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Everything posted by kewb

  1. This is something I struggle with daily. My ds is only in 7th grade but the friends thing has been an ongoing discussion with my dh. My dh (who is still friends with the guys he met in middle school) is very social, loves to be around people, and is best friends with everyone. I, otoh, am an introvert. I have my core group of a couple of close friends and can go long periods of time by myself. Ds is very social but is also content with his core group. His friends from school suffer from out of sight out of mind. Benign neglect as they make plans in school and they are involved in various sports. He doesn't get together with his homeschool friends as often as he would like because they are scattered through various towns. Long story longer, my dh feels ds should be out about all over town with his friends the way he was as a youth. He should not be hanging around the house with just his sister. Enter me, with the evidence that the majority of his local friends are either at some sort of practice or busy with their families. The kids he sees riding around town all day are not the kids he wants ds to be friends with. Then comes the lengthy discussion that just because he had all these great experiences (he conveniently has selective memories for all the bad stuff) does not mean that ds is not having great experiences. They are simply different from his. I think this is where your worries are coming from. Your older dd had a vastly different experience and you can't help but compare.
  2. Yes, I do think gluten is being blamed for everything under the sun. In some cases it is well deserved. In some cases I don't think it is the root cause but symptoms are alleviated by removing it from the diet. If you are not suffering any ill effects then I don't think need to give up gluten (says the woman chowing down on some gluten right now.)
  3. This is what I do, only without the dish soap. I place one by the kitchen sink, one near the dogs water dish, and one where I saw the most of them.
  4. I do try to follow feng shui principals. When I do make the effort things do seem to go better. I like positive energy. I really need to get back on the bandwagon and declutter.
  5. I don't have any answers but I feel your pain. My 7th grade ds is the same way. You would think I asked him to remove a limb the way he goes on about a writing assignment.
  6. I chose other because I think it is ridiculous. I do believe there should be some sort of industry standard for sizing but the vanity sizing is just silly.
  7. We are using Oak Meadow this year for science along with Joy Hakims The History of Science-Aristotle Leads the Way.
  8. I thought the book was so-so. I can't say I enjoyed it but it wasn't the worst thing I ever read.
  9. Are you looking for Religious or Secular? What age group? I believe there is a religious co-op in Hillsdale. There is one for younger kids that meets in Chestnut Ridge, NY. At least it used too. I am in Bergen County and it has been impossible to get a secular co-op going here. I am not sure what the reasons are that cause this. Some of it is scheduling. Some of it seems to be commitment issues. Many of the homeschoolers I meet in the area are busy and don't want to tie up one day a week every week. I started to host a tween boys gathering on the first Friday of the month last year. The first couple of gatherings everyone was so excited. So enthused that I had taken the initiative, so definitely going to come every month. After the first 3 months, out of the initial 9 boys there are 3 who still come. Turn out has been so pitiful I told my ds that if nobody new comes out of the woodwork we will stop in December and just arrange times for him to hang out with his friends. The meetup group organizes some great events and I utilize a couple of the yahoo groups that are very active.
  10. I know exactly what she is talking about. That was me when mine were babies. I was a better mom to my children because I went back to work. I researched child care and found a center that had similar philosophies to mine. The were staffed with warm and loving people. My children thrived. I had no idea what to do with my babies when they were babies. I had no support. I learned a lot from my daycare providers. Her statement was all about her and her life and had nothing to do with you and your life. My choices were the right ones for me. I don't (and didn't) expect others to make the same choices as me.
  11. Happy Anniversary. You and your family are beautiful. I will admit to being totally envious of your curly hair
  12. You are living my life. I asked my stylist about it and she said it is hormones and you have to ride it out. She did recommend that dd start washing her hair in the morning rather then at night so she has more hours before the oil shows up. I have had luck with Aussie Cleanse and Mend shampoo. I have dd alternate between that and Pantene Daily Clarifying shampoo. She usually switches as she finishes a bottle.
  13. My ds (7th grade) is considering going to high school. I don't want him to because I love having him home and don't think he will get a great education at out public high school. I do think that socially it will be a great time for him. I am going to cross that bridge when I get there. I keep reminding myself that it is not about me. It is about his needs and how they can be best be met.
  14. That chicken soup sounds delicious. In our house: Up the neti pot use. Some members of my family only use it when they feel something coming on. Echinacea Raw garlic. My kids hate this but it works. Throat hurts-teaspoon of raw honey a couple of times of day. Elderberry If the fever has started- chicken soup oil of oregano rubbed onto the feet (along with some chopped garlic if my kids are refusing to take it)
  15. We are doing Oak Meadow Science this year (5th and 7th grade). I have to say, we are really enjoying it. Although I don't think ds will ever forgive me for making him taste the tree he picked as his item to observe in nature. So far, the experiments have been easy to gather. Although, for my 5th grader there is a section on frogs and pollution. We do not live by a pond or have that many frogs around so that observation has been a bit challenging.
  16. Oh my, that review was hysterical. I am a Diva Cup Failure I wanted to love it. I tried and tried and tried but that darn thing just did not work for me.
  17. I struggle with portion control with my dd. She loves food (and so do I). What physical activities is your son involved in? My dd is on the swim team which helps keep her weight in check. I find it is not enough with her to discuss and practice good eating habits and portion control. She needs a lot of physical activity.
  18. My 7th grader is enjoying activities from Geography through Art, Critical Thinking, and Music Appreciation (Meet the Composers)
  19. Full House The Waltons Famiy Eight is Enough Forgot to list: Monk (my kids love this show) The Muppet Show (Some great conversations about the stars that made guest appearances.) Plus, adding my vote for The Last Airbender (we all loved this series)
  20. That made me laugh out loud. For anyone who was wondering-my dd was stung by a honeybee. I told my dd that I was sad that there was one less honeybee to make delicious honey. She responded with "Mom, it was on me and it stung me. I am not sad at all."
  21. 40 is fabulous. As someone who will be celebrating the 15th anniversary of her 29th birthday in a few weeks I can tell you that being in your 40's rocks.
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