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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I am a believer in reusing gift bags until they are no longer presentable.
  2. I showed that doll head to my dh last night. He wants to know what kind of person thinks a disembodied baby head is what a baby wants to snuggle with. My dd (10) thought it was hysterical but not for a baby.
  3. Glad I could help. I will fess up, I was only able to help because I had just looked at that recipe yesterday when doing a general search for an easy treat to make. Merry Christmas to you and your family. :)
  4. Is this the one you are talking about? http://candy.about.com/od/toffeerecipes/r/saltine_toffee.htm
  5. There is nothing unusual about Mikaela. I believe that spelling originates from Scandinavia. So says this mom of a Mikaela who does not not like the way the Michaela looks like I really wanted a boy. I did not like my name growing up at all. Kathy. Just Kathy. A childhood of this conversation: Teacher (or any other adult) "Kathy, is that short for anything? Katherine or Kathleen?" Me "No." This was always followed up with "Are you sure?" Don't even get me started on the C vs. K controversy.
  6. For the core they both use the same curriculum. Supplements are fine tuned to their individual needs.
  7. I was fortunate that dh has a huge family who purchased all kinds of things for me that were not really necessary but nice to have. Must haves for us: Britax car seat Peg Perego high chair that was adjustable and reclined. Mine liked to fall asleep when they finished eating. Recline and go about my business. Vibrating bouncy seat. The greatest thing ever. My dd has colic and slept in that thing for a month because it was the only way she would sleep. Swing. My first loved the swing. Good Stroller. This is not always expensive is best. If I had it to do over again I would get a sling of some sort.
  8. I''ll jump on your bandwagon. This has been a most sucky year for us to. Here's hoping 2011 brings us good health and prosperity.
  9. I appreciate your review. I have been going back and forth with purchasing a kindle or a nook. Now that my library supports the nook I think that is the one I will be going with. I am also very tactile but I think the ereader will be handy when traveling.
  10. Don't forget the feats of strength. Most important-you need to set up your festivus pole. http://www.festivuspoles.com/pages/Festivuspoles.htm For those who have not heard of festivus:
  11. Welcome to your 40's. I am 44 and this past year my pms has been off the wall. To the point where I started trying one of those pms pills. I can hear myself being crazy. I realize I am acting like the "Momster" that my kids like to call me and I can't stop. It is disconcerting to know you are being irrational and you can't seem to stop yourself. And the cramps! They have gotten worse with each passing year. As for the tenderness-avoid caffeine the weeks before your period. It helps.
  12. Nope, not afraid at all. I hated The Red Tent. There, I said it. I wanted to like it. Everyone told me how great it was. Hated it. I have disliked more then half the books my book club has read. I am usually the only one. Don't get me started on that Jodi Picoult. My friends love her books and I find them depressing.
  13. We order in Chinese food, drink sparkling juice, and I am usually asleep by 10 and the kids and dh stay up to watch the ball drop. Dh usually gives me a nudge when the ball is about to drop.
  14. Mine, too. I always remember my mother telling me that the inscription on her wedding band wore away and she should have realized it was a sign of what was to come. Left me with the impression that I should not test the fates.
  15. Beats the heck out of me. It is very clear to me from studying history that the founding fathers believed in a higher authority but no where does it say Christian Country. They believed in freedom from religion which is very different from freedom of religion. They did not want a ruler telling them what religion they had to practice.
  16. I use Oil of Ole Ladies. I mean Oil of Olay. I have used it for decades and everyone tells me I have great skin.
  17. Are they fresh eggs from a local chicken? If so, then I wouldn't worry about it. If it really makes you uncomfortable just tell her that you appreciate what she is doing but you are not comfortable with it and you are asking her to respect your wishes.
  18. I am not a huge milk fan so I rarely drink it. I do buy organic milk because it is hormone and anti-biotic free. I tried raw milk but my kids didn't like it. Dh did, and he liked the fresh cream but the kids are the primary milk drinkers and it wasn't worth it. We all love raw milk cheese. We all love cheese, period. Along with yogurt and kefir. Ice cream as an occasional treat. Dairy is a big part of our lives. That said, there are other sources of calcium so if you are not a dairy fan I don't think it is that big of a deal.
  19. Because it is scary and exciting. That is exactly how I felt when I started my dog treat business. Congratulations on starting your own business.
  20. I do not think they will get thinner. I think many people will buy more processed foods because it is cheaper. This will result in a lot of empty calorie eating and then eating more processed foods because they feel hungry,
  21. My worst gifts came from my father's girl friend. 1. An emerald green velour sweat suit that was 2 sizes too small. I have known this woman since I was a little girl. You think she would have noticed that I never wear sweat suits. 2. When ds was a baby she got him an outfit that consisted of maroon velvet knickers. A vest that was a combo of maroon velvet and some sort of maroon polyester material with white polka dots. A polka dot bow tie. And the item that tied it all together- the matching cap, with alternating maroon velvet and the polka dot stuff.
  22. I never ask if we can bring our dog to friends homes. Some of them offer when they invite us. e.g., why don't you guys come over on Saturday and bring your dog. Sometimes, we take them up on the offer and sometimes we don't.
  23. For me, this is not a battle I am willing to fight. I was a total slob as a kid. I really did not become neat until my teen years. Part of my desire for a mess was probably a swipe at my mom. This was something about me she could not control. It really did become a power struggle. When she backed off, after awhile I was tired of living like that and I started getting a little neater.
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