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Everything posted by kewb

  1. No, I do not think homeschoolers deserve a tax break. School taxes is one of the costs of being part of a community. Homeschooling is a choice. If I choose to send my kids to private school I don't get a tax break because it is a choice.
  2. Sometimes I shop at the dollar store for wrapping paper and gift bags.
  3. Personally, I don't think all these woman are truly angry. We live in a culture where you are supposed to say these things.
  4. I never knew I had a problem. I can quit any time I want to. I just don't want to.
  5. Raw honey. Everyone is the house uses it to wash their face.
  6. Ours is named after my father. Education was extremely important so the kids wanted to name our school after him.
  7. I am a flylady drop out. I tried. I really tried. I will say this, the one thing that stuck-my kitchen sink always looks great.
  8. It took me awhile to get used to going to strangers homes. Now I like it. I have yet to meet the axe murderer that my dh is sure I am going to meet. Now that I am used to it it is a nice way to meet people.
  9. I can't imagine staying in a burning building. That is stranger then my garbage. I had not thought of kids. That does however, add one more house into the mix. I am hopeful this is an isolated incident. I am hoping my nosy neighbor saw something. She usually sees everything that goes on.
  10. Someone left 4 bags of their New Years Eve Party garbage in front of my house last night. Who does that? We are on the corner and they left it on the sidewalk in front of our retaining wall. If my neighbor had not come to tell me that our dog was out of our yard and eating said garbage I would not have known it was there until tomorrow when I went out. I think it was one of my neighbors who is not happy with us for getting our dog. Or it could have been the crazy guy around the corner who I made clean up after his dog after he was about to walk away. The whole thing is strange and I was not happy having to pick up someone else's trash that I now have to store until garbage pick up at the end of the week.
  11. Happy Events 2010: Saved the life of a wonderful dog by rescuing him from a kill shelter. My kids continue to mature into good people. My cousin got married to a wonderful bride.
  12. That is a crummy situation. I want to cry for your dd now. In all honesty, it does sound like it could have been an honest error. The other mom was probably embarrassed when she found out your party was still on and didn't know what to say. Growing up can be so difficult.
  13. I have a flat top stove. I use a wok pan. Lots of stirring, I don't move the pan.
  14. In no particular order, out of the ones we saw: Percy Jackson Tangled Harry Potter Toy Story 3
  15. My dh is the extrovert and I find the whole socializing thing very draining. He goes out during the week with his friends. On weekends when we do have plans it takes me a lot of mental prep and I usually need the next day to be quiet so I can recharge. As for friends over, I am always up for that. I can handle company at our house much better then going somewhere.
  16. I buy mine in the grocery store in the aisle with all the flour. Bob's Red Mill is the brand I purchase. http://www.bobsredmill.com/vital-wheat-gluten.html
  17. That is really awful. I can only hope with time the person who wrote this will gain maturity and wisdom.
  18. This is my staple: 2 1/2 cups warm water 1 1/2 T yeast 1/3 cup honey 3 Tbl oil 1 Tbl salt 4-6 cups whole wheat flour 1 cup oatmeal 4 Tbl vital wheat gluten Dissolve yeast and honey in water. Let stand for 15 minutes. Mix in remaining ingredients using only enough flour to make a soft and slightly sticky dough. Knead 10 minutes (I use my kitchenaid mixer). Butter pans while kneading. Divide into 2 equal parts. Shape into loaves and place in bread pans. Let rise until double (approx 45 minutes). Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. This recipe produces a nice dense bread. My dh, however, hates dense bread unless it is pumpernickel. So, I usually let it rise in the mixing bowl, punch it down and then divide in place in bread pans to do a second rise. This makes a lighter loaf. Over the years I have tweaked with it. Sometimes I do a combo of less honey and some brown sugar. Sometimes I use replace a cup of wheat with rice flour, or barley flour, or whatever other grains I have on hand for milling.
  19. That is 100% rude. It is never okay to bring your dog without asking first.
  20. Toothsoap: http://www.toothsoap.com/ I was very happy when I was using it. Unfortunately, I could not convert the rest of the family so I went back to toothpaste.
  21. Chicken Tikka Masala is a favorite here. http://allrecipes.com//Recipe/chicken-tikka-masala/Detail.aspx
  22. Love my meat grinder attachment. I make my own ground beef, turkey, chicken, and lamb. It is so much better then the ground meat you get in the store.
  23. One of my kids favorites: 1 onion chopped 2-3 cloves garlic minced 1 lb ground beef Italian seasoning chicken pr vegetable stock Any vegetables I have on hand- I usually have carrots, celery, peas, and peppers-chopped Macaroni noodles or egg noodles-cooked Saute the onion and garlic and ground beef. Add the veggies, add the stock. Add the noodles. Add more stock as needed.
  24. I am envious. Mine showers under duress. He thinks since he was in the pool for 2 hours that should count as his shower. He has always been a bit vain about his hair, though.
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