dandalion. You can also enjoy them in salads. ;)
  20. :iagree: I'll add Young Women's room to that list along with the foyer. My favorite comment from a primary age girl was that her little sister hadn't learned how to eat like that yet. LOL!:lol:
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