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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I like to go to Macy's on 34th Street just to look around. I will admit to scouring out the old escalators. Don't ask me why, but I just love them. You must purchase a hot dog with the works from a street vendor and a pretzel. If you can be flexible on when you go to theatre you can stop by the tickets booth for discount tickets. I love wandering around the village and soho. How long are you going to be in NY?
  2. We have both versions of Just Dance. Just Dance 2 is the better version but both will give you a workout. I also have the Gold's Gym Dance Workout. This one was tricky for me in the beginning because it is based on latin dances and I am clueless in that arena but I do enjoy it now.
  3. I love my coconut oil. I primarily use it for making popcorn and for eggs. Sometimes I saute with it.
  4. Her option was to live with her father who lived in the district. We don't always like the choices we have but we do have choices. She committed a crime. Yes, it sucks that the schools where she lives are crappy. But that doesn't give her the right to commit fraud. I get why she did it. I may have made the same choice. But I would make the choice knowing I could get caught and that I was committing a crime. She chose to commit a crime. I happen to think the punishment does not fit the crime but it wasn't my decision to make.
  5. Thanks, now that song is stuck in my head.
  6. Pat yourself on the back. You did the right thing.
  7. How exciting for you. I am a little green with envy.
  8. She broke the law. She got caught. She had options, she chose not to utilize them.
  9. Thanks. My kids love the classics (probably because I make them watch them with me). My 12 year old thinks Mad Mad Mad Mad World is the funniest movie ever made. It still amazes him that everyone in that movie is someone famous. Right down to the 3 Stooges blink and you miss it cameo.
  10. Yes, I hear what I am reading. Sometimes a characters voice, sometimes my voice. I was shocked when I discovered this year that my ds sees a movie when he reads. I didn't know this was possible. Turns out my dh is the same way. I now understand why my dh can not locate the ketchup in the fridge if the bottle is facing backwards.
  11. I'll add: Arsenic and Old Lace The Odd Couple It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World Silent Movie High Anxiety
  12. I would go for renting a condo for the week: http://www.vrbo.com/vacation-rentals/usa/district-of-columbia-dc
  13. I love my nutrimill. I have also been very happy with my Kitchenaid Stand Mixer. I have the 6qt professional series one.
  14. I would have them checked to see if they are already immune. The vax is only about 80% effective. Both my kids had the vax and ds caught the pox when he was in 2nd grade and shared it with his sister. So, I wouldn't bother with it.
  15. Ugh, that phrase is one of the many that get my goat. Yes, boys will be boys but that does not mean they get a free pass to do whatever the heck they want. They can be taught what is and is not appropriate and learn their are consequences. It is up to the adults in their lives to channel that energy into more productive uses. I would have done what you did. Ignore it and move on but keep an eye open to any situations.
  16. My 2 cents if the divorce does move forward. Make sure you have it in writing that: 1. You can accept a job in any State. That way you are not forced to pass up an excellent job opportunity. 2. He pays for 1/2 of everything. Spell it out: Braces, summer camp, music lessons, dance lessons, horseback riding lessons, any and all extracurricular activities that your children want (or you think they may want to) participate in, college.
  17. All you shovel lovers feel free to come shovel me out of the snow that is coming tonight.
  18. I have had my electrolux for 18 years now. Still going strong. My mother had hers for over 30 years. I am sorry yours did not work out. I have heard great things about the Oreck.
  19. Is he taken for daily walks? Dogs need to roam. If they don't get the roaming they tend to get yard aggressive. My dog is much happier when he gets a 30 minutes walk in the morning and then either a couple of short walks through the day or another 30 minute walk in the late afternoon/early evening.
  20. Just keep trying. I am a 40 something mom who has been looking for part time work. It is a frustrating experience. I am noticing in my area that most of the part time jobs listed are for 35 hours a week. That is not part time. That is an employer looking for full time work without supplying benefits.
  21. I have this Aroma one: http://www.aroma-housewares.com/kitchen/appliances/ARC-930.html?id=xhaVMeks I love it. I would love to get the vitaclay (http://vitaclaychef.com/) to replace my slow cooker and rice cooker. One appliance instead of two.
  22. Oh, yes, that is true. We do the same. I probably should have mentioned that.
  23. I think it is genetics, diet, and skin care regimen. The women in my family are blessed with good skin. Smooth with small pores. I think it stays that way because we all take care of skin by eating healthy and drinking plenty of water. I was taught at an early age to take care of my skin and I have been passing that on to my dd.
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