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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I sprinkle my carpets with baking soda and let that sit for 15 minutes prior to vacuuming. We allow our dog on the couch so when I am not expecting company I keep a sheet over the couch that I wash once a week. When I wash the sheet I will sprinkle some baking soda on the cushions and vacuum. I use vinegar and water on my floors and sweep every couple of days. I also feed my dog a mostly raw diet which helps keep the stinky dog smells down. The reality is, you have a dog. The house will not smell like a house without a dog.
  2. I refuse to accept Libra as my new sign. I am a Scorpio. Thank goodness I am a westerner and born before 2009.
  3. Coffee doesn't love me in return so I gave it up. Hot chocolate is so much tastier.
  4. 1/2 day spent studying MLK and listening to his I have a dream speech.
  5. 65-66. Although, today I bumped it up to 67 because I was cold.
  6. Well, there are different categories: Favorite Store bought: Mallowmars (the best cookie ever) Bakery: Lace Cookies Homemade: Oatmeal chocolate chip raisin.
  7. I actually watched 10 minutes of this show last night. It was like a train wreck. I couldn't turn away. There is no way my dd would be a pageant baby. I want her self worth to come from her not from what other people think of her.
  8. I am very sorry to hear about your fathers cancer. I hope he continues to do well with his treatment. Agent Orange was a horrible thing and I am glad his shipmate was able to provide him with the information he needed. I just wanted to add that while it is unusual to have different primary cancers over the course of a lifetime it is not unheard of. My dh's grandfather had 4 primary cancers over the course of his life: Kidney, prostate, colon, and lung. Also, men get breast cancer more often then people think. It really gets me riled up the way men with breast cancer are ostracized by the movement. It is not a woman only cancer.
  9. I do a combo. I buy used when I can for the savings. Sometimes, I have to buy new if I can't find what I want used and I want the item now. Buying used helps me have the $$ to put towards extras. I have been burned once or twice but overall buying used has been successful.
  10. No, hard work alone is not enough. There are a couple of things that an individual needs to do. 1. Set criteria. What defines success for that person. Is it making a boat load of $$ and being able to take fancy vacations and live the jet set life? Is it to earn enough to live comfortably without feeling like you are sacrificing your soul? Is it the elusive work/life balance? 2. Set your goals. You need immediate, 5 year, and 10 year goals. Every work decision you make -you have to decide if it will help you attain your goals. Is your goal to be CEO and the company you are working for keeps throwing more $$ at you to stay where you are? Then you have to stop and say "Will this get me to my CEO goal?" If not, then you need to move on. You may need to take a pay cut but always have the goal in mind. With firm goals in hand, a good work ethic, and networking you can achieve whatever success means to you.
  11. In our house a 7th grade day looks like this: Math Grammar vocabulary/critical thinking (alternate days) History/Science (alternate days) Literary analysis/Spanish (alternate days) Current events (m/w/fr)
  12. Dh's battle with depression the first year of our dd's life. Still have lingering issues over this one.
  13. Ugh, all of it. I need a housekeeper. I am a lousy homemaker. I don't enjoy it and there are many things I would rather be doing.
  14. My favorite gadget after my stand mixer is my rice cooker. It has revolutionized my life. On Sunday or Monday I make a vat of rice for the week. I can program it with what time I want the rice ready. I set it up in the morning and rice is done when I want it. It will also keep the rice warm for hours. I keep debating getting a food processor. I don't really have the counter space. However, every once in awhile I come across a recipe where having one would be pretty handy. If you are a baker-get a grain mill and start grinding your own flour. You will never want store bought flour again.
  15. Raw garlic and lots of it to help boost your immune system. Raw honey (1 tsp as often as needed) to soothe your sore throat. Neti pot for the congestion. The stiff neck is a concern. If your symptoms are not abating I would head to the doctor for it may be strep.
  16. That is always my thought, I love to clap at a live performance.
  17. I think if you are getting a law degree with the belief that it will make you pots of money, then yes, it is a losing game.
  18. Wow, I had no idea food was a religion. I eat as a healthy a diet as possible because I feel better when I eat the right foods. I would never pontificate to someone else about what was wrong with their food choice. That is rude. I think the religion needs a name. Do I practice foodiasm? or perhaps it is foodhuism? So many choices.
  19. One of my favorites: Mushroom Barley Pilaf http://www.barleyfoods.org/recipes/barley_mushroompilaf.html
  20. Interesting article. When my kids were little there were a couple of chinese children in my ds school. They were typical families to this article. I was always amazed at the amount of pressure on these two 4 year olds. I was friends with one of the families. I remember her telling me how in China your career is chosen for you. You have no choice at all. I couldn't live that way. I guess they couldn't either because they were living here. I have high academic standards for my kids but I also recognize that academics are not my dd's strength. She can perform as an A student with a lot of pushing but there is no love, no passion. This bothers my dh greatly. It used to bother me. But, I have realized that not being an A student does not mean she will not be a successful person. It is more important to me to foster her independent spirit during these elementary years. She knows the knuckle down years are coming. We have talked about it. While I slowly increase her work load she has the freedom to be who she is. As for my dh, he relaxed a little when I pointed out that there is not a single college that looks at someones elementary school transcript.
  21. I don't know if I am truly one of those people. For me, I find when people around me are freaking out it is easier for me to remain calm. I don't like drama. So I emotionally detach myself. It is easier for me to be unflappable when I feel like an observer.
  22. As far as I know, the State is under no obligation to provide services unless you are enrolled in school.
  23. I would never say anything because most likely the person complaining is simply looking for a sympathetic ear. When we complain about whatever we are complaining about are we looking for a solution from the person listening or are we hoping they will say "You are right, that does suck." I complain about many things that seem trivial, or would be bad for my kids, or whatever because I would rather vent about the silly issue then tell the listener I am about to be foreclosed on, or the electricity is about to be turned off, I have no idea how I am going to clothe my constantly growing children, I don't want to eat beans ever again because it is all I can afford, or whatever serious thing is really going in my life. You never really know what is going on behind closed doors.
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