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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Yes, I have had that happen. It can be very disconcerting and fun at the same time.
  2. I simply toss with some olive oil, garlic, basil, oregano, salt, and pepper. I roast in a 425 degree oven for 20-30 minutes. Once they are at a crispness level I like I serve them up. I serve them with everything. Fish, beef, chicken, pasta, as a meal in itself (okay, only I do that but it makes a good meal).
  3. I started the blog to keep my mom informed of what we do. Easier then talking to her about it-I just direct her to the blog. It also helps keep me on track knowing that I need to post something every few days.
  4. My sister lives in DC and we stay with her so I am no help with lodging (although my sister is fond of The Embassy Suites in Chevy Chase). My kids favorites are Mt. Vernon and The Smithsonian. They also enjoyed the year we did the monuments. Very moving. The bus tour is a lot of fun. You can get on and off at different stops and they give a wealth of information.
  5. The first time you use it bake something with a high fat content-such as crescent rolls. It will season as you go. I <3 my stoneware. I make everything on it. Chicken, fish, cookies, pizza, etc. You can also use it on the grill and the microwave.
  6. I am not a fan of summer. I hate being hot and I don't want to go anywhere or do anything. I pretty much drag us all down to the town pool (2 blocks away) and spend my days there. Unless it is one of those too hot to even go to the pool days. We had quite a few of them this summer. Anxiously awaiting the cooler days of autumn.
  7. I have an older sister. Growing up we had nothing in common. We have very different personalities and most of our childhood was spent trying to figure out how to navigate our parents rocky relationship we were not friends in anyway. Once she left for college our relationship improved. She lives a 4 hour drive away. We talk on the phone every couple of months and see each other 1-2 times per year. We may not be close but I know if I need her she is there for me.
  8. Every year I look at purchasing it and every year I veto it. I just don't have the room for it in our kitchen or dining room and I am not sure it would improve my quality of life over the way we store things now.
  9. Once bitten-adolph's meat tenderizer. The original formula. Wet the bite and sprinkle on. Takes the itch right out. To help avoid getting bitten-start taking B6 daily.
  10. Combination of names/nicknames for the kids. It depends on the moment. Dh-I think the only time I use his name is when I am angry.
  11. In our house, the first tooth gets a golden dollar. After that 4 quarters.
  12. Both kids know the truth but if you want money for that tooth you better say you believe.
  13. My 12 year old has been behaving this way lately. I have found that unplugging him for a week improves his attitude greatly. I also sit him down when I am not feeling angry with him for his attitude and discuss his disrespectful behavior and what is required of him for us to continue homeschooling.
  14. Tonight was chicken sausage (hot and sweet), rice, and a side salad of chickpeas, olives, cucumbers, and tomato. Last night we had pan-seared mahi-mahi with home made black bean salsa.
  15. If you can't pay the suggested donation it is no big deal to tell the person selling tickets-1 adult, 2 children, here is x amount of $$. I have never been pressured to pay the suggested amount. I have done it when I have had the money but there have also been times when I have paid $5 for all of us to go into the museum.
  16. Our dog is a large medium sized dog. He is either at my feet, at my side, or in the bed with one of the kids.
  17. Burn Notice and Royal Pains are the 2 I currently watch regularly.
  18. No school room here. We school at the dining room table. Bookshelf in the kitchen holds all the current texts and the globe we are using. Credenza in the dining room holds school supplies-pens, pencils, stapler, tape, glue sticks, etc. Breakfront in the dining room holds notebooks, binders, dictionary, and atlas. Chair in the corner of the dining room holds library books. Space behind the sofa in the living room houses extra books. Basement houses overflow items. One of my friends has a school room that I just drool over every time we visit. But we make our lack of a schoolroom and space work for us.
  19. My ds taught himself to ride a 2 wheeler when he was 9. My dd is now 10 and has no desire to learn. I think she is embarrassed that she can not do it. We tried when she was 7, 8, & 9. She was able to glide a bit but never was able to progress to pedaling. My dh is upset by this but I told him when it is important to her she will learn how to do it (or perhaps he could spend the time teaching her-but that is another story). Many people manage to go through life without knowing how to ride a bike. Yes, it is a fun and healthy activity but I don't view it as an essential life skill.
  20. My kids will spend their hard earned money on junk food. They know I won't buy it and if they really want it they have to spend their money on it. When I was a teen I spent my money on junk food. It seems normal to me.
  21. I would use either applesauce or flax meal if you have it.
  22. For me it depends on the weather. A beautiful day-Central Park and the Central Park Zoo. A walk around Rockerfeller Center. Window Shopping on 5th avenue. Yucky Day-The Museum of Natural History
  23. Another Jersey girl. If it comes up at all I normally get a positive response. Now that we are going into our 3rd year of homeschooling I have had some local moms approach me with questions. From what I can tell there are a fair amount of homeschoolers in NJ (just not in my town).
  24. Courage Stone http://www.givecourage.net/river-rocks-engraved-sold-individually-p-244.html?zenid=q3tb095514jn30cps2nd71a8j1 My dh still carries his around in his pocket. 6 years cancer free.
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