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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I use them both. I use Fall with more frequency but Autumn is peppered throughout my conversations. Born in NY now living in NJ.
  2. My dh is an IT Consultant. After that I glaze over and have absolutely no idea.
  3. More often then not dh is not home at dinnertime. We try to eat together on the weekends.
  4. I serve from the stove because I grew up in a house where everyone was always watching their weight. If you have to leave the table to go get seconds you tend to think about if you really want them.
  5. Other. I believe juice from your own juicer that you drink immediately is good. I think store bought juice (e.g. apple juice) that is shelf stable is empty calories and while not hideous for you is not really a benefit. Store bought orange juice from the refrigerator section is a bit better for you since it is somewhat fresh but it has been pasturerized and many beneficial nutrients have been killed off. So, a small glass a day is still mostly empty calories but not as bad as shelf stable.
  6. I think they can be read independently. Glass Castle chronicles life through the daughter's eyes and Half Broke Horses is through the Mother.
  7. The Help was fantastic. I normally do not enjoy a book that gets as much hype as this one has but when I started it I could not put it down.
  8. Some books my book club has enjoyed this past year: Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons The Bone Collector Deer Hunting With Jesus The Other Bolyn Girl Animal Vegetable Miracle
  9. I feel your pain. Everyone talks about girl drama but boy drama seems to be a dirty little secret. My 12 year old has emotional highs and lows and they happen at the drop of a hat.
  10. I have been told that the period usually shows up about 6 months after underarm hair develops. I don't know how true it is. My 10 year old is wearing the sports cami bras but will soon need to move into an official training bra. I am avoiding. She also suffers from the greasy hair problem. I highly recommend Aussie cleanse and mend. It seems to keep the greasiness under control. My hair stylist recommends alternating the Aussie shampoo with Pantene Daily Clarifying shampoo. As one bottle is finished replace it with the other. She also suggested my dd start washing her hair in the morning rather then at night. This way her hair stays looking grease free for most of the day.
  11. Get the commercial one. It will stand up to more frequent use kneading bread dough.
  12. My dd had no issue being a homeschooler in her troop that met at the public school.
  13. I seen it, axe, and lookit put my teeth on edge. I must disagree that axe instead of ask is a dialect thing because I run it across it everywhere. In my opinion, it is simply bad pronunciation. When my dd was little she used to say axe instead of ask. We spent a fair amount of time correcting her pronunciation. I don't think this thread is about having superior grammar skills. To me it is more of a pet peeve thread. Phrases and words that make you bonkers. No one is saying that they are better then anyone else. At least not that I saw.
  14. Here is one example of why I love my MAC. I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Insert Disc. Hit Start button. Within an hour upgrade completed. Same day, dh upgrades to Microsoft Vista. 7 hours later upgrade completed.
  15. No tiredness here but my period is so different from it used to be. I am still regular but I used to be on a 28 day cycle and now it is every 21 days. I have cramps and mood swings like I never had before (my kids know to stay away from the momster). Now it starts off light, gets heavy for 2 days, light, disappears, comes back for another day. I am ready for menopause.
  16. Received NASA but History hasn't show up yet.
  17. I was on the way to work after dropping my kids off at daycare. Windows down enjoying the gorgeous day. Walked into the office and someone told me a plane crashed into one of the twin towers. I thought they must mean a small plane. Maybe the pilot had a heart attack. I called my dh to find out where he was and to tell him what was going on. Thankfully he was running late that day or he would have been right under the towers when it happened. Instead he saw them fall on the bus he was riding to the path.
  18. Other. The kids know what it is. We have discussed many different religions and what they study. I do have plans to study pieces from the Koran as the kids get older.
  19. 1. What do you blog about? Mostly our homeschooling journey. Sometimes about my own journey. 2. Who reads it? My mom, some friends, and some complete strangers. 3. Is it worth your time? Yes. I started the blog to keep my mom in the loop about what we are doing. Rather then have endless discussion on all I am doing wrong I simply direct her to the blog. 4. Why do you blog? I blog because it is an easy way to communicate with my mom about homeschooling. I also blog because it makes me accountable to me. Knowing that I need to update the blog every few days keeps me from too many days of just saying "To heck with it, lets watch movies today."
  20. Yes, I would be disappointed. At the same time, I have to hit my dh over the head with a 2 x 4 and spell out what I am expecting. He can't read my mind. My disappointment with stem from the fact that he did not read my mind. After 17 years of marriage I know that but sometimes I forget.
  21. Personally, I love the lack of regulation in NJ. I am free to educate my children as I see fit. I do not have to teach the test. Which is what I see when I talk with their friends about what they are doing in school. Are there a few bad apples who spoil the bunch? Absolutely. Are there kids who may benefit from being in school because someone would have noticed they were starving/being abused/something? Probably. But, there are many kids who are being abused in school and no one notices or does anything about it until it is too late. The noschoolers-There is no guarantee that those kids would be superstars if they went to school. I went to school with my share of uninterested/undiagnosed learning diabilities/low performers/given up because they were labeled in elementary school as no good/lazy/shiftless people. I do not believe in government sticking their nose into homeschooling.
  22. Writing Strands. I wanted to like it. My kids wanted to like it. Everyone disliked it. MUS and Growing With Grammar are working very well for my two. It is funny to see how what works so well for one works so horribly for another.
  23. Sounds like a great experiment. I have always wanted to do that one. My dh would think I went totally off my rocker. As it is I mostly line dry, turn off lights, and have most things unplugged when not in use. I always joke that I live in the dark. Dh on the other hand would like the place lit up like a palace. Good luck with your experiment. I will say I knocked about $35 off our electric bill by line drying.
  24. I am a hop, skip, and a jump from Ridgewood. I am in Fair Lawn.
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