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Everything posted by kewb

  1. So it does. I am sure I had a reason for saving up at the time but now I don't remember what it was.
  2. My dh can smell sick. He has an over developed sense of smell. If my family had to rely on smell for survival we would have died out decades ago. I can, however, see the sick before symptoms really show up. My kids give it away with glassy eyes.
  3. I use it. I love the amazon gift cards. I also traded in some points for a pair of cz earrings set in silver for my dd. Considering that they were free they are decent quality. I am working my way up to the $50 amazon card.
  4. Some of your stories are amazing. I think the most courageous thing I have done was pulling my kids from public school and homeschooling.
  5. Didn't like the book or the movie. I was the lone voice of dissent in my book club.
  6. Since I like any excuse to get out of seeing my dh's family I would tell them we couldn't come because of the dog. A reasonable person would probably get a pet sitter or board the dog overnight.
  7. I think it is a bit over the top but there is definitely a grain of truth in it.
  8. Miracle Whip is gross. I don't understand what it is. It certainly is not mayo, but it is not like any dressing I like. I feel terrible for saying it because I always tell my kids not to say things like that about someone else's food choice; but, oh, just nasty and gross.
  9. I demonstrated on my legs for my dd. Gave her some tips and suggestions and let her go at it. So far, one nick. To be honest, I still nick myself every once in awhile.
  10. So glad I am not alone. My 10 year old is driving me crazy! Recently I took her with me to walk the dog so we could have a heart to heart about the fact that we have been fighting so much lately. I asked her why she thought we were fighting so much and her answer "Because I am growing up and you don't want me to." So not the answer I was going for. I was hoping she was going to say it was because of her attitude. We did discuss her growing up and things she could do to help me realize she can do the things she is asking to do. The fighting was less for a couple of days.
  11. Things I always have on hand: Oscillococcinum Raw Honey Oil of Oregano Echinacea Samboucal Garlic I will purchase over the counter meds when we need them. I don't stock too much because it tends to expire before we use it.
  12. Oh my, that made me spit out my hot chocolate. Definitely not a reliable test.
  13. This reminds me of a similar brownie treat. Bake Brownies. Remove from oven and cover with mini-marshmallows. Put back in oven for a minute or two. Place graham crackers over hot and melty marshmallow. Cut into bars. Warm, yummy goodness.
  14. I have video game rules. My oldest can not self regulate at all. My dd can also get quite obsessed but sometimes she will turn it off on her own. Our house rules-no video games during the school week. Week-ends you get 2 - 3 hours. If they fight and get nasty over the games it gets taken away for a min. of 2 days.
  15. I have done that and I have lived to tell the tale. If it was made with a meat broth I would have to give it the dog test. If he will eat it then I know it is fine.
  16. This was taken in September at Colonial Williamsburg. Me and my "Oh, so totally cool" fanny pack and the kids.
  17. I second the brownies. But, if you have some time...... Pretzel Fingers: Roll large pretzels in melted white chocolate and add sliced almonds to the tips for nails.
  18. Dh made Chicken Tikka Masala with basmati rice.
  19. Well, then how about roasted red pepper and tomato soup and turkey and cheese panini? That is nothing like tomato soup and grilled cheese, right? Other then the classic tomato soup and grilled cheese I like clam chowder or corn chowder in a bread bowl with a side salad.
  20. Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons The Help The Other Bolyn Girl
  21. I do a large lunch and a snack before swim practice. When ds gets out of practice I have a large muffin for him to eat on the car ride home. Once home he has a sandwich for dinner. It drives me nuts that his practice is smack during our usual dinner time.
  22. Ignore the never go to bed angry advice. For some people it works for others it does not. The couple will have to figure out what works for their relationship. There has been many an arguement in our marriage that required us both to sleep on our feelings. Sometimes you are too in the moment to see when you are being irrational. That nights sleep helps put things in perspective. As a pp stated-never criticize the help they give you or they won't help with that task again. It took us both awhile to learn that one. Remember that you can't change them. You can only change the way you respond to situations. For example: When the kids were little it used to drive me bonkers when I was ready to go, would ask dh to load the car and then he would just talk to his family forever. I would end up loading the car and getting the kids ready all while he was having a great time. I would be nasty to him and basically pitch a fit. One day I realized I had a choice. I could either accept his timetable or accept that I would be doing it. I accepted that I would be doing it. I would load everything up, get the kids ready, and tell dh we are leaving now. He would get up and we would leave. No drama.
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