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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I drink 100% cranberry juice. Not the cocktail. Cranberry capsules and lots of water.
  2. This year as a family we have been reading the Oz books. Last night we started Dr. Dolittle. Some other books we have enjoyed: The Secret Garden The Phantom Toll Booth My Friend Flicka
  3. Both ds (10) and dd (8) shovel away. Neither thinks it is cool but they have to do it anyway.
  4. I have used Sal's Suds on occasion. It is made by Dr. Bronner's I believe. I also use Dr. Bronner's castille soap. Diluted with a fair bit of water you should be able to clean with it quite well and it does come in an almond scent.
  5. When mine were at the ages your 2 are they wanted to be near me 24/7. The playroom went unused unless I was there in their midst. They would play with each other on whatever floor of the home I was in at the time. Now that they are 10 and 8 they are out and about with nary a thought to me.
  6. Knox Blocks. A favorite around here. The recipe is on the side of the Knox unflavored gelatin box.
  7. 1. Baking Soda 2. Vinegar 3. Dr, Bronner's Castille Soap
  8. She is entitled to her opinion about what works for her marriage. I can choose to listen or not listen to what she has to say. I can choose to follow some, all, or none of her advice. Life is about choices. The choices we make to enhance or own lives. What works for me may not work for another. Many of my friends are horrified when they find out that I do not cook dinner for my spouse. We have been married for 16 years. He does not see this as a problem and does not understand why other people think it is. I would not recommend this to my friends. This works for us.
  9. The neti pot will help. My nose does a similar thing where it just starts stuffing up at night.
  10. Yes and no. Yes, I think adults should be aware of wars, genocide, revolutions, socio-economics, etc. I also think we need to be aware of the good things going on the world. There are good things and it is unfortunate that the news focus is on blood, guts, and every other nasty thing out there. I stopped watching the news a couple of years ago because I could not stand all that negativity right before I went to bed. I read the papers (online) and I check other news sources weekly. I no longer read every day as I don't have the time to go in depth. I do scan headlines and blurbs. As much as I try to stay abreast of what is going on in my community and on a broader scale I always keep Mark Twain's quote in the back of my head. "If you do not read the papers you are uninformed. If you do read the papers you are misinformed."
  11. Netti Pot. When dh and I remember to use the netti pot before we go to bed it greatly reduces our snoring. It doesn't stop it all together but it is at a tolerable level.
  12. I have not watched in well over a decade. I remember one day saying to myself "No one gives me an award for doing my job well. I get paid for doing my job. If I do it well I get to remain employed and perhaps get a raise. These people were paid really well for doing their job. Why are they getting a big party for doing their job and why do I want to watch them get an award for it?" Haven't watched since. I do sometimes watch the pre-show. Some of those outfits are divine and some are entertaining.
  13. Very talented quilters. Being a fan of the pun I like the tou cans.
  14. Well, I am ISTJ and I am homeschooling because the public school was not working for my son. Private School was not affordable. Homeschooling seemed to be the right fit. The decision had nothing to do with being a traditionalist or being a rebel. It was all about what my children needed.
  15. I could but I do not want to. It really is a full time job to bargain hunt that way and I do not enjoy shopping that way. I hate weekly meal planning. Even though I know it is the smart thing to do I loathe the thought of sitting down and planning meals for the week. Because of this hatred I have been working on stockpiling pantry items so that I always have the ingredients on hand for what I feel like making that day. With the stockpile I have and by making most of our foods from scratch I have noticed that my grocery bill has gone down.
  16. ds - pasta any style dd - meat any style They both love breakfast for dinner.
  17. Weather permitting they are outside. Bike riding, skateboarding, pogo sticking, basketball. Or elaborate pretend games. Inside: Board games: Life, Apples to Apples, Othello, Battleship to name a few. Or more elaborate pretend games using block cities and trucks. If they are over for a really long they will sometimes watch a movie.
  18. You know what, knowing how to find the information is more important than actually having all the capitals memorized. I am sure I knew them all once a very long time but I have since forgotten. But, I know how to access the information and find the answer.
  19. What a great site. We are doing music appreciation right now.
  20. With the amount of requesting I do I don't think I could afford it if they started charging a fee. Overdue fines-well I pay lots of those (even after I have renewed them twice online). For a DVD it is $1.00 a day. I rarely take out movies because you can not renew them and I am forget them frequently. Of course, there was also the time I insisted I had returned a book only to find it in the car 3 months later. Ooops.
  21. No fever, you can do some schoolwork. I usually keep it simple on those days. Fever is a dismissal from school.
  22. Mine are supportive in that cautious we aren't really going to say anything way. Don't get me started on dh's family.
  23. We converted to cloth this year. A friend of mine who sews made me a set of 84 cotton flannel napkins. They are a dark color so stains do not really show.
  24. There is only supposed to be one space now? I feel old. I don't care what the current climate is. It is 2 spaces for a period and 1 for a comma. Period. See, 2 spaces after all my periods and 1 after a comma. You can take your new fangled notions elsewhere. Long live the second space.
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