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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Document, document, document. Save the emails. Print out hard copies and bring them home. Make an appointment with your boss to discuss what is going on. Come with an action plan to improve the relationship together. After the meeting summarize it in writing in an email and send to the boss. Print out a hard copy for your file. If nothing changes after face to face (make sure you document every time you do something that you agreed upon) go to HR. Life is too short for a bad boss situation. I lived it for 5 years. It was not worth my health. However, I was able to use my file to negotiate an excellent severance package.
  2. As long as you like the way you look showing a little cleavage then wear what you want and wear it proud.
  3. To appease my mom, No Way! I did give my kids one this year to appease myself & dh.
  4. We are doing American History this year with a 7th grader and a 5th grader. I am very excited to be kicking it off with a trip to Colonial Williamsburg.
  5. School starts the Wed. after Labor Day. Well, except this year. We are starting the Wed. before Labor Day so I can get some stuff covered before we head out to Colonial Williamsburg for their homeschool days.
  6. I spend $100 - $150 a week feeding my family of 4. Lately my children have been eating me out of house and home.
  7. This past year I have really been putting myself out there to enlarge my social circle and connect with friends. It has not been easy but I have definitely been enjoying some fruits from my labors. It is definitely an issue. When I was working full time all I wanted to do was be alone and quiet on my weekends. Then when I started homeschooling all I wanted was to be alone and quiet on my weekends. I'm tired. My friends can catch me on facebook or send me an email. I don't have the patience for shoot the breeze phone conversations so I rarely talk on the phone except to confirm plans.
  8. I can only tell you my experience. I went into the hospital at 6:30 in the morning. I was hooked up to the pitocin and my doc broke my water about 7:30. My dd arrived shortly after 11 am.
  9. You can't walk in my house without tripping over a book or three. I love my books. My kids have friends who read and friends who don't. I have friends that have designated book sections in their homes. The books do not cross into non-book land. The same is true of the toys in those homes. I couldn't live like that but it works for them.
  10. If my kids cook something for lunch then it is hot. Otherwise it is normally a sandwich.
  11. Here is my take on savings bonds. They earn interest for 30 years. The bst policy is not to cash them until them. Thanks to the additional interest earned on my savings bonds we had enough for a down payment on our home.
  12. September 2nd will be the first official day of the 2010-2011 school year.
  13. 11 at the Y unsupervised for open swim-No. My kids are excellent swimmers but water is dangerous and lifeguards are only human. That said, I do struggle with free range vs. overprotective. My ds is 12 and this past year I have loosened up a bit. He now rides his bike fairly freely around town. There are a couple of pizzarias and ice cream places that he goes to with friends. My dd is turned 10 and I have slowly been giving her the freedoms her brother had at that age-walking to and from the park alone, walking to friends houses alone, etc. Our town pool allows unsupervised kids at age 13. My ds is all over that for next year. I told him just because the pool allows it does not mean I will. However, I told him he does not have to sit anywhere near me and can pretend I am not there.
  14. I wish I had my own shelf. Earlier this year when I went to pick up a book that came in the Librarian walks over with the one book and sheepishly says "I could only find this one." I laughed and told her "This time there is only one."
  15. I love mine but like anything else, I go through cycles with it. Some months I vacuum seal everything in my path and some months I don't. I have found it great for meat. The meat really lasts much longer when I take the time to seal it.
  16. I have the Pampered Chef loaf pans. They work great.
  17. The word that jumped out at me was Colonial Style. Are you planning on having a tag sale in the house? Then I would price the set at $900 with the goal of getting $500 for all the pieces. If I was listing on Craigs List I would list it for what I was willing to accept for it.
  18. I wouldn't push myself through it two days in a row. I would do every other day with the intense workout and perhaps some yoga stretches on the alternate days.
  19. When we had cats we used the corn litter. It worked really well. If I was going to get another cat I would probably invest in this: http://www.smarthome.com/61659/CatGenie-120-Self-Cleaning-Litter-Box-120MODEL/p.aspx
  20. It's the little things. Our ice maker broke about 4 years ago. It flooded the basement. I have not repaired it. My next fridge will not have one. I rarely use ice. Dh has learned to live without it. I will on occasion make a tray or two of ice. If we are having company we buy a bag of ice.
  21. I am very sorry you are going through this. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with your family. You have gotten some excellent advice on schooling and dealing with Doctors and Treatment,. Having recently gone through this with dh's aunt I will say the buzz in cancer treatment is to have a lead Doctor that coordinates with all others. Reality check: Sounds great, looks great on paper. However, do not abdicate this responsibility. You will still need to be on top of things. Doctors are human, they have egos, other patients, etc. If your dh is interested in Holistic treatments to go along with chemo please research thoroughly. Holistic treatments can and do work but some do interfere with the effectiveness of chemo/radiation. Do not be a martyr. Accept help and ask for help. When my dh was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer 6 years ago I did not want to accept help. I did and am eternally grateful to those who forced me to accept their gifts. Friends: This is a time when you will truly find out who your friends are. People who you would expect nothing from will surprise you by stepping up to the plate. People who you would expect to be there for you will disappear. Try not to judge them too harshly. Some people have a difficult time dealing with someone's illness. They simply do not know what to do and then they do nothing. Your state of mind will be better served if you do not dwell on them.
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